popular fad diets in australia

popular fad diets in australia

- get ready to learn some crazy things about the world thatwe live in because here are 50 amazing facts to blow your mind. (explosion booms) on june 10th, 1986, two and a half year old michellefunk from salt lake city fell into a creek near her home. when rescuers finallypulled her out of the creek over an hour later,

she had no pulse and wasn't breathing. doctors put her on aheart lung bypass machine and rewarmed her blood. unbelievably, when herblood finally warmed to 77 degrees fahrenheit, she woke up and is stillliving to this day. the smallest commercialflight in the world is from the westray airportto the papa westray airport between two small orkneyislands north of scotland.

it's only a distance of 1.7 miles and if the wind is ideal, it can take as little as 47seconds from start to finish. there are hundreds of stone slabs dotting the coastlines ofjapan that give advice. this advice includes high dwellings are the peace and harmonyof our descendants. remember the calamityof the great tsunamis. do not build any homes below this point.

and also, if an earthquakecomes, beware the tsunamis. and in fact, some of these markers are more than 600 years old. a handful of british companiesare now offering pawternity. paid time off to takecare of a pet in need. the two abbreviated letters ok first appeared in the boston morning post in march 23rd, 1839 as a joke. when it appeared in print,

it was intended to be ashortening of orl korrekt, the then humorousmisspelling of all correct. it appeared in newspapers and in the 1840 presidential campaign, and after that, we continuedto use it to this day. the indianapolis 500 hasclaimed more than 60 lives. at least one of them beingan innocent bystander. in 1931, a wreck by billy arnold sent a stray tire flyingout of the race track

and across a street whereit struck and killed an 11 year old, wilbur brink, while he was playing in his front yard. astronaut neil armstrong's lunar outfit was designed by the women'sbra manufacturer playtex. i can breathe well and igot all kinds of support. in 1872, victory woodhullwas the first woman to vie for the presidency. she ran as an equal rights party nominee

against ulysses s grant. this was nearly 50 yearsbefore the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. there's an exhibition at theisle of wight zoo in the uk dedicated to poop. it features feces from theanimal world and the human world. it also features fossilizedpoo called coprolites that date back 140 million years. dinosaur poop.

in the original book the wizard of oz, dorothy's magical slipperswere actually silver. they were changed to rubyred for the technicolor movie because it was believedthat they'd stand out better against the yellow brick road. รข™« follow the yellow brick road, huh angela stogner of theuniversity of vienna austria discovered that giraffes can hum. the hum is a low frequencysound at about 92 hertz.

there's a restaurant called subsix located at the per aquum nimarestaurant in the maldives that is located 20 feet below the surface of the indian ocean. you can sit near floorto ceiling glass windows and watch schools of fish and more than 90 coralreef species while you eat. the dwarf lantern shark, according to the guinnessbook of world records,

is the world's tiniest shark. a male measures only about6.3 inches in length. there's a phenomenon known as heteropaternal superfecundation that is so rare thatthere is only a handful of documented cases in the world. the phenomenon is when two twinshave two different fathers. the gadget was the firstatomic bomb ever made and was tested at trinity site new mexico

on july 16th, 1945. the test code named trinity was a success, unleashing an explosion with the energy of about 20 kilotons of tnt. punt guns is a type of gun thatwas first used in the 1800s. they were used in commercialwater fowl hunting and these guns firedalmost one pound shots that could kill 50 to 100birds in a single shot. the barrels had opening upwardsof two inches in diameter

and weighed over 99 pounds and measured almost 10 feet long. those is some big guns. anne hodges from alabama isthe only confirmed person in history that has everbeen hit by a meteorite. on a clear day in november of 1954, she was having a nap on her couch when a softball sized hunk of black rock broke through her ceiling,bounced off a radio,

and hit her in the thigh, leavinga pineapple shaped bruise. on january 21st, 1977, inhis first day in office, president jimmy carterfulfilled a campaign promise by granting unconditional pardons to hundreds of thousands of men who had evaded the draftduring the vietnam war by fleeing the countryor failing to register. researchers that were training monkeys to recognize themselves in mirrors

found that the firstthing that the monkeys did was check out all theplaces on their bodies that they've never seen before, especially their genitalia area. the researchers found them contorting and spreading their legsin front of the mirror to get a better look at previously unseencorners of their bodies. in sweden, blood bankssend texts to blood donors

to notify them whenever theirblood helps save a life. spain's national anthem,royal march, has no lyrics. american company cabot guns has made the first gunmade almost entirely from a piece of gibeon meteorite that crashed to earth approximately4.5 billion years ago. the meteorite was originallyfound in namibia in the 1830s. yeah. that's a good use of precious meteorite.

bison may look slow and now very agile, but they can run at 35 miles per hour and jump as high as sixfeet off the ground. the louvre museum in paris was the most visited museumin the world in 2014. there were 9.3 million visitors, almost the same amount of people as the population of sweden. approximately 1500 earthquakes

are recorded in japan every year. seahorse babies eat as muchas 3000 pieces of food a day. they have such a voracious appetite because they have no stomach and their digestivesystem has been described as inefficient, meaning that they must eat a lot in order to stay properly nourished. a frog's tongue is abouta third of the length

of its entire body. in comparison, if a humanhad the same sized tongue, it would reach our belly button. ha. researchers at the university of oxford and the university of queensland discovered that the smalltropical archer fish can be taught to accuratelyrecognize human faces. when the researchers displaytwo faces side by side

on a screen over a fish tank,one familiar and one unknown, the fish was able torecognize the same face 81% of the time in color and even more accuratelyin black and white images. the world's tallest treeis currently hyperion, a 379 foot tall redwood in california's redwood national park. donald j trump is the oldestus president in history at almost 71 years old.

dolphins can't chew their food. their teeth are only used to grip food and they'll shake andrub it on the ocean floor to tear it into smallermore manageable pieces. (imitates dolphin) the moomin house cafe in bunkyo, tokyo offers coffee, treats, and companionship of anenormous stuffed animal. they will actually seatyou with a stuffed animal

so that you don't have to dine alone. in singapore, the importationor sale of gum is illegal unless you have a medicinalreason for needing it. there's a solar facilityat walt disney world in lake buena vista, florida that is comprised of 48,000 solar panels and is in the shape of mickey mouse. oh, sunshine for everybody. oh boy!

researchers exploring thenorthwester hawaiian islands aboard the okeanos explorer came across the world'slargest sea sponge. it was found 7000 feetbelow the ocean surface and measured 12 feetlong and seven feet wide. it's possible to be allergic to the cold. this allergy, called cold urticarial, is an allergic responseto cold temperatures triggering hives, swelling and itching.

and if the allergy is severe enough, it can actually result infainting, shock, or even death. and there is no cure. in a new study published inthe journal of entomology, a research team from theuniversity of florida and union college found that bed bugs love the colors black and redand hate yellow and green. evel knievel, the pioneer of motorcyclelong jumping exhibitions,

suffered 433 fractured bonesand holds the world record for the most bones broken in a lifetime. i'm surprised the manjust doesn't turn to dust. the world's largest specie of earthworm can be found in gippslandin southeastern australia. the giant gippsland canget as big as 10 feet long. in 1972, a few years afterbeing elected to congress, shirley chisholm becamethe first black woman to run for the presidency.

she never expected to win, but she ran to prove that americans could vote for a black woman. queen termites have a really long lifespan and they are the oldesttermite in the colony. they can lives up to 50 years long and produce eggs for up to 10 years. melba toast and peach melba are both named after the most famous opera singer

of the late victorianera, dame nellie melba. according to researchers atthe washington university school of medicine in st. louis, moms who are supportive and nurturing during their children's preschool years can actually boost thegrowth of their kids' brains. they found that kids who werenurtured in their early years had a larger hippocampus, the part of the brain tied to learning,

memory, and emotion control. artist mark quinn creates self portraits using his own blood as a medium. he casts his own head in plaster mixed with 10 pints of his own blood and then immerses it in frozen silicone. he's been doing this every year since 1991 as a way to preserve thenatural aging process as well as a symbol ofhis dependency on alcohol.

in 1998, kevin warwick, a professor of cyberneticsat reading university became the world's first technical cyborg. he had a radio frequencyid implanted in his arm and could turn on lightsby snapping his fingers. in ancient rome, womenthought that if you wore a leather pouch containing a cat's liver on their left foot during sex that it would prevent pregnancy.

in 2014, the united statesdepartment of agriculture reported that theaverage american consumes up to 170 pounds ofrefined sugar every year. on january 15th, 1919, a storage tank burston boston's waterfront, releasing almost twomillion gallons of molasses in a 15 foot high, 160 foot wide wave. that looks deliciousbut it's gonna kill me. it rushed through the city's north end

at 35 miles per hour, killing a 10 year old boyand injuring many others. it was so powerful thatit even swept a train off its tracks andtoppled electrical poles. instead of keeping your departed loved one in an urn on the fireplace mantle, now, thanks to the company bios urn, you can keep them in the form of a tree. bios urn created bios incube,

which is an incubator thatmonitors and cultivates trees from human ashes in people's homes. in 2014, the comedian nathan fielder, star of the comedy centralshow nathan for you opened a parody coffeeshop called dumb starbucks as a tv stunt. and now you're just a little bit smarter. thank you guys so muchfor coming by today. if you enjoyed this, makesure to hit that like button

and remember to come back here monday at 3 p.m. eastern standard time because i'll have abrand new video for you. don't forget, new videos everyweekday monday to friday. i will see you then.

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