free easy diet to follow to lose weight

free easy diet to follow to lose weight
hey, what’s up guys? sean nalewanyj here, and in this video here, i want to give you guys my answer to the questionof what the best cutting diet is to lose fat and to get lean? now, this is going to besort of a slightly different take on the subject, because when most people go about trying tostructure the best fat loss diet for themselves, they tend to think only in terms of bottomline effect of this, you know, what method is going to burn fat as fast as possible.and in doing that, the very important issue of adherence, that tends to get other words, the diet might be effective, but are you actually going to be able to stickto it over the long-term in order to actually reach your fat loss goals? now, we alreadyknow from statistics and just from basic everyday
observation that the majority of people whostart a fat loss diet will not end up sticking to it over the long-term. we already knowthat for sure. and among many different reasons is the simple fact that the cutting diet itselfjust isn’t sustainable. it might involve too large of a calorie deficit, it might betoo restrictive. it might be based around a bunch of different rules that just aren’tpractical for your lifestyle. or just might be based on certain guidelines that you reallydon’t enjoy following. for example, some people do really well following an intermittentfasting style approach. so, pushing all of their calories into a smaller feeding window.whereas there are other people who prefer eating smaller meals spread all throughoutthe day. now, that’s just a matter of personal

preference, and either one ultimately works.but if you’re trying to force yourself into a fat loss plan that deep down you reallydislike, you might stick with it for a few weeks or a few months. but eventually you’reprobably going to burn out, you’re probably going to get frustrated and you’re probablygoing to quit. and then, if you do quit, it’s going to make things even harder moving forward,because your confidence will go down and you’ll be less likely to start back up again. so,what is the best cutting diet for losing fat and keeping it off? well, my simple answerto most people would be this, the best cutting diet is whatever diet, assuming you have thebasic fundamentals down, which i’ll touch on shortly, but it’s whatever diet allowsyou to maintain a calorie deficit long enough

to reach your goals. very simple answer, butit is something that a lot of people ignore. so, regardless of what anyone tries to tellyou, fat loss ultimately comes down to the simple act of expending more energy than youtake in. so, burning more calories than you consume, a.k.a. a calorie deficit. and then,maintaining that state long enough to lose whatever amount of fat you’re trying toburn. and again, regardless of what people trying to sell you miracle programs or supplements,regardless of what they might say, that’s not easy. it’s not an easy thing to does require hard work. it does require discipline. and it does require patience.when you put your body into a calorie deficit, you are going to experience a certain levelof hunger at certain periods in the day. that’s

normal. you will experience cravings. andon top of that, your energy levels will, overall, be lower than they were when you were eatingand maintenance or when you were eating in a surplus. now, that’s just the nature ofthe process and it is a challenge. and the reason why most people can’t stick to itis because they just don’t stack the odds heavily enough in their favor. they try tomaintain that deficit, but they don’t lay out their cutting diet in a way that is sustainablefor them. bottom line defect in this is one thing. but if you can’t maintain it longenough to reach your goal, then obviously, it’s going to be totally useless for you.for example, fat loss diet a, might produce say 2 pounds of fat loss per week. but ifyour goal is to lose 20 pounds, and you can

only stick to that diet for a month beforefalling off, then ultimately it’s still going to be a failure. on the other hand,if diet b, produces, say half of that, so maybe 1 pound of fat loss per week, but youcan easily maintain that for all 20 weeks, then clearly it’s going to be the superiorapproach for you. so, again, get the basic fundamentals down first. so, that means afew things. it means, getting enough protein each day. you’ll hear different recommendationsfor this. and more and more research is coming out that starting to show that we do needeven less protein than we thought. but let’s say, at least 0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight daily, that’s what i’d recommend right now. i personally like to go a littlebit higher around 1 gram just to be safe.

but again, anywhere from 0.8 gram to 1 gramwill ultimately be, probably be fine. you also want to make sure you’re getting enoughfat each day. so, i’d say, not much lower than around 20 percent of your total calories.and you want to make sure that your fiber and your micronutrient needs are being metby getting in a couple servings of vegetables, and fruits and just making sure that the bulkof your diet is coming from minimally processed whole foods. so, once you have those basicsdown, again, just stack the odds in your favor. if you like bigger meals less frequently orsmaller meals more frequently, then choose whichever one you prefer. you might want toallocate a higher percentage or a lower percentage of your calories to the earlier parts or thelater parts of the day. in terms of food choices,

keep in mind that there are no mandatory fat-burningfoods that you must eat. so, just choose foods in each category. so, protein, carbs and fats,choose the foods that you prefer most. if you don’t like brown rice, then don’teat brown rice. if you like yogurt as opposed to cottage cheese or chicken rather than redmeat, then make those choices. or if you have certain fruits and veggies that you reallylike, then just stick to those. if you have a certain foods that you really like and thatyou crave like let’s say, chocolate for example, then allocate a certain percentageof your calories each day towards enjoying some chocolate, in that way you won’t feeldeprived. another thing to take into account is just the overall size of your calorie, i personally like to use a larger deficit

over a shorter time frame, because that wayi can just get my cutting diet over with faster. but on the other hand, my good friend, fernando,he just finished losing around 30 pounds or so, but he was using a smaller deficit overa longer period of time. again, it’s just personal preference. and ultimately eitherone works. so, bottom line guys, the best cutting diet for most people is whatever dietallows you, so you personally, to maintain a net calorie deficit over time. whatevercutting diet keeps you in a calorie deficit on an ongoing basis long enough to reach yourgoals without quitting is ultimately going to be a successful diet. so, get the fundamentalsdown, you know, the protein, the fat, the fiber, the micronutrients. and then, set upyour daily diet in the way that you enjoy
most in terms of meal frequency, meal spacing,food choices, calorie deficit size, et cetera. if you just take some time and effort to structureit this way, rather than just jumping head first into some crazy fat loss diet basedaround a bunch of rules that may or may not fit your lifestyle or your preferences. ifyou do that, your chances for long-term fat-burning success are going to be exponentially, obviously if you have to get lean for a certain date, so say maybe you’re doinga show or a photo shoot obviously, that’s a different situation. but i’m just talkinghere to the average person who just wants to lose some fat, lean down and lower theiroverall body fat percentage over time. so, thanks for watching this video guys. if youdo want to get a complete step-by-step roadmap,
in terms of training, nutrition, supplementsfor losing fat while also showing you how to customize that plan to your exact needs,then you can check out my complete body transformation blueprint system over at link for that is in the description. if you found these tips helpful, make sure toshare the video, like, comment and subscribe. and you can also check out my official blogover at for all of my latest articles, tips and other updates. talk to you guys againsoon.

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