fast working diet and exercise plans

fast working diet and exercise plans

you know what i hate? working out. it’sthe worst. if only i could reward myself with like a cheeseburger afterwards. sound counterproductive? new research suggests maybe not hey hungry hippos, julia here for dnews a recent study from the university of montanafound that there was no difference in energy gained from eating fast food or from takingsports supplements. in the study published in the internationaljournal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism - 11 male cyclists cycled for 90 minutes,depleting their bodies of glycogen. right after the ride and then two hours later, theparticipants either ate fast food or took sports supplements. then fours after the firstbit of exercise, they did a 12.4-mile time

trial. the researchers found no difference in bloodglucose and insulin response between fast food and supplements, but even more intriguing,there wasn’t a difference in the athlete’s performance in the time trial. this story sounds great! i mean i could gorun a mile then eat a greasy cheeseburger with some french fries and be healthy. right!? well hold on, let’s take a closer look atthis. first of all, it was an incredibly small study,with only 11 male cyclists as participants. any study with small sample size warrantscaution. but what about their results?

this is really a story about glycogen. whichis a type of carbohydrate found in a few different cell types, like liver cells, but in thiscase, it’s important that it makes up about 1 to 2% of your muscle mass. your body usesglycogen easily during exercise. in fact it’s the first source muscles use to contract,especially during high intensity exercise. some intense athletes like marathon runnerscan deplete their body’s store of glycogen during a workout. they “hit the wall”and experience extreme fatigue that makes it hard to even move. thus a lot of athletescarbo-load before a big race or game. but restoring glycogen afterwards is super importanttoo. by eating lots of carbs afterwards, the body’s glycogen stores are replenished andcan build bigger muscles with more glycogen

storage capabilities for future exercise. so this is basically what the study focusedon. it could mean that any high glycemic foods would restore your glycogen levels. pasta,pizza, bread, rice, pasta, did i say pasta? i love pasta. or another way of looking at this study isthat sports nutrition supplements work just as well as fast food. which doesn’t bode well for expensive nutritionalsupplements. would you pay 60 bucks for a bottle of supplements over a 5 dollar mealdown the street? well, you wouldn’t be the only one. over 150 million americans takesome form of supplement. but nutritional supplements

have their own host of problems. the new yorkstate attorney general's office recently tested dietary supplements and found that many don’tcontain what they're supposed to. but what’s actually in them is another story. one studypublished in jama internal medicine found that many supplements for weight loss andbody building were recalled for containing banned substances that could cause serioushealth problems or death. and i mean really, let’s not say fast foodis good for athletes. fast food is still considered a leading cause of obesity. most fast foodmeals are high in fats and sugar. while these are good for the body in small doses, toomuch of a good thing, is bad. very bad. too much fast food increases your risk of heartdisease and stroke.

and the authors of the fast food study sayall the hype is just that, hype. moderation is key. don’t go binge on a burger and friesafter every workout. sad day. would you give up your body building pillsfor a cheese burger? let’s be real. we all would. let us know down in the comments below..

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