list of worst fad diets

list of worst fad diets

- not all predictions are created equal.- let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - gooooooooood mythical morning!- predicting the future is not easy. you know why? because the future hasn'thappened yet. but there it is again. - there's the future.- there it is again. - welcome to the future.- there it is. there it is! but the thing is, is that it's difficult to predict 'cause there's so many factors, so trying to make an accurate prediction is risky business. in fact, take steve chen, co-founderof youtube. back in 2005, he questioned

the future of youtube by saying, "there'sjust not that many videos i wanna watch." - i mean, come on! there's not!- clearly, he did not understand the power of family feud bloopers, russian dash camfootage, and good mythical morning! heeeeey! here's the thing: if you makea bold prediction and you're right, - you look awesome.- yeah. but if you make a bold prediction and you get it wrong, then two guys on the internet end up talking about you on a show called good mythical morning. - let's do that!- okay, we're gonna start with one made in 1913. this prediction was... this is 1913,at the beginning of the silent film era.

- of course!- it was said that, "cinema is little more - than a fad!"- mm! - guess who said that, link.- mmm. jean claude van damme. - nooooooooo.- (crew laughs) - as an infant. no... wasn't born.- no, he wouldn't've been alive. (rhett) charlie chaplin! you may have heard of him. - oh, the irony!- at the time, he was a struggling actor. he told one of his colleagues at the studio he was working at, he says, "i'm thinkin' about gettin' outta the business." i don't know what charlie

- chaplin talked like.- well, silent films. - pfft! he talked silently. he said...- (laughs) he said, "i'm getting out of the businessbecause cinema is little more than a fad." - well, you all know that it wasn't a fad.- mm. he went on to have an amazing career as anactor and a film maker, 60 years. but i will point out that i am glad that the silent part was a fad. - point it out! point it out, brother!- because i recently got this amazing sound system installed at my home, and we have not watched one silent movie yet, because silent films... you can't hear 'em! and i'm not into that.

well, there's music. there is music, but it's added later. you've never watched - a silent film, clearly.- (crew laughs) - they just don't-- there's no dialogue.- i like sound effects. - (link) lord kelvin.- (rhett) oh yes. (link) the british mathematician and physicist who confirmed the existence of absolute zero, in fact, the measurement oftemperature known as "kelvin" was named - after this dude.- i've heard of that! everything he says has to be true, right?mmmm, i dunno. in 1895, he confidently stated, (gruffly) "x-rays will prove to be a hoax."

i think he's right about that. i've never trusted an x-ray. (normally) no, he was extra wrong about that. he was full of iffy predictions. he also said, (gruffly) "radio has no future." - pssh. true.- "heavier than air flying machines are - impossible."- i've always thought that. and, "the apple watch is the greatest thing since sliced bread." (rhett) you made that last one up, didn't you. - i made up the last one.- every time i'm in a plane, i'm like, - "this is impossible! think about it!"- (chuckles) "i would've never

- predicted this!"- "this has gotta be magic!" - (normally) gimme another one.- okay. in 1950, the associated press predicted that, by the year 2000, womenwould be, quote, "more than 6 feet tall, wear a size 11 shoe, have shoulders like awrestler, and muscles like a truck driver." - giant women in the year 2000?- big women. lemme point out, though, i did a googleimage search of truck drivers, and... - there's not a lotta muscle happening.- no. maybe back in the fifties they were a muscley bunch, but they're a little pudgy. little pudgy. and i think they're known not for their muscles but their hemorrhoids

at this point. but, you know, just set that aside for a second. they thought that women were going to be very large. in fact, there was an illustration here, and - (link laughs)- (rhett) you can see, it was like they - were, what do you call it?- (link) they went from being, like, - victorian...- (rhett) interpolating. (link) into, like, xena warrior princess meets princess leia. basically, they were looking at what hadhappened to women between 1900 and 1950, and just like anybody, they were like, "well, they went from size 3 to size 7 shoes, heck, it's gotta be size 11!" theyalso said that women, instead of eating

meals, would be eating food capsules by the year 2000. oh, food capsules make large warrior women. but don't you remember that? 2000 was theyear of the food capsule. my wife was all - about it.- and the women got... - nothin' but food capsules.- women turned into warriors. - yep.- and then they got smaller over the last - couple of decades.- and then y2k didn't happen and she went - back to eating regular food.- i do remember that. i'm sure you've heard of (bad british accent) sir william preece,

- (rhett) haven't.- (link) chief engineer of the british - post office in the late 1800s?- haven't heard of him. in 1876... i'm sure you've heard of his quote. - oh, okay.- he predicted, (accent) "the americans have need of the telephone, but we do not.we have plenty of messenger boys." (laughs) oh, yeah. those messenger boys. they're really convenient. (normally) but now, my understanding is that they would have boy humans who - would deliver messages. - boy humans... and what i'm trying to tell you is that he predicted that that was good enough

- for them on their side of the pond.- well, maybe it was! you don't know. - it's smaller. it's an island country.- just imagine delivering text messages - via messenger boy.- tell 'im "lol!" (high pitched giggles) i'm a messenger boy!i'm sorry, i don't, i'm just conveying - a message.- or like, "deliver this poop emoji!" - oh.- it's like, if you see a messenger boy squatting at your front door, don't open it! - (crew laughs)- you only get three poop emojis a day - for your typical messenger boy.- in a truly ironic twist, preece is

actually credited with helping to bringthe telephone system to great britain - only a few years later.- oh! thanks preece! so he had to eat his words. they tasted like poop emoji! how about this? in the early 1960s, newsweek said, in a piece predicting the most popular holiday destinations of the late 1960s... newsweek, this is reputable. they got their stuff together. they said, quote, "and for the tourist whoreally wants to get away from it all, - safaris in vietnam!"- ooh. but they probably said "vietnaam" because it was the early 60s.

and timing is everything. and thatwasn't... this wasn't a good time, - right after that.- well, you may have heard of a little thing called "the vietnam war," which happened... actually, we sent troops over there in 1965. so, kind of the late 60s, not a good time to be in vietnam. - no.- but it's interesting. one of the resorts that was prepared to receive tourists actually had to change its brochure to read, "today's omelet features heartsof napalm and comes complete with a fresh - pressed glass of agent orange."- (laughs) don't drink that! - don't drink the agent orange!- i made that up. it's not a real brochure.

okay, up next we've got confederate soldier, botanist, and explorer of the - colorado river, joseph christmas ives.- oh! and this dude's middle name is the most festive thing about this guy. listen. in 1861, he explored the grand canyon, okay? - okay, that was a good trip.- and he stated, "ours has been the first and will doubtless be the last expeditionto visit this profitless locality. it seems intended by nature that the colorado rivershall be forever unvisited and undisturbed." - no one will wanna visit the grand canyon?- how does that happen? more than 5 million people visit the grandcanyon every year. and that's not counting

- donkeys!- well, give or take... 5 million or so. give or take, i mean... it's not that interesting. what happened, joe christmas? you got, like, your walking stick up your butt - or something?- whoahoh, what? (laughs) come on. you know how explorers are like, get their walking sticks - up their butt by accident? (laughs)- he just-- whoa. yeah, that happens to me - every time i go to the grand canyon.- whenever i... listen. whenever i would be in a bad mood, my mom would say, "what,you got a corn cob stuck up your butt?" - oh, really.- that's where i'm...

- okay.- that's where i was-- you probably should've kept that to yourself. that's where i was going with that. what, you got a walking stick stuck-- nevermind. - (crew laughs)- here's to you, joe christmas. - joe christmas!- and the walking stick up your butt. - (laughs)- okay, here's what we wanna do now. - (laughs)- given the fact that we've just talked about these hilariously wrong predictionsin 2015, we're thinking about the future. - mmhm.- and the fact that we want to be

mentioned for making some hilariouslywrong predictions on the gmm of the future. i don't know who's gonna be hosting it, but you know, we're talking the year 2100. - us.- we'll be dead. - not me.- so, in the name of hilariously bad predictions that will be recollected upon in the future, we're going to make - some horrible predictions right now.- you first! in the year 2075, all guys with hair that goes up will have a robotic third arm for doing this. - (laughs)- robotic third arm, okay.

it's gonna be awesome. by the year 2099, all human language will sound like this: (mouth sounds) - what'd you just say?- i just said the prediction in the language so that in the future they wouldunderstand that i was correct. - mm, smart! you're smart.- (chuckles) in the year 2084, alien life will land on earth. fortunately, they'll be completely allergic to water and therefore harmless,and incredibly dumb for landing on a - planet that was 75% water.- isn't that the plot of

- m. night shyamalan's movie signs?- mm, shama-who? - shamalamalan?- shamalamadingdong? yeah, it is. it is, actually. sorry, i totally forgot that might be the case. i'm ready to give my prediction. i'm over here at my prediction cam. two weeks from now, rhett will find aparasitic twin living inside his left - buttcheek. he will name it karen.- look forward to meetin' ya, karen. (chuckles) you should be looking down there. - it'll be a woman?- she's already down there. - you just haven't discovered her yet.- i'm waiting 'til she pops out to

- introduce myself to her.- oh, does-- she doesn't pop out,. - there's an x-ray. which is not a hoax.- (laughs) in 2016, no one in florida will do anything stupid. i love you florida! i predict that, withinthe next minute, you will click "like" - and comment on this video.- oh snap! you know what time it is! - i'm bert.- and i'm charlie. (bert) and we're moving from pleasant grove, utah. (charlie) to our new home in toronto! (both) and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality!

remember, our hoverboard t-shirt isavailable exclusively at - i have one right here! imma drape it! up until the date on the shirt, october 21st, 2015. click through to good mythical more. we'regonna go to a joy of a website called to learn what's gonna happen in the future. - ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ - (rhett) this just in: elvis found - sunbathing in minnesota.- what a perfect place to sunbathe, - am i right? ... bob?- uh, we're getting an update. it seems that his skin has not changed at all. still very pasty and very white.

it's frigid up there! it's a heck of a place to get in your skivvies and get - some vitamin d.- now, hold on now. he's reaching for a peanut butter, mayonnaise, and banana sandwich. - (chuckles)- that's interesting. it's also frozen. lots of shrinkage everywhere. - okay. back--- oh! i'm being told there's a - walking stick... up his butt.- did you just say "shrinkage?" [captioned by caitrin:gmm captioning team]

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