so this morning we are in wilderness and we'vedecided to do a bit of canoeing. we're out on the water now and it is a beautiful day,so we're just going to be traveling upstream and maybe doing a little bit of hiking later. so we've done a lot of kayaking before togetherbut this is our very first time to canoe. and it is definitely a little bit more stable.part of that has to do with the canoe being wider than a kayak. the other part has todo with just these waters. they couldn't be any more calmer. i know, it is like being on a mirror. seriously.look at that. hardly any waves or ripples. here comes another one.
if you see another one come by let me know. alright, so we're coming up on a little ropebridge. we're just going to canoe right under it. okay, so that is as far as we can get on ourcanoes. we are going to be hiking the rest of the way. get moving. hahaha. alrighty, so we're off the river now and we'regoing to be doing a bit of hiking. we've got our little maps so hopefully we won't gettoo lost. yeah, let's head in to the unknown. i think a lot of people who come to southafrica have this type of image of the landscape being completely barren and dry. kind of justsafari land. but there is so much diversity
here. and this is a really good example. we'renow walking through a lush rain forest. let's go. i seriously have no idea what animal thatwas. but it was very cute. so i think we're getting closer to the waterfalls.i can hear them off in the distance. and this looks like a bit of a different path so let'sgo. well, well, i don't know if you can hear thatbut it sounds like we made it to the waterfalls. so we're almost there just follow me a bitlonger. we'll show you the water. and we made it!
so we're now on our way back. we saw the waterfallsand we're heading back to find our canoes. and we met a few travelers along the way.a few hikers who are also making their way to the waterfall. and they asked us, you know,how far to get there? and it made me realize that canadians are some of the only peoplewho measure distances based on time. how long it takes to get there. they are asking ushow many kilometers. how many miles? and that is such a typical question but a canadianwill tell you like 10 or 15 minutes or so. yep, that's us.
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