easy to follow dukan diet plan

easy to follow dukan diet plan

are you planning to lose your weight? well,there are thousands of diet plans but it is very hard to pick one and follow it. one suchdiet plan is atkins diet. the atkins diet is a low carb diet, developedtwenty years ago by american heart specialist, dr robert atkins. he found, the diet he devisedfor his patients not only improved their heart conditions it also reduced their weight withoutfood restriction. dr atkins realized that the carbohydrate restrictionwas forcing the body to 'change gear' and start preferring its fat stores to the foodtaken in as a source of energy. this breakdown of fat stores produces ketones.the body excretes any ketones which are surplus to requirements, hence the ability to determinewhether the body has started using its fat

stores for energy by testing the urine forketones. weight lost under these conditions is mostlyfrom the body's fat stores, rather than lean muscle.purpose of the atkins diet is to change your eating habits to help lose weight. the atkinsdiet is also healthy lifelong approach to eating. whether you want to lose weight, boostyour energy or improve health, it helps with high blood pressure or metabolic syndrome.the atkins diet has several phases for weight loss and maintenance, starting out with avery low carbohydrate eating plan. according to the atkins diet, obesity and related healthproblems, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, are the fault of the typical low-fat,high-carbohydrate american diet.

it uses a system called net carbs, which isthe total carbohydrate content of an item minus its fiber content. for example, a half-cupof raw broccoli has 2.3 grams of total carbs and 1.3 grams of fiber, putting its net carbvalue at 1 gram. the atkins diet̢۪s approach to carbs willburn off your body's fat stores, regulate your blood sugar and help you achieve optimalhealth, while not leaving you feeling hungry or deprived.once you're at your ideal weight, the atkins diet also helps you to identify your personalcarbohydrate tolerance, the net carbs you can eat each day without gaining or losingweight. unfortunately much misinformation exists aboutthe atkins diet. such as it is low in nutrients

and fiber and it does not help in weight loss,such peoples have not taken the trouble to read dr atkins' book.

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