easy to follow hcg diet plan

easy to follow hcg diet plan

hello, hello. it's nichole kellermanhere founder and creator of successfulweightloss school.com; where women go to stop dieting,reshape their bodies and feel wildly alive. so i want to quickly tell you about this articlethat came across online about hcg diet drops. messing with your hormones is not the bestway to lose weight. we have no idea what the repercussions are gonna be in the future.so i want to tell you why this type of dieting is not only bad for your physical health butalso mentally and how to really do it on your own so you don't have to ever worry abouttoying with the idea of the hcg diet drops; bad news in my opinion. first thing firstis going from a to z when you're trying to lose weight is a set up for failure. i dothis with all of my successful weight loss

school sisters is every week we make small,tangible, realistic goals to slowly reach your ideal weight. slow weight loss is good.it's the best way to go. number is being too restrictive. telling yourself that you can'thave these set of foods and this half eat this set of foods. that is not a diet. andi am a dieter. i used to be a dieter but not anymore. and it's about a lifestyle change.you can t be that restrictive. i say 80% of your diet is healthy whole foods; right foodsthat grow from the earthly means things like that. and 20% of it is food that you enjoy.if it's ice cream or cake or chips or pizza, or beer; whatever that is for you, you haveit once in a while and when you have it, you really enjoy it and you are a food lover.that is very important. you must be a food

lover. and number 3 is dieting is no fun.right. that's why these little drops are never gonna work for you is because they're no fun.and so much of my philosophies through losing weight are having fun. we are changing lifestyleand yes it's gonna take a little bit longer but it's gonna be enjoyable. this is abouta healing process with you and your body and food. so you must make this process fun forit to be sustainable and to keep it off long term.

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