hey guys, dr. axe here, doctor of naturalmedicine and founder of draxe.com. today i'm going to share with you my top four tips onhow to get rid of cellulite very, very quickly. cellulite is something that so many people,women especially, struggle with today. about 90% of women may struggle with cellulite intheir life whereas about 10% to 20% of men will struggle with cellulite in their life. there are actually definite causes of cellulitebuildup and ways you can reduce those in as little as a couple of days. the first thingyou've got to realize if you have cellulite is that you have weak collagen structure.so your tissue cells are weak. in order to build those up and strengthen them up, youneed specific types of amino acids. many women
today are deficient in amino acids, especiallythose who are vegan and who don't get enough protein in their diet. the top amino acids that really support gettingrid of cellulite are going to be proline and glycine or collagen. in collagen, those aminoacids that make up collagen are the most important for that healthy cell structure. the ideal superfood for getting rid of celluliteis bone broth. bone broth which is what makes up chicken soup or beef stew. it's been usedfor thousands of years, and by the way, not the sort of soup or broth you think of thatyou pick up maybe in a carton at your grocery store. i'm talking about the real deal, puttingbones in a slow cooker or crock pot and allowing
those bones to release those minerals as wellas those amino acids in the liquid. now, you can sometimes get a good bone broth. you canorder them from websites like wise choice market. it is where i personally order bonebroth when i get it. but real bone broth, the number one thing you can do, those aminoacids, proline and glycine, help build that strong cell structure. think about this: your skin produces collagen.as you age, you have less collagen so your skin starts to sag. well, it's the same thingwith cellulite. you get that dimpled skin. well, it's weakened, it's less collagen. you'vegot to build up collagen. amino acids are the number one way. also vitamin c rich foodshelp with that as well. vitamin c rich foods
like kiwis, tomatoes, also bell peppers, lemons,limes, and grapefruit. these are fantastic foods. broccoli is packed with vitamin c.more vitamin c, more of those amino acids are really going to help with collagen production,as well as foods that are high in sulfur, such as onions, garlic, cabbage as well asasparagus and then sea vegetables like spirulina. all of those will help. the next set of things that you want to dois you want to consume foods rich in potassium. part of what causes cellulite to show up isthe imbalance of sodium and potassium. sodium causes your body to hold water. potassiumcauses your body to flush water. so if you load up on those potassium rich foods anddecrease the amount of sodium you're using,
it's going to naturally reduce cellulite appearance.i would go online to my website, draxe.com, that's draxe.com, and look up potassium richfoods, and you'll find my list of foods on the best foods that are high in potassium,and those are the foods you want to add in your diet. some of those foods may includebananas, sweet potatoes, mangoes, and kiwis, also certain type of vegetables high in potassium,like parsley and cilantro, but loading up on those foods. also, even goat's milk, yogurt.those things are very, very high in potassium and will help decrease cellulite naturallyand fast. another thing you want to be getting is healthyfatty acids to reduce cellulite, specifically omega-3 fats. this is also important for celland tissue structure. wild-caught salmon is
the ideal form of meat or any wild-caughtfish to start to get rid of that excess cellulite. so start adding in honey glazed salmon. i'vegot recipes for that on draxe.com as well. but getting those omega-3 fats and you mayeven want to take a fish oil as well, and then do some chia seeds and flax seeds. sochia seeds, flax seeds, wild-caught fish, great for reducing cellulite buildup in thebody. the next thing i want to talk about are somenatural treatments. you can make your own at-home cellulite cream with grapefruit essentialoil, cypress essential oil, and coconut oil. so again, grapefruit oil, do about three tofive drops; cypress oil, three to five drops; a teaspoon of coconut oil and actually ruband massage the area of cellulite for two
minutes. do that every single day. that'simportant. and the last, but not least, step is gettingout and exercising. ideally, you do a form of exercise, like burst training. if you wantto learn more about burst training, you go to burstfit.com. that's burstfit, burstfit.com,but exercise just 3 days a week for 20 minutes. i'm not asking you to exercise an hour a day,an hour a week total. you will absolutely see results. in any type of exercise, bursttraining might be the best. weight training is great. pilates or barre classes are fantastic,if you've heard of barre or barreamped technique. but again, barre classes, weight training,or burst training, any one of those three are the best for getting rid of cellulite.
so guys, this has been dr. axe. i hope you'veenjoyed this video on natural cellulite cures. and by the way, if you've enjoyed this video,make sure you subscribe. i've got a lot more videos coming out on natural cures, remedies,and superfoods that can help bring your health to the next level.
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