fast working effective diet pills

fast working effective diet pills

hey, everybody. welcome to another episodeof fabulously fit friday. many of our vacations are done for the rest of the year until wintertime, so what that means is it's time to get back on track. if you slacked off a littlebit in the summer time, which some of us do, it's time to get back on track with our dietand exercise routines. and you all know i'm a huge proponent of having a goal in mindwhen you're trying to lose weight and get into crazy, sexy, awesome shape. for me, thatgoal is the spring shows. and for those of you that don't know what competing's all about,we're talking about bikini figure bodybuilding competitions. for me, that's that goal i setto make sure that i stay on track with my diet and exercise program so i don't justgo offtrack and say, "eh, i think i'll try

this another time," because it's all too easyto do that, right? without a goal in mind, without some target that we're trying to, for those of you that entered the figure & bikini fitness inspiration 2013 contestyou've got that goal in mind because that deadline's december 31st so you've got itall set out for you. for those of you that don't have a goal yet you might really wantto think about: what can you do to put a goal into place so that you keep on track so thatyou don't allow excuses to come into play? so that's what i'm doing over the next fewmonths, but for today's fabulously fit friday what we're going to be talking about are weightloss pills, and does these things really work? nose hairs, how we doing with nose hairs?here you're going to need this for the shoot.

you're a doctor now. okay. quiet on the set.okay, speed. lost it overnight, scene two, take four. okay, and action. we are so excitedabout our new scientific breakthrough. we know losing weight is important to you, sowe've created lose it overnight, a product that's all natural, totally safe, and 100%effective. you know, there are a ton of diet pills on the market and each of them has itsown claims about how it helps you to lose fat or lose weight. just to name a few, wehave alli, which is the over-the-counter version of the prescription drug orlistat or xenical.we have bitter orange, we have chitosan. i think that's how it's pronounced. i'm an accountantin it. i don't do pronunciation stuff like this. chromium, green tea extract, guar gum,hoodia, and of course the most recent one

which is hca. hca, which is short for hydroxycitricacid, is derived from a plant called garcinia cam--, oh, boy. garcinia cambogia. i lovethe internet. you know, in our current culture of instant results, we all want results likesuper, super, super fast and so we're spending billions, and billions, and billions, andbillions, and billions--okay, maybe not that much. we're spending a whole bunch of moneyon these diet pills and you know what? most people are not seeing the results that theywant to see. why is that? so let's go through these very popular diet pills one by one andtalk about if there's any science-based evidence to their claims, what they're made of, andwhy they claim it in the first place, and if any of these are actually worth your money,in my humble opinion of course. so the first

one is alli, which is the that over-the-counterversion of the drug orlistat or xenical. and according to the, this dietpill actually does work to a small extent, so when you take a look at the xenical website,you know what they tell you about the facts about this particular drug is really interesting.first they tell you that xenical is not a magic pill, that it takes a combination ofhealthy eating, regular physical activity, and the will power to keep at it to achieveweight loss. ehhh. well, duh. yeah, isn't that true with any weight loss program? yougot to stick with it for longterm results. i'm not going to judge just quite yet. italso says, "if you reduce your calories intake, participate in regular physical activity suchas walking, and use xenical you will start

to see positive weight loss results." uhhh.if you reduce your calorie intake and participate in regular physical activity, won't you probablylose weight anyway? but that's another story. they say that xenical works by targeting theabsorption of dietary fat in your body rather than suppressing your appetite, like otherappetite suppressants. xenical works locally in your digestive system to block approximatelyone-third, or 30 percent, of the fat you eat from being absorbed. what they're saying isessentially it blocks the fat in your foods from being absorbed properly into your system,essentially flushing it out. in other words: diarrhea. yes, loose stools as a side effect.bleh! who wants that? the website also says that you're going to lose two to four kilogramsper month, of course with reduced calories

and exercise. well, that's about four-and-a-halfto nine pounds a month. candidly, that's no different than other standard dietary programsout there. that's no miracle weight loss, and that's the prescription version. if youask me, it sounds like just a good old fashioned clean eating diet and moderate exercise willdo the trick on its own. xenical, if i'm pronouncing that right, and the over-the-counter version,i just don't think it's worth the money. you'd be better off spending that money on a gymmembership or on 4,000 bags of broccoli which will give you the same results. bleh! next,we have bitter orange. banned by the ncaa, it can raise your blood pressure and thereis no scientific evidence that this actually works. there's a whole bunch of studies outthere but nothing conclusive, so if you really

want to feel like you've just taken a wholebunch of caffeine, go ahead and take bitter orange. again, i just don't think this stuffis going to work. the science isn't there to back it up. if you're going to spend aton of money and you're not going to get the longterm results, sustained results, thatyou're looking for. according to the us department of health and human services, bitter orangehas also been noted to potentially cause fainting, heart attack, and stroke in healthy peopleafter taking bitter orange supplements alone or combined with caffeine. yikes! it sayshere people should avoid taking bitter orange supplements if they have a heart condition,high blood pressure, or if they're taking medication such as mao inhibitors, caffeine,or other herb supplements that speed up the

heart rate. funny, an awful lot of peoplethat have weight issues have high blood pressure too. i don't think i'd want to be taking bitterorange on top of that. so bitter orange is out. spend your money on more broccoli. nowwe have chitosan, one of my favorites. chitosan is made from exoskeletons of crustaceans.mmm. it's processed by removed the shells from shellfish such shrimp, lobsters, andcrabs. the shells are then ground down into pulverous powder. chitosan is just shellsand basically it acts like fiber in the body. it helps to pass along the food rather thanit being absorbed, but, again, why don't you save yourself a bunch of money and just buya whole bunch of bags of broccoli. it's going to be the same result. and chitosan has somewonderful side effects just like these other

pills. we have upset stomach, nausea, gas,increased stool bulk, and constipation. who wants to be constipated when they're tryingto lose weight? it's not exactly pleasant. and then a very popular one is the green teaextract and that's been talked about a lot on talk shows and on youtube. you got to watchout for those youtube people. oh, wait a minutes. the green tea extract essentially has caffeinein it so it acts just like any other caffeinated beverage, so will it help you to lose weight?well, i suppose so if you're drinking some of it on a periodic basis, but, you know,just like everything else the body kind of gets used to it and adapts. plus, just likecoffee, if you drink too much it has a whole bunch of wonderful side effects, like agitation,dizziness, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and

gas. lovely. and once again, there is no scientificevidence--none--to support that green tea extract actually helps you to lose weight.guar gum is another one. guar gum, again, acts like fiber in the system so go aheadand save yourself a bunch of money and just eat your vegetables. you get a whole bunchof other nutrients on top of that plus your fiber. last, but not least, we have garciniacambogia, otherwise known as hca, and hca has been touted at this miracle weight losspill but you probably already know that back in 2009 the fda actually pulled hydroxycutwhich contained hca and issued a warning about other products that contained hca becauseof its negative side effects. and, to add to that, again, there's no conclusive evidencethat hca actually works for weight loss. tons

of studies, nothing conclusive. now, you'reprobably finding it just as curious as i do is, how can all these weight loss pills beon the market and have all of these claims if they don't really have scientific evidenceto support it? fact is that the fda has very little oversight with the dietary supplementindustry, that includes weight loss pills. prior to 1994, dietary supplements were regulatedjust like every other food product out there. they had the same standards, but startingin 1994 an act was put into place that really loosened the standards on dietary supplementsand, candidly, they just don't have to follow the same rules and regulations as other foodmanufacturers. they can get away with a whole bunch more about making claims that may notnecessarily be true. and savvy marketers know

how to spin the words to make sure that wethink we're getting something that's really going to help us but we may not be. beforeyou spend your hard-earned dollars on diet pills i want you to think about it. if youwant longterm sustained results, that's what we all want, but diet pills, even if theydo work, that is short term thinking. what's going to happen after you're done taking thediet pills? because, you know what? you're not going to take them forever. you're goingto go back to your old eating habits, the old way of doing things, and you're goingto pack those pounds right back on. so it's much better to learn a clean eating lifestylecombined with moderate amounts of exercise and change your lifestyle to get that sexy,crazy, incredible body for life. bottom line:

don't spend your hard-earned dollars unlessyou really know what you're getting into. don't believe the hype. that wraps up anotherepisode of fabulously fit friday. i hope you got some value out of this episode, and ifyou did go ahead and hit that "like" button below because that tells other people thatthis episode is really valuable. if you want to see more episodes of fabulously fit fridayhit that "subscribe" button somewhere around here. i think it's down below now. if youhit that "subscribe" button that will notify you every time a fabulously fit friday isreleased. if you want to learn how to get into crazy, sexy, awesome shape go ahead andhead over to or i'm kristin shaffer and i hope to see youat the next fabulously fit friday. uh, chit--,

chitostan--, chitosan. oh, gosh. i'm not goingto be able to pronounce these. and of corch. and of corch? oh, gosh. this is going to bea long one. take 45. hca, hydroxycitric acid. hca, which is--, hca, which is short for hyrox--,good thing i wasn't a doctor. i'd have a really hard time. i can't talk today.

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