foods that work fast for constipation

foods that work fast for constipation

hey guys, dr. axe here, doctor of naturalmedicine and founder of in this video i'm going to talk to you about how tonaturally cleanse your colon and really go through the exact steps and the best foodsand herbs and supplements you need to cleanse your colon naturally. i'll say most of these other colon cleansesout there that people are recommending are sort of fads. they're not really going towork long-term. what i'm going to teach you here is really how to do this over severaldays, but then also how to keep these different things incorporated in your diet long-termin daily life that's going to naturally help cleanse your colon.

the truth is your colon doesn't necessarilyneed a lot of help but just needs no interference. for a lot of us we're consuming differentfoods and doing things on a regular basis that are really sort of blocking our colonup and keeping it from doing its job. so the number one step you need to follow in cleansingyour colon is eliminating processed refined foods and fast foods. so again, anything thatis a packaged food, anything that you're buying, let's say, at a fast food restaurant, we knowthat those foods are going to cause intestinal inflammation. so step number one, get ridof the processed foods. now my top foods, i'll go here in workingorder of the best foods for cleansing your colon. number one is fermented vegetables.if you're not consuming fermented foods like

sauerkraut and kimchi, you've got to get thosein your diet. so the number one thing is start consuming sauerkraut or kimchi every singleday. the number two way to start cleansing yourcolon is to start consuming more probiotic-rich foods in the form of fermented dairy likegoat's milk kefir, and goat's milk yogurt. we know those are the highest foods in probiotics. step number three, eat apples. apples haveincredible benefits at cleansing the colon. they've got pectin, a specific type of fiber,as well as quercetin that can really help cleanse the colon. so again, apples are probablythe best fruit when it comes to cleansing the colon.

the next here, another sort of fruit, is, avocadoes are great because not only are they one of the most fiber rich foodson the planet, but it also contains large amounts of potassium and magnesium. potassiumand magnesium are the top two minerals that you need in order to start flushing out yourcolon. you know sodium and salt makes you hold water; potassium causes you to startto flush water and toxins from your system, and magnesium helps loosen the muscles andrelax the muscles of the colon so you can have easier bowel movements and bowel again, avocadoes are an amazing food because of the healthy fats. the magnesium and thepotassium and the fiber make it a great food for naturally cleansing your colon.

the next thing you want to naturally cleanseyour colon is flax seeds, or specifically sprouted flax, another amazing fiber richfood that's loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. we know flax, just adding a couple of tablespoonsin a morning smoothie, can naturally help the next thing is an herb called triphala has been used in india and asia for centuries as a natural tonic that cansupport colon function. so if you want to really support your colon, triphala is anincredible herb you want to look into or an herbal sort of remedy. that's t-r-i-p-h-a-l-a.triphala is again very, very powerful, very strong at supporting your overall colon health. and then last but not least, getting moreclean water. about eight glasses a day of

pure clean water is great for naturally cleansingthe colon. what this should look like is this. what i recommend if you want to do, let'ssay, a week-long, seven-day colon cleanse, is i would wake up every morning and startoff with a superfood smoothie, and i would put in a tablespoon of collagen protein powderor a couple tablespoons. i would put in an apple. i would put in some vegetables, ifyou want, like celery and cucumber, and then i would put in a tablespoon of flax meal andthen half an avocado. blend that up and then do that colon cleansing smoothie for breakfast. for lunch, i would do a big superfood it's basically organic lettuce, tomatoes, you can do more avocado on there and thensomething like an apple cider vinegar with

a tablespoon of olive oil. do that for lunch,and for dinner, bone broth soup. do vegetables, do chicken, do chicken broth, but again, abig thing of hearty vegetable soup, chicken vegetable soup, for dinner. and then as asupplement take probiotics, one to two caps twice a day, so four caps total daily of probiotics. if you do that superfood smoothie for breakfast,that big superfood salad for lunch, and that bowl of bone broth soup for dinner, alongwith everything i talked about you're going to see tremendous improvements in your overallcolon health, especially if you struggle with constipation. this is a great remedy for thatas well. so guys, i hope you've enjoyed this videoon natural ways to cleanse your colon. and

hey, if you want to learn more about naturaltechniques to cleanse your colon, simply visit my website,, and subscribe hereto the youtube channel. i've got a lot more videos coming out on natural ways to detoxand take your health to the next level.

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