easy good diets that work fast

easy good diets that work fast

hey everyone!!! we've got a brand new topic for you today because it's world health day we've spoken so much about your careers and we said why not talk a little bit about your health so with me today on the show is karishma chawla, the founder of eatrite 24*7 she is a certified nutritionist with a specialty in fitness hi karishma! thank you so much for being with us hi chetna! thank you for having me here as well your know there is so many concerns people have

women, college students they have got concerns about weight loss but there is so much mixed information there is fat diets, there is quick fixes available on the internet so we thought let's meet with an expert and get all of this sorted out such a good idea so let me ask you the first question what should be my ideal body weight what's the formula, thumb rule so as much as we have a formula for an ideal body range

what i would rather stress on would be that let's get out of this kind of spectrum and look at maintaining an ideal body composition and maintain a low body fat percentage for example somebody could be on the ideal body weight but still carry more fat percentage that makes you are prone to diabetes you are prone to pcos and obesity...right so the idea is that you maintain a good body composition

maintaining a good muscle tone and low fat percentage so karishma, carbs have been the proverbial blacksheep of the weight loss family so should i be cutting my carbs in order to loose weight so, the idea is actually emphasizing on the right quality carbs so for example, if your meal consists of good carbs which could be a jowar roti or a bajra or even a bowl of oats or a bowl of quinoa with sorted veggies it is not going to lead in fat gain

but whereas in case you're having a carb meal which is mixed basically of white rice or you take rumali roti..yes of course that would lead to fat gain so there are two things to take in mind, first is change the quality of the carb and make sure you keep a right amount of serving depending on your body type so for example, if you are on a fat loss plan you can't be eating two servings of carb because

that would increase the carb load and via the weight fat gain so you could probably incorporate one carb meal along with some protein & fiber to actually have a complete meal for your lunch or dinner and there is this thing about not eating after 8'o clock in the night etc. so how does that link in with this so the idea is what you should be eating 2 hours before bedtime okay so it is not about that you cannot eat it's about what you eat

it's the right quality of food now for example if you feel like eating say a vegetable sandwich at around 10'o clock in the night and you've got to ask yourself am i going for a run post this am i going to stay up till 3 in the morning actually going to be working if the answer is no, ask yourself where are these carbs are going to go carbs are a source of energy if the energy is not going to be spend, it will be stored as fat..it's science

or would you be eating, should you be eating a carb meal just before you sleep the answer would be a no second again it depends upon your body type now we have 3 body types we have an actomorph, mesomorph and an endomorph endomorphs are those people who have the ability to put on weight faster so, for endomorph it's a complete no..no so your last meal of the day should basically comprise of a good protein

for example it could be skimmed paneer or eggs and you can top this up with a good bowl of fibre okay! so tell me when i feel like raiding my fridge in the night which i do quite often what are the few things tell me three things that i can eat from there you know it's like learning kitchen lessons so the ideal thing would be to stock your kitchen and specially your fridge with all the good foods so you could stock your kitchen actually with good nuts, you could have skim milk

you could have skim curd, a bowl of sprout salad all the time made and kept, so when you are hungry at 12:30 and you know you're definitely going to package foods you can actually conquer these cravings while just eating the right foods because this is never actually about eating an entire meal in the night it's just about munching..so the idea is that munch right okay! superb..but i feel like binge eating through the day as well so again, binge eating is a result of depriving yourself from the right nutrition so if you eat every 2 hours and you eat the right quality of foods

you would actually avoid binge eating because the lesser you eat your body gets into a starvation mode it's like fasting and feasting and secondly also depending on the quality of foods for example if your lunch is a bowl of white rice invariably in the next one hour you're going to binge eat but if i replace that with a bowl of quinoa, you wouldn't. so, in fact you are prone to binge eating that means your body is alarming that you need to start eating correctly

not eating enough and not eating correctly that's right okay i know these people who get these cravings specially when they are stressed out or they are in office and they just crave for a certain type of food which is usually unhealthy protein is very very important in order to cut down your cravings so, you could have egg whites as filler in the evening your breakfast could be of egg whites as well

lunch and dinner could be a portion of low slow absorb protein for example it could be skim paneer for vegetarians it can be lean chicken or fish for the non-vegetarians and then you can always top up a bowl of skim curd or a glass of skim milk anytime that you feel hungry in regards to the fact that you eat every 2 hours and you eat correctly you still could have certain cravings adding cinnamon water post your meals could actually help you reduce the cravings and when you really feel like going and eating an icecream or chocolate

firstly focus on your goals it's really goes and its anything that you are craving for is helping you get closer to your goal or distracting you right it is a choice that you make so what you could do is indulge into a dark chocolate which is 75% plus dark chocolate because that would have a less of sugar or you could keep your dry fruits like your raisins and figs

and probably pop in 1 or 2 at a time so karishma there is simple high protein diets so how much protein is actually good for you so the actual word should be adequate protein and not high protein there is complete fear in the market that if you go to eat three times protein a day, you are on a high protein diet. but that's really not the case like you said how much protein, there is a formula to it so it would be every 1 gram of the precious lean muscle that you are carrying

you need 1 gram of protein and this only increases with activity and stress levels your muscles are made up of protein so actually if you going and working out how would you workout without fueling it. it's like you are expecting the car to work without petrol it really does it now the next question would be..but i ain't working out but like i said it is 1 gram for a 1kg of the lean muscle mass that you carry so if you carry 50kgs of muscle in your body

you need 50grams of protein throughout the day so karishma, how can someone boost their metabolism you got to eat every 2 hours, now what foods to eat every 2 hours it should basically be high thermogenic foods so when i say high thermogenic foods, they basically help you to lose more calories they increase your bmr so that could be good carbs like i mentioned earlier the lean protein and good amount of fibre

the most important thing that we all forget is be it a fat loss, be it increasing metabolism or a muscle gain it is water if you do not have enough water in your diet you cannot lose weight you cannot gain your muscle and you won't even increase your metabolism oh really! and another important thing that people forget and think they are on this diet

& they really don't need to move or asked to do anything but the idea is 70% diet and 30% exercise so you have to exercise regularly and exercise should comprise of strength training as well as cardio and you could definitely add a little flexibility & stress management in terms of yoga because you have to complete the fitness circle all of this coming together under one roof would completely give a spike to the metabolism that we need okay! is it true that when you have more muscle mass relatively that actually boost you metabolism exactly, that's a fact.

the more muscle you carry, the higher the metabolism, the better the body composition and the lower the fat percent and that's exactly we all are aiming for. be the college student, be the working women, be it any businessman the entire goal is actually preserving your precious lean mass and that happens while you exercise well and you eat correctly so karishma, just like success is a sum total of the little little steps that we take and you have beautifully told us how we need to eat every few hours what if somebody can't and you know there are working women or they are hostel students and they don't get that every 2 hours they can't eat

can we say something that's a very good question because you are using a term "what if they can' t eat" so, i would say drink supplements okay so for example, if you are in a meeting in the evening and you obviously cannot sit down and have your fillers like egg whites, it was probably in your plan you could actually get a whey protein powder, put a little water in it and drink it up so that would definitely be better than you actually skipping a meal

because skipping a meal would actually put your body into the starvation mode and decreasing your bmr which is definitely not a goal. so the idea is if you can't eat please drink okay! and that will also take care of the craving that you said and the wrong eating that we would do because if won't do, it vl be like fasting and feasting so, if you deprive your body of a right meal at a time it's definitely going to eat a larger quantity at one time and more importantly you've got to understand, if you miss a meal in the evening the next meal is dinner

are we doing anything post dinner? no, we always go and watch tv, relaxing with our family and sleeping so we really don't need that binge, fast and feasting. okay so the idea is you've got to indulge into the right supplements so, talking about the right supplements i think there is so much information available but if we cut through all of that could you help us to understand this the actual definition of a supplement is anything that aids your nutrition plan

so a supplement could be a powder, which is basically your carbohydrate, protein, it could also take into consideration your vitamins like antioxidants or your pro-biotics the idea of supplements is basically it helps to enhance the quality of your life and it prevents deficiency so like i explained you rather indulge in a protein drink over skipping a meal there is a lot of controversy happening in the market which talks about supplements and people are scared here comes the whey protein which is a most talked about is actually the most natural thing that we have the highest source of whey is mother's milk and how natural could you go then people come out but they have lot of preservatives

and they have lot of all other things but then you know they are the same people who probably go out every weekend and they indulge with their friends having a drink. right now alcohol is a foreign body to the liver, so why blame the protein so the idea is that you drink right, drink correctly and if you still don't understand, meet an expert and figure what exactly supplements are.

karishma! one common sort of thing plaguing women is pcos these days and there is this notion that if i have pcos then i can't loose weight so is that true??? good news is, yes you could still loose fat only two things, really, anybody who suffers from pcos is important for them to do would be a lifestyle management, so when i say lifestyle management you are actually breaking that into diet and exercise and you also need to see an endotologists in case you want to see your diet and exercise work in conjunction with some medication

and second important thing is discipline because if pcos is uncontrolled it can lead to diabetes, obesity and also infertility and none of these things are welcomed in anybody's life so get on to a right lifestyle management along with a good discipline and you will be sorted so can we give quick three guidelines for a woman watching the show absolutely first thing would be actually to monitor the quality of the carbs so it would again be ingesting the good carbs

for example oats, quinoa, jowar, bajra over white rice or refined flour like maida and you could also taper down the carb quantity for example, if you're having 1 bowl of brown rice and 1 bowl of dal for lunch you can actually cut that out to just 1 roti in the night instead of having carbs coming out from the dal as well as your brown rice okay! it's interesting you talk about carbs coming from the dal you know, honestly we all thought dal was protein

actually dal is an incomplete protein so technically your proteins are made up of 22 amino acids so when i say it's incomplete, it doesn't have the entire 22 amino acids which the body requires to synthesize more protein for example, if i give you a wheat roti and i give you a bowl of dal the wheat roti has 2 grams of protein whereas the dal would have 7 but they both are incomplete so where do i actually get my quota of the right protein that would be your milk and milk products,

to be more specific skim milk and skim milk products and skim paneer definitely comes in and lean meats with basically chicken, fish and egg whites okay! that was really helpful, so coming back to your second tip the second tip would go that you basically go need the right kind of oil in cooking the best oil for any pcos client would be the olive oil and not more than 2-3 teaspoons in the entire day and you could top this up an essential fatty acid which is omega 3 and all the non-vegetarians can for the fish oil cap

or like 3 times fishes or a fish in the dinner and the other thing could be flax seeds and the most important thing, the third thing would be to exercise regularly a lot of pcos clients think that they shouldn't be weight training because that would land up building more muscles and they would look more mascular but if you do not weight train, then you are not going to increase the metabolism in order to lose that fat percentage which is absolutely imperative to people who have pcos okay!

the exercise can be a mix of cardio which is a aerobic exercise along with some kind of strength training so in case even if you can't just start weight training in the beginning you could still do strength training with your own body weight training is a very essential part for pcos clients so, talking about weight training there is also this myth or notion let me say that if you have a thyroid problem you can't do strength training how true is that? it is actually incorrect

that that you can't weight train when you have thyroid when you have hyperthyroid which is basically when your thyroid gland is not functioning well so essentially when your thyroid gland is not functioning well it's lowering your bmr and what is the goal of the body it is always to keep your self in the high bmr state so that essentially happens with weight training for example, if you indulge in a cardio session your bmr would increase only for that 1 hour and 45 minutes hence

but when you indulge yourself in weight training session your bmr is increased or remains high for next 8 hours it is actually 24*7 calorie burn so should you eliminate weight training for thyroid? no so you mentioned olive oil interestingly but there is so many oils available proclaiming themselves as low-cholesterol oils like sunflower oil

safflower oil there are so many of them could you decode this oil story for us? right! there is this story in the market that sunflower and safflower oil are zero cholesterol oils but the whole idea is that we all need to understand that all the oils are zero cholesterol the idea is that right kind of oil that needs to go into your diet the oil that is basically present in sunflower & safflower

are already present in our vegetables and seeds that we already eat. so do we need excess of them? no! the right thing would be cooking your foods in the right kind of oil the right quality of oil that could be olive oil, rice bran oil and ground nut oil and you can obviously top this up with the essential fatty acids in the form of fish oil caps or your flaxseeds. another thing for all of us living these urban lifestyles

is you want to eat out occasionally much is eating out is the bad thing on the table but can i eat the salad? are all salads healthy? salads by nature are really healthy they are the best form of fibre that we have it's the way we make it or the way we consume it is a problem when you are making salads in the house you could basically use a low fat dressing which comes from low fat curd you could use vinegar, lime and top them up with herbs and spices

when you are out and eating a salad, you've got to remember that any salad mixed with a dressing will have 4 tablespoons of fat so the entire good idea would be to call for the dressing on the side and not to consume more than 2 teaspoons of that so karishma! some people resort to fasting in order to lose weight what are your thoughts on that? fasting basically puts your body into a catabolic state that is your body is breaking down its muscle in order to give or basically use it as energy

and from the time we started our show, we've been talking about how important it is to actually preserve this precious muscle because that is your marker for higher metabolism so, fasting is a complete no..no now but of course if somebody is a complete junk eater obviously for that one day fast for them is going to make them feel better but i would rather say, instead of completely going on a fast for the entire day you indulge into the right foods again so you get out of your processed, your junk foods,

you give yourself a good detox day which will comprise of your good fruits, vegetables, salads, vegetable juices and you could feel light but fasting would definitely be a no..no great! and you mentioned detox. what are the signs? how do i know whether my body needs a detox your body is just amazing, it will exactly tell you when it needs or feel something so the usual five symptoms that we could actually place would be mood swings, acne, inability to move, fatigue and sluggishness

and all of these five were enough reasons to know that your body is shouting and screaming and telling you "please feed me with good foods" because you were abusive for a very long time so tell me, there is this thing about waking up every morning and standing on the weighing machines how often should i be weighing myself? ideally, once in 15days and in case, for example you have a 20kg fat loss to do you could still go up to 7days, anywhere between 7 to 15days and the ideal thing would be to actually keep a food journal so if you have five meals in a day

that means 35meals in a week so if you actually write it down every time you binge eat all the good meals it self keeps a self check so i would rather say, emphasize on a food journal than going crazy about weighing yourself everyday so, for people watching this show is there any ideal number of kgs that they should be losing every month a certain amount of kgs would be a text book figure fat loss can be accelerated with intense training and a powerful diet and what we need to remember is that fat loss is dependent on many factors

its your age, gender, body type, muscle mass and your medical history so how can be actually say that you need to loose these many kgs what is important to do is the way you feel, it's how you feel you rather monitor that so you rather look at that as a marker and then looking at the kgs because you shouldn't let weighing scale define your fitness levels and there is another last sort of question you know we go down this path and then we get stuck somewhere, we hit a plateau those last few kgs to my milestone or you said don't look at kgs but i'm saying

just that little bit of that last milestone i don't seem to be able to make it's actually human nature, when we achieve a good amount of goal, good percentage of a goal we tend to get relaxed so, when does the word plateau comes in, that's the very minute that you need to redefine your goal or motivate yourself enough to sustain that plan the only way to surpass this time period is not to give up essentially there is only one difference between winners and failures winners do not give up

so the idea is, you do not give up on your goal because of any of these smolder things so if you work with passion, practice and perseverance you will never hit a plateau thank you so much karishma it was absolutely wonderful having you on the show likewise and for all of you watching, we never promise it's going to be easy but we promise, it's going to be worth it

so if you have anymore questions, queries, you want to write in and say please cover this in future, comment at the bottom of the video and press that little subscribe button at the bottom and happy watching

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