easy diet to follow for type 2 diabetes

easy diet to follow for type 2 diabetes

what can i eat with type 2 diabetes? hi, my name is pat and i was diagnosed withtype 2 diabetes in 2012. i would say that giving up coca-cola was the hardest thingi've ever done and probably that included giving birth, to let you know how hard itwas for me. hi, i’m ansley and i’m here today to talkabout how what you eat and drink can affect your blood sugar. now it used to be that people with diabeteswere given a long list of things they weren’t allowed to eat. but times have changed. todaythere isn’t a diabetes diet. there are some limits you need to respect, and you will haveto make some small changes to your meals,

but nothing is banned or forbidden. before you can understand how what you eatand drink affects your blood sugar, you need to understand a little about how your bodyworks. the job of your digestive system is to convert the food you eat to a simple sugarcalled glucose. every cell in your body uses that glucose for energy. the key for peoplewith diabetes is to understand how much sugar a given meal will turn into and how quicklyit will happen. there are two ways to figure out how a foodwill impact your blood sugar-- one way is to look at the nutrition facts label on anypackaged food. that takes a little time to explain so we’ve created a separate videothat talks about how to read a food label.

you should definitely watch it… think ofit as extra credit. another way to identify foods that can raiseyour blood sugar quickly is using what we call the “white foods rule,” which simplysays that foods that are white in color tend to raise your blood sugar faster than othertypes of food. now this doesn’t mean that you can’t eat white foods—you just needto think about how many you eat at once. in general, you want to only eat one white foodin each meal and it’s also a good idea to be aware of portion size when you’re eatingwhite foods. so what are white foods? well, anything madewith… sugar, of course. that includes candy, cookies,ice cream, cake, stuff like that. flour. yep,

flour turns to glucose almost as fast as sugaritself. this includes bread, crackers, biscuits, gravies, pancakes and pasta too.potatoes. a baked potato turns to sugar in your blood stream very quickly. so, does thatmean you should avoid potatoes or things made with potatoes like french fries or potatochips? no. but maybe try eating half a baked potato instead of the whole thing. and don’thave a slice of bread in any meal you’re also eating a potato with. that’s the thingabout white foods—you want to try to eat just one in a given meal.milk is a white food. and both white rice and brown rice are white foods too.lastly, corn is an honorary white food because it raises your blood sugar quickly. so youneed to treat corn and things made with corn

like tortillas, corn chips and grits justlike other white foods. about the only white foods i can think ofthat don’t have much impact on blood sugar are cottage cheese and cauliflower.so let’s talk about other foods that don’t raise your blood sugar. veggies, especiallythe leafy kind, are great for your blood sugar. cheese generally doesn’t have much of animpact on your blood sugar. beef, fish, pork, chicken… all meats barelyaffect your blood sugar at all, as long as you eat a sensible portion and don’t batteror fry them or cover them in sauce. one important thing to remember is that youcan always test in pairs to see what a certain meal does to your blood sugar.now there’s one more rule we need to talk

about. while there’s no ban on what youeat, there is a ban on what you drink. and it’s simple. no soda, fruit juice or sweettea. never drink a calorie! diet soda is ok in moderation, but water is even better andyou should give it a try. so, let me summarize-- people with diabetescan eat anything anyone else does. nothing is banned or forbidden. just remember thatfood can turn into sugar, and avoid eating too much of the ones that do so quickly atone time, or in one meal. you can do that by using the white foods rule, by readingthe labels, or both. ok, that’s what you need to know-- let’sput it into action! this week, i'd like to you to:

1) test before and after a meal that you thinkis good for you. 2) test before and after a meal that you thinkis bad for you. 3) be sure to fill out the test and learnform each time—what did you learn? and that’s it for this week. thanks forwatching—see you next time!

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