easy diets to follow and stick to

easy diets to follow and stick to

hey guys, it’s ro! it is still very cold outside, and i knowi live in southern california where it isn’t the most cold in january. but the other day, it was 38 degrees, andfor me that is very chilly! and when it’s cold outside, i like to makewarm food, and warm treats, kinda make me feel cozy. so this weekend, i was thinking about makinga sweet treat, but i didn’t want to make an entire cake, i just wanted an individualsized something. so i thought, let’s make some mug cakes, and let me make a video because i thought this is a

really cool idea. you bake the cake in the microwave, so it’ssuper easy, and, you make them in a coffee mug. the 3 recipes that we’re gonna be makingare a double chocolate, a spiced apple, and espresso. these are my favorite mug cake recipes, soi hope you guys enjoy them, and i wanted to give you some variations in case… i don’t know you didn’t like chocolate… or you didn’t like apple… or you didn’t like espresso!?

huuhhhh! there’s other options. alright, let’s get started, the first recipethat we’re gonna be making is the double chocolate. the things you’ll need to make this doublechocolate mug cake will be: 1/4 cup of milk, 1/3 cup of self rising flour, 1 egg at roomtemperature, 2 tablespoons of melted butter, 1/4 cup of mini, semi-sweet chocolate chips,2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, yum-yum-yum! 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder,1/2 a teaspoon of vanilla extract, a pinch

of salt, and your favorite microwave safemug. then for decoration i’m gonna be using alittle bit of powdered sugar, and a small sifter. first thing that we’re gonna do in a small bowl,we’re gonna whisk together our dry ingredients. self rising flour, cocoa powder, granulatedsugar, brown sugar, and a pinch of salt. whisk together until well combined. once it’s whisked, we will add our wet ingredients,milk, melted butter, vanilla extract and an egg. and, a side note, this chocolate recipe makes2 mug cakes in a 10 ounce coffee mug. this cake batter is almost ready, we haveone more thing to add, chocolate chips, this makes it a double chocolate cake!

not just a chocolate cake… it’s gonnabe a double chocolate cake! sprinkle in your chocolate chips and gentlymix them together. what’s over here? 3 have gone astray, oop-oop-oop! mmm-mmm-mmm! taste test… tastes, tastes good, tastes like chocolate! now the batter is ready, fill your coffeemug 1/2 way full, don’t over-fill it because they do rise a lot when they bake.

our mug cakes are ready for the microwave,i like to microwave them one at a time so i can keep my eye on them. i put these on high in the microwave for 1minute. that’s what works for me, but, every microwaveis different so after a minute just check your cake, if it hasn’t set yet, microwaveagain for an additional 10 seconds, and check. i would just keep doing it in 10 second intervals,checking your cake each time. da-dew! here are our double chocolate mug cakes, ijust took them out of the microwave, they are still a little bit hot, so be careful.

for a final touch i like to decorate and topthem with a little bit of powdered sugar. using a small sieve, just a little sprinkle. oh yes! the next cake that we’re gonna be makingis a spiced apple. the things you will need to make this spicedapple mug cake will be: 1/4 cup of self rising flour, 3 tablespoons of applesauce, an apple,i’m using a golden delicious, but you can use whatever one you’d like. 1 tablespoon of milk, 1 teaspoon of granulatedsugar, a pinch of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of ground sugar, 1/4teaspoon of allspice and a small coffee mug,

i’m using 1 that’s 6 ounces. then for decoration i’m using ground cinnamonand some cinnamon sticks. first step to making this cake is to prepareour apple, we’re gonna peel and cut it into 1/2 an inch cubes. cut off the top and bottom, then peel offthe sides, using the vegetable peeler. then, 4 cuts around the core, then cut intosmall cubes. this recipe doesn’t use the full apple,i’ve got my extra apple slices over here that i’m just gonna eat as a snack. and then in this small bowl, scoop 2 tablespoonsof cubed apple in here.

now, whisk together your dry ingredients. an important side note, you want to make surethat you are using self rising flour, not regular flour! self rising flour helps these cakes cook correctlyin the microwave. allspice and cinnamon, regular granulatedsugar….. oooh! brown sugar, and a pinch of salt. then whisk together until well combined. next we’re gonna add applesauce and milkand whisk together until everything’s nice

and smooth. add in your cubed apples to the batter. ðÿž¶ i believe i can fly! ðÿž¶ and stir together! fun fact, i’m from washington. which, we got a lot of apples in washington,molly and i growing up, we had an apple tree in our backyard. you forgot we had an apple tree? wow…

ok… now scoop your batter into the mug, and again,it should be about 1/2 way full. this apple spice recipe makes 1 mug cake, andi’m gonna be using a 6 ounce mug, and it’s because this batter doesn’t rise as much,so it’s the perfect amount. mmmmm! it smells so good, this apple spice cake isready to microwave, again, we’re just gonna pop it in for 1 minute. our cake is hot and fresh out of the microvaveso be careful, i’m just gonna top it with a little bit of cinnamon, and a cinnamon stick!

and there we have it, our spiced apple mugcake, you guys this smells so good, this may be my favorite recipe of the day. the last cake that we’re gonna be makingis our espresso cake recipe. the things you will need to make the espressomug cake will be: 2 tablespoons of liquid coconut oil, 5 tablespoons of self risingflour, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons of instant espresso powder,1 egg at room temperature, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, and a pinchof salt. then to decorate, we’re gonna be using whippedcream, espresso beans, a microwave safe coffee mug, and a decorating bag, fitted with a #809tip.

as you guys know, i love espresso, it is sogood! and if you love espresso, this is the recipefor you because this cake has a very strong taste, you really taste the espresso, it’sdelicious! the first thing that we’re gonna do is whisktogether our dry ingredients, starting with our self rising flour. instant espresso powder, and if you don’thave espresso powder at home you can also use instant coffee powder, brown sugarand granulated sugar and a pinch of salt. oh that smells good! then do some baking deep breath yoga, yougo like this…

you smell a lot of baked goods and you holdit in and you think happy thoughts! oh yeah, and then you…. let it out… into downward dog. after you’ve mixed together your dry ingredients,add your wet ingredients. 1 egg, our milk…. these countertops are really slick and shiny,and they’re also a little louder, so i apologize. i’m sorry sound. and coconut oil.

then whisk together until nice and smooth. oh, oops! also mix it in your bowl. oh my gosh this smells so good! from an espresso lover to another just smell… it just… oh my gosh! i just want to drink this! this smells like heaven!

our batter is ready and it’s time to bakeour last cakes. i’m gonna divide the batter into both ofthese mugs, this recipe makes 2 espresso mug cakes in the 10 ounce coffee mug. i’m gonna put these in the microwave 1 ata time on high, for 1 minute. this smells so good. our espresso cakes are hot out of the microwave,i gave them a little bit of time to cool before we decorate because you don’t want to pipewhipped cream directly on there when it’s super hot because the whipped cream will justmelt… well, that would taste pretty good, but tomake it look a little cuter i waited a few minutes.

i scooped a little bit of whipped cream intothis bag with a tip at the end, it’s a number 809. i’m just gonna pipe a little dollop of whippedcream at the top, huh, just to taste! and place a coffee bean on top. i gotta pick the prettiest bean, i feel likethis is it… oh jeez! boop! ah! yes! ta-da!

here are the 3 mug cakes that we made today,we made: double chocolate cake, spiced apple and espresso cake. i absolutely love these recipes, i reallyencourage you guys to try these, they are delicious, they are super easy to make, andthey’re single serving size. so if you want something warm at the end ofthe day, but you don’t want to make a whole cake or a whole pie, you can just curl upwith one of these! i’ll be posting lots of pictures of thesecakes and the recipes on rosannapansino.com instagram, facebook and twitter so you cancheck them out there. and if you guys make these, please take apicture and send it to me, because i love

seeing your baking creations, it just makesme happy, it makes my day. that’s it, i hope you guys enjoyed the video,and, i hope you enjoy the new year, bye-bye! i don’t know about you cookie, but i’mhaving a great night.

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