alright this is john kohler with okraw.comfor another exciting episode for you and i'm coming right here from my front yard garden,but this is not a gardening episode. what we're gonna do is we're gonna take youback in time actually to an event i did called the health, healing & happiness event thattook place in las vegas, nevada last month actually. and what i would like to do is sharewith all my viewers out there a presentation
fad diets list 2015, that i gave at this event actually its titledthe top 3 ways to improve any diet; and i don’t care if you’re in a vegan diet,i don’t care if you’re in a raw vegan diet, i don’t care you’re in a whole foodsdiet, i don’t care if you’re into a paleo diet. i don’t care if you’re in an omnivore’sdiet. and i don’t even care if you’re
a carnivore, but oh no humans and carnivoresthat doesn’t mix too well in my opinion, but nonetheless one of the things that a healthydiet in my opinion has to do a lot about how is how much fresh fruits and fresh vegetablesyou guys eat and i don’t care what kind of diet you’re on, but almost all dietsyou’ll gonna include some kind of food from the earth cause that’s where it all camefrom and this topic is really important because unfortunately not a lot of people into health,and educating about health talk about this topic. so you gonna wanna stay tune and watchthis whole episode. and i know some of you guys might yip and yaw. and john it’s toolong. well this episode is packed with information and i want to encourage you guys if you don’thave the time to watch it. you know watch
it while you’re cooking dinner, watch itwhile you’re in the shower, watch it you know while you’re in the car and downloadthe mp3 version, or you know click down here on one of these corners, there’s like alittle spoke wheel and click that and it you can play it 2x speed faster so you can understandme faster, but i already talk pretty fast , so you know anyway that will cut down thetime in half right? and you know i wanna let you guys know that there’s no substitutefor information. knowledge is power, but what you do with that knowledge is even powerfulcause you can have all the information, you know but still not act and take action. sothe heartfelt thing i hope you guys do after watching this episode that i, you know, tooktime to research, document and make a powerpoint
presentation is take action on some of thethings that i’m showing you guys. so without further adieu, let’s go ahead and get into that video. hello everybody, thank you for attending mytalk today at 9am, early in the morning, it’s gonna be worth it, you know this, what i’velearned, that i can assure you guys, literally took me 20 years, i started off a plant-basedraw food nutrient dense diet based around fruits and vegetables in 1995, but now it’s2015 but if my math is correct, it’s been twenty years since i’ve been doing this.and the first thing i wanna ask you guys, how many of you guys have seen some of myvideos online? so a handful of people, so a lot of you guys still don’t know who iam. so i would like to just give you a really
brief synopsis of why i got into this andthat will you give you, let you guys know more about me. so i got into this becausei almost lost my life, you know losing your life is not a fun place to be at any age,but especially right after you get out of college, so i was right there through college,i was treated with spinal meningitis which many of you guys know is life threateningand many people do not make it out of the situation. i could only say that i got outof that situation because of a higher power because at that point i didn’t know anythingabout raw foods, diet or health but upon exiting the hospital the doctor said that i had what’scalled compromised immune deficiency which is basically a chronically week immune systemand they blame it on my genes. and when they
told me that i wasn’t actually too surprisedbecause i had had things like allergies, asthma and eczema, which are all auto-immune inflammatorytype conditions, you know, since i was a child, so i had been plagued with these all growingup and then i got spinal meningitis. almost lost my life and i mean i thought when i wasin my 20s, it was like, “man, this is not supposed to happen to you like until you’relike 65 or something?†oh but what happened then, according to docjoel fuhrman, if you eat properly you can live well up to a hundred in my opinion eatingnutrient dense foods. so anyways, after i got out of the hospital, doctor’s blamemy illness on my genes, that i had bad genes, and much like the ‘boy in the bubble’in the 70s movie, that you guys may remember,
the guy that had to live in the bubble. andyou know that’s like the extreme condition, you know, where he does have that immune system,that a normal person might be here and i’m in somewhere in the middle.so my immune system is not that strong that i might have a reoccurrence of spinal meningitisor anything else in the world. can we get this marker turned on? it’s off.so i can have a reoccurrence of the spinal meningitis or anything else and all i knewwhen i left the hospital is that ‘john you need to build your immune system because youwill not be back in here and possibly lose your life again, because that’s not a funplace to be.†and you know at that point, when i taught one time at a high school, orcollege, i thought that you know, what you’re
supposed to do in life is to have the mostmoney, and make money and be rich and have a million dollars. and i learned thankfullyat a young age that, you know, that you’re greatest health, that your greatest wealthis your health and that all the money in the world could not save me at that point. youknow no matter what i did, you know and there’s presidents, rich people, and billionairesthat lose their lives because they did not put their health as a priority. so this iswhat has motivated me since 1995 when i started my plant based raw nutrient dense fruit andvegetable diet, you know to get healthier and one of the principles i like to live mylife by is “can iâ€? c-a-n-i. it’s on the screen there, it’s “constant and neverending improvementâ€.
this is a concept that i learned in college,i’ve been going to college for botany, horticulture, nutrition or anything like this. i went toschool for marketing. so it’s tied all up into today’s presentation, it’s a littleof marketing, you know it’s catchy, that’s why. but i use my marketing skills to educateand help people eat a healthier diet; instead of how most marketing is being used to youknow feed people crap. i mean literally it is. i mean we’re marketed to all the time.if you watch tv you’re bombarded with just junk food commercials that make it out tolook good, you know sexy people drinking coke and all this stuff. that’s not the way soi’m glad i’ve been using my marketing skills to market the good healthy stuff.so anyways, the can-i is the “constant and
never ending improvement†what that simplymeans is, [inaudible] there was a businessman who went to japan after we talked to him,he taught that the japanese always improve what they’re doing even if they think they’redoing is good. even if you think dr. fuhrman’s diet is the best, it can be better. and that’swhat i want to assure you guys today. even whatever diet you’re on, i don’t carewhat diet you’re on. as long as it’s a healthy diet, and a healthy diet containsfruits and vegetables and if you’re eating fruits and vegetables my talk will benefityou today. because this is something that’s not oftentalked about in the health food industry, i mean in the farming industry it’s talkedabout a lot more. but you know i kind of made
the transition because i’ve been into thehealth aspects for twenty years. for 10 years now, i’ve been growing gardening and reallylooking how the food is produced in our society which most people simply do not do. so allalong i’ve been trying to improve what i’m doing. and i’m out here, constantly andnever ending improve. that’s why you can assume that japanese cars, toyotas and hondashave millions of miles on them. they just keep running. whereas american cars and americancar companies don’t use this constant and neverending improvement in their philosophy.and that’s the philosophy i use too. waiting for the three ways, i’ve promisedyou guys. well, here they are. chew your food into a mush each mouthful toget optimal digestion. use a juicer or blender
if you don’t have time to do this.eat consciously. this is super important. running here, running there, scarfing downour food and not letting it digest properly, you know watching tv being distracted. weneed to be, you know need to smell our food, taste our food, be what our food. the essencestarts when you start salivating before you even put the food in your mouth, right? andeat when you’re truly hungry like what dr. joel fuhrman says, true hunger is felt inthe mouth. so yeah, that’s about the talk. just kidding. well these things are very importantyou know what we’re teaching you guys today goes well beyond that.and we’ll just get right into that: number one is increase the variety of plantfoods you’re eating . as much as what joel
fuhrman talked about you know the cancer fightingprotection of things in the brassica or cruciferous family such as kale, collard greens, bokchoy,arugula. things like this. there’s many other different kinds of foods that oftenget left out that are relatively unknown so you know. as much as kale and collard greens,and cruciferous plants i eat, i eat a lot of other unknown plants to the normal americanthat have really high anti-oxidant, anti-disease preventions. and many people get into a routine,i know many people like ‘oh i have the same salad for dinner; i have the same soup fordinner every night.’ and when you doing that you’re low maintaining the amount ofdifferent phytochemicals and phytonutrients you’re gonna get into. so what i like todo every night is always make something different,
even if it’s just a couple ingredients differentthat’s gonna allow my body to get different phytonutrients and phytochemicals insteadof me living my life, by eating recipes out of my book, i live out of my garden. so igo out of my garden before i’m gonna make dinner, so i see what’s available, what’sfresh, what’s really appealing to me. what do i feel like eating? what’s gonna go ripeand go bad if i don’t harvest it or pick it that night. so last night you know i harvestedcucumbers that are made like cucumber pepper juice soup, a soup, all raw i maintain thehighest levels of nutrients in there. just in the blender, blended with nuts, with someraw macadamia nuts to increase the absorption of phytonutrients and the different vegetablesi was using and added some other seaweeds
and other things in there. but you gotta getout of the routine, and always encourage you guys to experiment and have fun and play inthe kitchen. it’s just one of the things that’s i love to do. and plus the differentphytochemicals, phytonutrients, as well as vitamins and minerals. and dr. joel fuhrmani like his work a lot and recommend all of his books to you. hopefully he’ll be heretoday or all for the books. and he says something that i really like, me kinda like taking itto the extreme, the nutrient you need the most is the one you’re not getting. andthat’s simple, and most people are simply not eating the crazy wild foods that i’veresearched and learn about and have taken the time to find out and grow, you know, becausea lot of the foods that i learn about didn’t
come from my research, they came from wheni go to the industry trade shows for the health food industry, so the health food industrywill come out with little bottled supplement of oxidized tablet greens which are powder.why should i pay for these oxidized tablet greens which are powdered that has been fullyprocess more likely heat process loses the enzymes lowers the nutrition when i can simplygrow that food in my garden have it water rich and grow it in better soil with morethan light needed that have it grown to be put in a packaged. i want to subvert the wholecommercial system by growing it myself. so the perfect sections in the supermarket thatappear to have an abundance and you go to the supermarket and you’re thinking thewhole foods world with your paycheck, you
think ‘oh my god there’s so many differentfruits and vegetables!’ now have you guys ever tried each and every one of the fruitsand vegetables that came in the store. some of you guys maybe have, but most of you guysprobably have not, but even so, that’s a fraction of a percentage of all the foodsthat are edible on this planet and you are being dictated to, every day when you shopat the… even the farmer’s market, or the store on what you get to choose to eat basedon what they’re selling. if they’re not grown and if they’re not in the commercialsystem you’re not going to be eating it and then therefore, you’re going to be missingout on nutrients, so i kinda like to think of this talk as extra credit right? it’snot absolutely necessary in my opinion to
be healthy, you know, you could do it noteating all the things i’m going talk about and do the things i talk about, but if you’reout there like i am for the ultimate and highest low of health, highest low of disease protectiontrying to get better from different diseases in the body, you know i encourage you guysto, you know to take what i’m saying very seriously and then i wanna also encourageyou to check active markets for different varieties of produce that you may not be notfamiliar with. so here if you live in las vegas you could go to a nice asian market,sf supermarket and spring mountain trader, and they have an incredible selection of asiangreens that you just don’t see in whole foods and the standard grocery store. thatare incredible one of which is actually in
my talk today. so now i wanna go for somethingdifferent, you know unique varieties of plant food the lot i can’t go all over them becausei’m in a limited time here, but i’m just gonna go quickly over the ones i like a lot.number one is cactus fruit, also known as cactus pears. some of you people had thisbrew before? oh good, a number of people that’s great! i mean dr joel fuhrman love the cactusbrew, they taste amazing, you can eat them whole or fresh then juiced, they’re anti-oxidantpacked. i like to get the deep dark colors when possible so instead of getting the greenones which are usually sweeter which are kinda good, i like to get the dark purple ones,or the red ones. they also have orange ones. there’s over a hundred different varietiesof cactus fruits that are available that if
you go to the supermarket you know to buyor maybe get, there are over 6 different varieties that i’ve seen. i mean here in las vegaswe’re very lucky, the cactuses grow here in the desert naturally, many are used aslike landscape and they have the fruits and at the end of the season, i see the fruitsdropped on the ground. yes, they can be eaten you know, and they’re really good. someof them have less you know fruit part in the middle because they’re more of a wild cactusfruit, but they’re all edible. so you know one of the things they say is that cats cannotbe vegan, because you know if you’re vegan you can’t get taurine and cats need taurinefrom animal products. well the amazing thing is cactus fruit is one of the only plant foodsthat actually contains taurine and taurine
is like an energy amino acid for us. so ifyou look at a bottle of red bull or whatever, they list taurine as one of the things theyput it and not cactus fruit unfortunately as an energy boost. so that’s really cool.so i just recently got a little kitty and i tried to feed her some cactus juice andit has taurine in it and it’s good for you and it slowly turn its nose up at me but that’sanother topic. anyways you know and i want to give you someof the benefits of some of these foods, but you know part of me i really don’t likegoing over the benefits of different foods because it puts us in the mindset, of thecure mindset, you know and i’m not saying that any of these foods would cure anythingbecause like we’ve all come to believe that
‘oh if you’re sick you go to the doctorand he’ll give you a pill for this!’ and if you’ve got high cholesterol eat thisplant. and you know it’s not that simple you know i think health comes from healthfulliving. healthful living is basically what you’re learning from doctor fuhrman anddoctor klapper and you know by eating healthily you’ll be healthy not necessary by, if youeat mcdonalds and then have like one of these cholesterol lowering plants and everythingwill tend to be alright. no you need to change your diet, you’re part of the problem inthe first place so those decades have showed that cactus fruit maybe helpful with inflammation,things like cancer, blood sugar, alcohol hangover, you guys still drink i don’t recommend that,and cholesterol. next we got another one of
my favorite plants which i actually got topick out of my garden this morning which i made a fresh juice out of. this is anotherone you know i learned from the health food conventions which is known as ashitaba orangelica keiskei. this is a rare edible vegetable from longevity island in japan known as hashijoislands and for a long time like i was like i saw this ashitaba powder. oh my god! i wannagrow this plant so bad, but how do i get the seeds other than flying to japan to get themand bring them back so i found a friend who’s into ethno botanicals and stuff and now igot the seeds from him now i’m growing it out. now i’ve grown out so much now i haveextra seeds to share to people who want to grow this nutrient dense plant food themselves,and i could only use this as a vegetable it’s
related to the celery plant. i use the stalksas well as the greens in my foods. and today we just harvested a bunch of these stalksand the greens and put them into the juice, and amazingly what happens it bleeds a yellowsap and you can see a picture of the yellow sap, and we bleed red, but this plant actuallybleeds yellow which is pretty crazy, cause there’s a lot of plants if you cut themand lettuce bleeds white if you’ve seen that stuff on lettuce which you probably shouldn’teat cause it’s not so good. but this stuff actually contains a chalcone which is a specialpolyphenol that’s gonna sure to help you know with a lot of different conditions andi mean i eat for nutrient density, i probably did this to the extreme, that i really eatpolyphenols and flavinoids and antioxidants
phytochemicals and phytonutrients. i don’tnecessary eat for calories especially as the older i get i’ve learned that we reallyneed these plant protective compounds that i’m glad i started this journey twenty yearsago, but now i get to even dial it more. so the cool thing is, something like the ashitaba,like everybody in america could grow it depending on where you live, sometimes you can onlygrow it in the summer season, but here in las vegas see you won’t grow year round,but as long as you give it with a super hard rock. so i’ve had it in the ground for overa year now, i’ve been growing it for several years in northern california, so it likesthe more mild climate, it doesn’t like when it gets a hard frost, coastal environments.we can’t wait to grow this thing, but it
is said to have vitamin b12 which is alsopretty rare for a plant food now. i don’t if it that’s analog or not, cause there’snot enough research on that but that is definitely really cool. and it maybe helpful in sheddingvisceral fat, dr. fuhrman talked about visceral fat they have studies on this: alzheimer’s,skin, and lung cancer, cholesterol and high blood pressure. i mean these stuff are veryhealing foods. next we got another one of my favorites actually, i have little one storedright here. this is what it looks like in real life. you i’m looking at the picture.this is known as the gynura procumbens, also known as longevity spinach or cholesterolspinach and these are foods that are not normally found in america, but you know traditionallyin other countries such as thailand and in
asian countries and they use this and they’vebeen using this for thousands of years. but you know americans are not promoting thisbecause they don’t take the time. i’ve been sitting on the internet you know halfmy life to not only educate people and make videos, but also to research because one ofthe things i’ve done in my whole life, i spent the last twenty years learning abouthealth, and learning about plants, learning about soil biology and learning how to dothe best that i can so that i can give you the healthiest, and then simply just sharethat with other people in my videos which i make all available 100% for free. so thisplant is rich in phytochemicals and phytonutrients, it’s a perennial plant in the tropics itdoes not like freezing and it may be helpful
with cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressureand cancer. we’ll get into another one, this one’snot quite as healing but still very nutritious, this is known as egyptian spinach or molokiaand this is available at the sf supermarket. they may have a different name for it, butyou might want to look at the leaves and i don’t want to caution anybody but beforeyou buy any leafy green and start eating it in its raw state, some leafy greens do needto be cooked to get rid of the toxins, you know do some internet searches and use somecommon sense before when you get in to buy new leafy greens you are not familiar with.one website that i will recommend that’s not in my presentation is entitled pfaf.organd this is the ‘plants for a future’
database, and they list almost all the edibleplants. pfaf.org. they lists all the edible plants on the planet with a scale of 1 to5 for edibility and also for medicinal use. so you could learn some about these wild ones,so i can go to the pfaf.org a lot and research different things and find out some of themore edible, delicious plants that i can grow and eat to get the help that it is. so thisone is related to the okra, it has a mucilaginous texture which is kind of interesting, whichhas its own health benefits right there. it’s a vegetable form of jute and it’s knownas the king of vegetables. so jute is what makes its jute fiber that makes ropes andcoffee bags and all, and this kind of stuff which is really cool. it’s said to be morenutritious as kale. and how many of you guys
have ever had the egyptian spinach? commonpeople! you guys get a plus! alright cool! but yeah but most people don’t know aboutthis, and they should be eating it. it has twelve times more beta carotene than broccoli,nine times more calcium than spinach. it’s a severe road vegetable that doesn’t dogood in the winter, it makes it own seeds then you can re-plant the seeds and they comeback up. it’s amazing! it really has really good flavor. here in las vegas you can growlettuce in the cool season, but right now it’s too hot to grow lettuce so my go toleafy green in the summer is the egyptian spinach that just grows like mad. last yeari had video on this, my plants where like 6 feet tall. so i had 6 feet tall plants,you can go out there anytime and just kick
off the greens you don’t have to go to thegrocery store, it’s much more convenient to have it in your back yard. you don’thave to buy 2-3 dollar heads of lettuce that may not be the best for you which we willtalk about a little bit either. so this may be helpful boosting your immune system, diabetesand liver detoxification. next we got cannabis. dr. klapper talked aboutthis yesterday and i know you guys might be thinking cannabis will get you high. so iwant to make it clear, i’m not talking about getting high or any getting psychoactive medsof cannabis. i know people have issues with that. i’m not talking about that at all.i’m talking about the medicinal or nutritional dense properties of cannabis. that’s notknown. you guys might have seen a movie when
you were young called ‘reefer madness’.my dad saw that. it makes you think cannabis will make you crazy and all this stuff. simplynot true. there’s a smear campaign by the government and potentially different corporations,cannabis was infringing on the paper industry and all these different industries but i’mnot getting into that. but yes, cannabis is also known as marijuana which i like to saycannabis, it’s mostly an unknown health benefits. it’s not known for its non-psychoactivebenefits. and that’s the benefits that i want to talked about as much as the us governmentclaims its you know it’s a class 1 drug addictive and all, this kind of stuff, itsoutlawed, the us government also owns a patent in 2003 and the patent that the us governmentowns is entitled “cannabinoids as antioxidants
and neuroprotectants†in the body. so thegovernment are doing two things, it’s illegal but yet they have patents on life, on howit can be used as a neuro-protectant and an antioxidant, it’s a really healthy food,i would encourage people if they are able in their state and have a legitimate needfor it to get a recommendation from a physician and you can do it here in nevada as well asin california. whatever. but yeah, consume raw it doesn’t have any psycho active effectsis what the doctors, like dr. william courtney who’s done a lot of research on this workingwith cancer patients and other patients with als with the raw cannabis. you know, doctorcourtney was saying ‘cannabis is the poster child for raw foods’. yeah, that’s cool.i’m into raw foods, i’m gonna eat cannabis
raw, and i can’t get high, cause i don’twant to get high. but so i have to ask you first of all, and i have to tell you the fullstory and if you want to see the full story, it’s actually on a one and half hour videoon youtube, so you know so the doctor said you can’t get high from raw cannabis. andi figured out a way you can’t get high from raw cannabis. so if you want me to show howi did it? don’t do it if you don’t want to get high, but of course you know, i’llmuch rather teach someone who wants to get the effects, do it the way i do it, becausei juice it with some special ingredients. and i’d rather have people you know juicingit, getting the health benefits and getting high. to say use it in raw form than smokingit and not breathing the smoke either. right?
it would be much healthier if all stonersstarted juicing through cannabis. imagine, what the world would be? right? they’regetting high out of their minds for 10 hours. and for an ounce of juice and for 10 hoursi was high and you guys laugh now, i mean i might be laughing now with you guys. i waslike a clock watcher, you know when you’ve been at work or when you were a high schoolteenager, maybe even nowadays, you like getting work, you looking at the clock, waiting forit to be five with your kid in school, you’re like go out, three o’clock, and gettingoff man, i just want to be out of here. oh my god! i’m so high on like, this is terrible,oh my god! i want this to be over and like watch it now. just end. i want this to end.i did not like it. because i just like to
being high on pot. but i don’t want to encourageeverybody out there to be high on life, but you can get that on a plant based high nutrientdense green vegetable diet, i’m down with energy, ultimate health. anyways, so consumingit raw may have psychoactive effects if you follow a recipe you can look for that online,but i can’t get into that. but in my opinion it needs to be legalized first, for its vegetableuses and its health benefits, you know non-psycho active uses and it may be helpful with cancerand two kinds of autoimmune diseases and inflammatory diseases as shown by a us government patentwhich is pretty insane. now you might think these foods are inaccessibleto you, because bringing it to campus it’s illegal to grow it unless you live in a statethat you have a recommendation and you can’t
get the ashitaba, but i will have seeds available,but i do have some of these gynura procumbens plants also available today.another food that’s available to every one of you guys, cause i know some of you guyslive somewhere in big cities, you guys can eat edible weeds. no, you’re not crazy.no there’s weeds that are edible. well i’m not a wild weed expert, but i did have a wildweed expert in my show named katrina blaire which is a friend, she lives up in durangocolorado, she does incredible work up there. but many weeds are edible and very nutritiousbut yeah you pull them out of your garden, you spray around and hopefully not with thatreally bad stuff, you know like the slades and though we can eat them you know. they’reoften just a garden nuisance, they’re really
rich you know with a plethora of nutrientsthat you are not getting because you’re not eating lambsquarter, you’re not eatingpurslane and you’re not eating stinging nettles. i mean i go to my garden just harvestingnettles and just making a juice out of it, so amazing. how’s like it reminds me likea chocolate milkshake, i don’t know like you eat chocolate milkshake, but just juicingthe stinging nettles into my juice, once you juice the stinging nettles or bled them upthey lose the stinging aspect of them and dandelions are known for its liberty toxicationsthey’re available free wherever you live. now you wanna be cautious in harvesting thingsout of this, cause they’re freeways, this kinds of stuff so use your common sense, imean obviously you’re backyard is all you
know overgrown, and you’re not sprayingnothing back there. it’s probably a good place. but you need to know about the mostedible weeds out there, i’m glad katrina wrote a book titled the ‘wild wisdom ofweeds’ and in the book she identifies the 13 most common weeds and their health benefits.so i encourage everybody to get that book and the secret thing is… is if you go tomy gardening channel growyourgreens.com you look for the video with katrina, i set upa special view with her. normally if you just buy the book, you just get the book, but becausei work with her, i said ‘katrina can you do something special for my people? can youactually collect the 13 weed seeds? you know and then include it with your book and whenmy people buy it from you guys, and so now
you guys can get the weed seeds from katrina,for those weeds you can hunt and find them in your neighborhood and just throw them incrafts, and just throw them down, maybe in some dirt in an empty lot on, it would bebetter if you grew them in good rich soil and they’re gonna come up and you’re gonnaget familiar with the different weeds in the book so will be able to identify them as they’relittle baby plants when they get more mature, you get to taste them in different stagesand get all the different phytonutrients and phytochemicals. i really like to eat babyplants, in the micro greens or baby stage, i like to harvest my baby leaves for eatingraw because they’re more tender, and i like to use the larger leaves for juicing or blendingor whatever you need to break up that hard
fiber and you get to have an intimate connectionwith the weeds that you’ll be eating by getting her book and the seeds, the 13 seeds,if you get the book at the special link that i have.so yes, that’s tip number one, one way to better any diet you’re on is by diversifyingand increasing the diversity of foods and eating some foods that you may not have normallyeaten. and so the foods i have shared with you guys are some of the most nutrient densefoods that i have learned about to date. next i would like to talk about somethingthat’s also you guys, every one of you guys will be affected with all the time is decliningnutrients in food. and maybe people don’t talk about this and they think oh yeah youcan just flock to whole foods, eat fruits
and vegetables you’re gonna be fine. well,you know we would be fine if this was a hundred years ago, or two hundred years ago beforechemical agriculture, before tilling, before we were destroying the earth, and all thiskind of stuff, and the us department of agriculture has been compiling data on nutritional contenton food since the 1800s. studies show that foods today have less nutrition you know thanin previous years, so a study posted in 2004 in the journal of the american college ofnutrition found that reliable declined in 43 different fruits and vegetables, and abritish food journal study found that 20 vegetables average calcium content had decline 19%, iron22% and potassium 14%. so i mean and this just from studying when they’re pickingwhatever vegetables and there’s no standard
on how much nutrient a vegetable should have,i mean you can go online to the usda nutrition database and pull up a carrot, a carrot supposedto have this much nutrition, but how do you really know was that carrot grown with ndkfertilizer which is was concentrating on free minerals or was it grown in a mineral rich90 plus mineral soil, right? and in between different farmers, organic growers that mayhave different growing practices and you guys have tasted this before, when you tasted atomato or tasted fruit and you go like that was one good tomato, or oh that tomato didn’ttaste good. taste is an really big indicator of nutrients.so let’s look at a couple of slides of the decline, the average mineral content, thedecline of selected vegetable between 1914
and 1997. this is the sum of calcium, magnesiumand iron in cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes and spinach. as you guys can see, you know weused to have a lot more nutrients in 1914 than it does in 1997, and this is not 1997anymore, if you haven’t checked lately, its 2015, so i’m sure maybe according tothe graph its probably flattened out or maybe even declined. and you know this correlationis not causation so i want to make that clear. also the diets of americans have changed significantlysince 1914, but or 1980, in this slide here. basically it shows there’s a decrease inthe minerals and there’s an increase in disease. so i’m not saying this is the reasonwhy diseases are occurring. i’m sure also it is occurring people are not eating theright foods. but this is a potential reason
in my opinion you know it does play a factorin disease, and dr. fuhrman talks about this with certain mineral deficiencies, viruseswere able to you know morph and change into something that’s gonna affect you versussomething that’s not gonna affect you. so these are some of the different minerals thatare associated with different diseases and their declines, and let’s get into someof the different specific nutrient changes on some of the measured nutrients from theusda, a published study as you can see this is for onions, you know that the percentagedecline is in iron. 46% less iron. are people iron deficient because now we have less ironin the food, is it because you are not eating enough meat. well maybe it’s because thefood of today farmers are not putting iron
back in the soil and the micro activity inthe soil to uptake the iron into plants as well as other nutrients.next we’re gonna talk about okra, you know the iron actually increased in okra, so ifyou want some extra iron eating okra, but the vitamin c is reduced, the survival flavonoidsreduced and these are just the minerals that are checked for in common agriculture. andin common agriculture i would like to let you guys know that there’s npk fertilizer,that when you simply go to the store there’s a bag of 10-10-10 fertilizer, that’s thenpk, that’s free minerals. and universities talked about maybe adding 16-18 minerals intothe soil but that have no fertile strip soil in the earth there’s exist soils that have70-90 different minerals now what happened
to all those, why are those being left out?what roles do those play in plant nutrition? that haven’t been researched or yet humannutrition which we haven’t really researched either. as much as i believe in science, ibelieve science does not know everything and we need to know maybe you know do the bestwe can. so here’s the change in watermelon has highervitamin c these days, less iron, and a lot less riboflavin. now what are the changesthat they say that the nutrients have changed not because the mineral that fish in sea,wood, but also due to plant breeding and having different variety of produce. you know thesedays when they had in 1950 for example, they got whatever they had in seedless watermelonsin 1950 i wasn’t around yet. hell, you guys
you favorite kale and you know mustard thatyou think that’s good for the planet, look at the decline, you know 56% decline in riboflavin,48% less calcium, i mean all the foods you could be eating could be higher in nutrientsbut it’s not. they’re not. parsnips, another decrease in parsnips i won’t bore you withmore things and you might be thinking, ‘john i eat organic man, so i’m protected, itdoesn’t affect me.’ let me tell you guys with organic farming it is better in my opinionnot getting the pesticides and toxins in most cases and preventing those things from cominginto your body and in many cases but not all. it is more nutritious so i always encourageyou guys to grow organic but even so in my opinion organic grown produce from industrialfarming right? they’re not doing everything
they can to increase the nutrients in thesoil, right? organic farming, some of the you know the laws about organic farming saywhat you can’t do, they don’t say what you should do or must do to have high quality.so nutrients in fruits and veggies, not all produce are created equal, factors that affectnutrients. growing practices like adding trace minerals, new microbe, putting in npk fertilizersdown. when it is harvested? was the lettuce you’re buying harvested two weeks ago andit’s been sitting in cold storage in the fridge and it’s been trucked across thecountry? as time goes on, nutrition goes down. age off the vine. once again you know ‘ageoff the vine’ that’s super important, that the apples you’re buying that are fromthe usa right now, here in june, we’re not
just picked off the plant, but they were fromlast year’s harvest. last year and they’ve been placed in oxygen deprived environmentin cold storage so that they will last, they will keep for six months and then they bringit to the store and then you buy, and a lot of the apples you get from the usa now, youmay noticed are soft and a familiar texture than when they were fresh harvested you knowfrom the fall. this is the decline of the nutrients in the produce and also the textures.so when i encouraged you guys to you know to try to support your local farmers directly,go to farms to pick their food, there’s a great farm here in town, if you know theguys don’t know where or what it is, its called [inaudible], they pick their food fresh,their harvested bring it them home. so you
can minimize the nutrient declined and stavedoff the blindness. let me just say that post harvest practices is another way that nutrientscan be reduced in the produce that you are buying. for example, like cauliflowers. they’reharvested in the fields, they immediately take the cauliflowers out of the field, theyput them into a cold refrigerated truck, this is known as hydro-cooling, and for the industryit locks in the nutrients while they stave off the oxygen, so it doesn’t actually spoilfast because if they just left it out in the sun, it will wilt, it will go bad but thesooner and the faster they keep getting it in the hydro-cooler, drop that temperaturedown to almost freezing, you know it keeps the produce, so it has what’s called anindustry leg, or it looks fresher longer although
the nutrition is affected. another that cancreate differences in nutrients is the different cultivars, like i kind of mentioned thereare different kinds of hybrid cultivars nowadays that are same as heirlooms from long ago.so how do you know what is the most nutritious? well, you wanna test, test, test. i encourageeverybody to get a blood test and what i like to do is test my food when i’m eating it,and so you can purchase something like this. this is the brix refractometer to check thequality of the fruit you’re eating. so we are just gonna go ahead and take an orangehere, and how this works it’s very easy and take some of the juice of the orange andsqueeze it on here and you can look, and on here, if i got a thousand right, this is abouta 14, and i wanna send to these guys around,
so you guys can actually see what i’m actuallylooking at, slide with it, and also but you can literally use this with many fruits andvegetables. but if it’s a vegetable that you can’t squeeze juice out of, you canput through it in a garlic press or a juicer to get the juice out and basically this isuse by grape growers and they only harvest the grapes when it’s at a certain sugarlevel to make wine because its sugar that ferments into alcohols and most farmers don’teven know what this is and why it is important is because with it, it gives uses of plantthat crop with the higher refracted index, and that’s what you’re looking at, willhave a higher sugar content, higher mineral content, higher protein content and greaterspecific gravity or density. this add up to
the sweeter tasting, more minerally nutritiousfood with lower nitrate and water content, lower freezing point and better storage attributes.so there’s a basically a chart you get, and it’s a refracted index of crop juices.so we’re looking at oranges today these are organic oranges from steltheath farmsin southern california. if you look at the chart an orange, a poor orange is 6, an averageorange is 10, a good orange is 16, and an excellent orange is 20. for anybody, whatwas that reading? was it 14? 15. so that’s not even a good orange. i mean this is whatmost of the produce you guys are buying in the store is, i mean i’ve tested a lot ofproduce and usually falls between good and average, soon the grapes come in and you know,up you know and really well but a lot of produce
is average or good. but i don’t want tobe average or good or what any other american gets. or got. so analog is better better thandigital in this digital age. analog is better than digital and this is the analog’s brixrefractometer, but the digital one costs a lot more that they think is better. but whatwe’re looking at is that size is just a number. another thing that’s important tolook at is the fuzziness of the demarcation line, so you can see not fuzzy it’s likeliterally white and blue and then the fuzzy one you kind of see there’s a gradient rightat the demarcation point and we really want our produce to be as fuzzy as possible whenyou’re selecting one. we want a high number and fuzzy, this will let you know that itsmore nutritionally dense than not, so you
know what i believe that everybody shoulddo is take the brix refractometer when they’re buying produce, and whole foods has greatcustomer service, if you want to sample the fruit before you buy it they will do thatfor you. you can also take out a bit and put juice on your refractometer to check out whatit is. you can go to a farmer’s market, you ask for a sample and you can check andevery american who walks into a store, walks to a farmer’s market with a brix refractometerthen we may see a change in the system. i don’t think it’s not gonna happen anytime soon but i want you guys to know you can do that. because produce is grown forquantity not quality and this really bothers me, right? farmer’s are paid by the poundage,right? and this needs to change if we want
to be healthy because there’s not enoughnutrients in the food that you guys saw that there used to be and farming is a big business.and organic is also part of the business and all businesses are there to make profit andnot necessarily there to make you guys healthy. in america when we’re finally checking outbrix. in japan, they’re starting to get this, they have specialty gift stores thathave you know that they sell fruits and there’s a $21 apple and i’m not saying for a case,that’s $21 for one apple. it’s known as the sekai-ichi, i don’t know i’m not japaneseso i might have said that wrong, so i’m sorry if you’re japanese. but it means theworld’s best, world’s best apple apple for 21 bucks because they want quality, theyappreciate quality. that’s where the grower
really takes their practice seriously to growthe best, so what is the solution to this? the solution to this is to grow your own.by growing your own you’re making a significant dent in the produce you purchase. this isme in my backyard with all my venofuendes and pepper plants, that are growing and nowmaking peppers for me this is taken just a few months ago. you can grow higher qualitymore nutrient dense, because you can add nutrients to your soil, you can also grow unlimitedvarieties instead of being dictated to what you’re gonna eat based on what’s in thesupermarket, you can pick up a rare seed catalog, rareseeds.com baker creek. they have over13 hundred different varieties of different fruits in there, and then if you guys liketo cook your squashes, you guys will be amaze
if you’ve thought that there’s only likekabuchi, butternut and spaghetti and all this stuff. they have over like a hundred differentkinds of squashes and each one tastes a little bit different. you can probably eat squashfor a whole year, every day you can have a different one and most people like never tastedthe different varieties which make me sad. there’s also many in their houses [inaudible].of course, you’ll be out in nature you’re gonna get vitamin d in the sun, so you don’thave to make your own, if you’re out in extended times in las vegas i do recommendwearing some kind of protection. i like to wear clothes for protection especially formy face. i’ll be out in the sun for a little while. but then i like to put on a nice widebrimmed hat; you’re gonna have a connection
with nature in today’s age, you know we’reso much inside. we’re making a living on the computer, working on the computer. weneed to get back to nature, to appreciate nature. to have our feet on the ground. begrounded and to have a connection. it’s also great to de-stress and because it’sjust nature happening, and there’s no demands on you when you’re outside. you also getplenty of exercises lifting compost bags, huddling on plants, bending over, diggingand shoveling, turning compost. and more importantly, you get to know where you’re food came from.and further more this just shows us the last slide show on the nutrient quality which isvery important to me. so they did a test between store-bought beans and garden beans. and thegarden beans were grown under nutrient dense
conditions but not even under optimal or thebest conditions. and you can see the brix was higher and all this kind of stuff whichis cool. but i want you guys to focus on the nutritional quality of the body, this is reallyimportant to me, this is really something that’s not talked about. as you guys cansee you know the minerals are much higher, some of them a lot higher, and some of themas not as high, but mainly it’s higher and yeah that thing that’s higher is almostdouble, if not double. almost double is the protein content. where do you get your protein?is it vegan or [inaudible] plant-based diet? i bet you get it in fruits and vegetableswhat if you can have 50% more protein in the foods and eat as half as much foods to meetyou protein requirements. we don’t want
to eat protein in excess in my opinion, youknow but we can eat less food to get the same amount of protein. so one of the things, thati learn is that by growing a garden is that i don’t need to eat as much food as i caneat. less food which is less caloric density. but also to get more nutrients at the sametime and if growers and farmers took this up there would be more protein in the vegetablesthan if you’re eating animals you’re not immune. the animals were eating feeds thatwere nutrient depleted and they are also biological accumulators.so increase of protein content as well as mineral content and when that increases wecan surmised the phytochemicals and phytonutrients also increase. not all gardens are createdequal, but this is very important if you’re
gonna grow a garden, but you can do practicesthat can ensure you can have the highest quality of food versus just being out with the grossstuff which is probably better than most things in the grocery store, but i really want youguys to strive for the best. so i want to encourage everybody to grow beyond organicfood and to do this you will need a few implements such as compost, and most will think of compostas bacterial based compost made with a heat paw which is available if you go down to thelocal big bob store or nursery supply store. but there’s also another dominating compostthat very foreign, that’s made with low heat and that has a lot of fungi in it. wehave beneficial bacteria, a lot of beneficial bacteria in us, and they’re important forour digestive and immune systems but its also
important for the soil. it’s very funnyhow the soil that we are related. also adding the rock dust up which adds up to 70 differenttrace minerals in the amount that nature would have put them there. so i don’t want tobe a scientist and i don’t want to say ‘put this and this’, we just dig up rocks andhave a lot of nutrients in it, put them in the soil and then it just grows. and alsoocean salts because the nutrients have been leeched away from the mountains into the oceans.the ocean solids can have up to 90 trace minerals. so i like to boil or feed or spray on my plantsup to 90 minerals. so that they’ll absorb them and you know this is all in natural amounts.of course, another component is microbe, the bacterial and fungi are essential for thegarden this is the component that most chemical
farming is missing out on, they are destroyingthe microbes in the soil because it is the microbes that basically digest the nutrientfor the rock, the dust, the organic matter from the compost and make it into plant availablenutrients. i would like to say that manures is how a lot of the food in america is beinggrown… is being grown from manures. from factory farms and if you’re vegan or plant-basedperson, you do want to be concern about this, because number one it’s a waste-stream productfrom that industry that your food is being grown on. many people use manures in theirgarden and think it’s the end. well, it’s manures, alright. the animals take out fromthe food what they need and they poop out of the waste products and they’re alreadytaken out a lot of nutrition. number two:
most manures i would consider contaminatedwith gmo residues, antibiotics, e. coli, that’s why there’s outbreaks on different cropsbecause of this, so i don’t necessarily recommend using manure unless you can getit from a really clean source. so when separating new varieties of fruitsand vegetables for unique phytochemicals and phytonutrients versus the highest qualityproduce from the store or direct from farmer’s markets by checking up with your brix meterby going around and by growing your own to have the best food on the planet. thank you.applause speaker #2: give it up for john kohler.applause john kohler: alright i have over 800 videosonline all for free. you guys can watch on
youtube if you like our presentation here,our presentation styles are similar. i cover a wide variety of topics on growing your greens;i talk about my healthy plant based diet with 450 videos on that channel. you then can supportme by purchasing a juicer, blender, dehydrator, a discounted juicer on a related youtube channelwhere i demonstrate the machine. and why they maybe beneficial for you. also if you havebrix meters available today, if you’re interested in checking out your food and eat a higherquality and a few seeds and plants. thank you. thank you, john. and john has atable at the super place and if anyone wants to meet john and have questions answered.john is going to be there today. i want have one brix meter back, so if youhave the other one bring it to me to my table.
alright, let’s give it up for john.shift screen john kohler: alright so you guys made it throughthe whole entire the video. congratulations! you know people paid $100 a day to attendthe health, happiness and healing event. i spoke with you know many other different presenterslike dr joel fuhrman, dr. michael klapper and a whole bunch of other people who talkabout living a healthier plant based lifestyle and not only about the diet, but also aboutthe lifestyle in general. you know getting enough sleep, being motivated having a greatattitude, you know these are aspects of health, but for me one of the most important thingthat it comes down to, is that you guys you are what eat. and if you didn’t learn anythingelse in this talk, in this presentation i
gave, is that i want to encourage you guysto eat a higher quality food. and unfortunately even if you’re getting organic and yes,or buying organic in the stores is better, in most cases than buying some conventionalstuff. you can even take it to the next level, i’m here your friend your gardener i’msurrounded by these beautiful nasturtium flowers that could be eaten, you know and salads andsorghum leaves, can also be eaten actually they’re quite hot and spicy, you yourselfcould grow very nutrient dense foods even if you only don’t have space for gardening,even if you have a kitchen or live in an apartment or rv. you can grow sprouts and my greenswith very little space using techniques i’ve shared on growingyourgreens.com and anotherthing i showed you guys is how to select the
highest quality produce at the store, causewe all gotten that peach at the store that’s nice and rock hard it never really ripensup, it really never gets sweeter, and it tastes like crap. but use it in that brix meter,and you know, i want to encourage you guys to do a google search right now, brix meter,b-r-i-x meter, or refractometer 0-32, and pick one of those guys up and so you couldactually start testing your fruits or vegetables and getting that highest quality where youcan get more nutrition. i’m literally sharing with you guys what i learned the last 20 yearsand giving you guys the fast track shortcut right like when you’re playing monopolyand you pick up that card- pass, go and collect $200 – that’s what you guys get with meand all you gotta do is just spend some time
and invest in your health. cause i do thisfor you, i don’t put up videos for me. i do this cause i want to help you guys. i’mliterally glad to be alive because i almost lost my life when i was younger. in any caseif you like this format one minute film more than the presentations that i give live, causeas many times i come from my garden i make a video for you guys, i give a lot of livepresentations, and i do like to put those up you know in full link unlike most otheryoutubers that teach on plant based, raw food, whole foods diet; they don’t put up toomany of their videos that they give live. they are full of their chockfull, they sendin their 5 minute snippets where you don’t get the full story to take your head off tothe maximum level. like this video if you
like it and you want more. also be sure tosubscribe to past episodes of our 400 episodes now on all aspects of living on health plantbased fruit and vegetable raw diet. once again, i’m john kohler, with okraw.com will seenext time. and remember keep eating your fresh fruit and vegetables they’re always thebest
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