great diets that work fast

great diets that work fast

if this is your plan for getting in the bestshape of your life for this year then you and i have to talk a little bit. i think thebest time is right now. what's up, guys? jeff cavaliere, diet and exercise: the ultimate combo. theholy grail when it comes to getting in shape? not quite. actually, it’s the two biggest words i frigginghate that we're not only going to have you get rid of, but redefine, and replace withtwo things that really do matter. we don’t want to talk about diet and exerciseanymore. what we want to talk about is nutrition and training. this is not about a game ofsemantics. it's not.

this is about the mindset that goes into usingthese words. if you think about it, people that talk about 'diet and exercise' are notall that serious. they're in it for the short term. they're looking for those short term successes.can i follow a diet? sure i can follow a diet. maybe for three freaking weeks. i could tell you right now, most of the peoplethat are on here that are going to be following diet plans will be off of them by the 21stof january. statistics show that 95% of those will notbe following the same damn eating plan that we are now. why? because they're too's made on false premise. it's surrounded

by things that you don’t normally do. you're on this diet for the short term sothat you can see some short term success, but guess what? you can't do that for a lifetime.nutrition is something different. nutrition is how you fuel your body. think about how you fuel your body. if you'reworking out, how are you fueling your muscles? you need to and you need to vary the way thatyou think because you're going to fuel your muscles, you're going to fuel your body, you'regoing to provide your body with nutrition from now until the day you die. a diet? i hope not. i really hope not. i hopeyou're not following diets from now until

the day you die because that day might comea lot sooner than you hope. what you want to do is start following a nutrition that allows you to actually live on it. one that gives you the leeway to enjoy someof the things that you like without ever feeling really deprived. that doesn't mean that you'lleat all kinds of junk food and shit like that because we talked about that on our cheatfoods video. if you have goals in mind that might changehow that works, but at least you're not going to be thinking about diet. the other halfof the equation here is exercise. what is exercise? to me, exercise is purposeless. that meansi could be walking with my wife through the

neighborhood and i want to see "oh, look!the sullivans! they put their house on the market", or "oh, the johnsons! look at howbeautiful they decorated their porch for halloween!" that's not exercise. it's a great day outwith my wife in the park, but it has no plan, there's no progressive plan behind it, i don’tknow when the next time i'm going to do it, i don’t know what the opportunity is forme to advance that. what am i going to walk around the back andsee if they put a new pool in, too? that's not exercise. i don’t care if you go toa gym and swipe your card at the front desk. that doesn't qualify as exercise either. just because you can walk into a gym. i seeso many people idly walking by, do a little

bit of bis, a little bit of tris, a littlebit of abs and then walking out not knowing when they're going back, not knowing whenthey're going to do the next day, not knowing when they're supposed to progress that. if you don’t have that level of plan, orsophistication in place you're going around in circles, literally. in the gym and in thetype of results that you're going to see. you'd better start training. training hasa purpose behind it. training is what i try to instill in you here at athlean-x. training is taking a plan, taking you whereyou are right now, giving you and opportunity to flourish with what you can do, but challengingyou so i can keep you progressing. then when

i get you to progress you've got to lay thatchallenge down a little bit further ahead of you so i can keep you progressing. sometimes i have to pull back the reins, sometimesi have to push on the gas. that's what a training plan does. that's what we do. that's whatathlean-x is all about. i provide you with a training plan. i provide you with a nutritionplan, one that you actually live with. i'll leave you with one last note. a lot ofpeople – the same people that will follow these diets – will do so at the exclusionof anything because they figure "i've got plenty of people and friends that have lostgreat amounts of weight using this certain diet plan."

they may even do that again at the exclusionof any exercise at all. you know what happens then? you create a really bad body. you createthat skinny-fat body. maybe it'll look okay in clothes, but as soon as you take it offyou've got that physique where your mother wanted a boy and your father wanted a girland they kind of both got what they wanted. you don’t want that. you see people thatlook like this, you know and i know; they diet themselves down to the point where theylook sick. they don’t even look good. they don’t look healthy. "but they've lost weight."so what? what is that about? if you want long term physique changes thataren't just here for aesthetic reasons, but for function – because you can purposelydo whatever the hell you want to do. you're

a lot stronger, you're a lot more balanced,or you're a lot more agile, your conditioning is better and everything works better. that's when you need to start thinking andchanging the lingo. this is not semantics, guys. get rid of those freaking words onceand for all. change the way you're saying these things so you can start believing thereal meaning behind what you should be doing here. that is good nutrition and training. all right, guys. if you're looking for a planthat does it all, it's available at i put all my hard work into it, and it's thereand ready for you and this is the opportunity. now is the best time in the world for youto do it. i know a lot of people try to change

here at the beginning of a new year. let'sdo this together. you can find it all at in themeantime i'm ranting here the first time in 2016. i have a feeling there will be moreto come. if you like it leave e a thumbs up below and let me know what type of videosyou want me to cover, or rant about, and i'll be happy to do my best to get it off my chestfor your entertainment. all right, i'll see you back here again soon.

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