good easy diets to follow

good easy diets to follow

hey munchers. welcome back and welcome ifyou're new i'm alyssia. about a month ago i shared a video for a campaign to helpthe american foundation for children with aids where i was challenged to makebreakfast lunch and dinner for under $2. you guys seemed to loveit and requested more budget meals so today i am sharing $1 dinnerrecipes and if you want this to become a miniseries for breakfast, lunch and morefor $1 or less let me know in the comments below and thumbs-up wouldn'thurt. so all the meals that i'm sharing today are less than $1 perserving. now that doesn't mean that the ingredients cost $1 it meansthat through budget shopping and sales

at affordable places like aldi andthe dollar store or in bulk places like costco you can spend less than $1per serving on these meals. you may choose to buy certain items higherquality, so if you want organic produce or meat or eggs of course those will bea bit more. the $1 calculation that i'm sharing today was made usingthe most affordable ingredients available. the point isn't really that$1 number but more so to show you that if you shop around you canreally make some healthy meals for very little money which a lot of people areconvinced cannot be done. first up is a completely vegan dish, my black beanburgers. for this recipe you will need

black beans. now it is cheaper if youwant to buy dry beans and rehydrate them but i am frankly too lazy and cannedbeans can be pretty darn cheap too. you can get it for less than $0.60 acan if you shop around. pumpkin. canned pumpkin is also affordable and a lot ofpeople don't realize is available year-round. plus it's adding extra nutrition. you'llalso need oats which, budget tip, are cheaper if you buy in bulk bins, as wellas onion, garlic, olive oil, cumin, chili powder, paprika, and salt. add all of youringredients into your food processor and blend it on up. another tip on spices buyingbulk spices will significantly lower the

price per ounce and a little goes a longway. transfer your mixture into a large mixing bowl and divided into fourthslike so. this mixture will be a bit wet so transferring to the fridge for a fewminutes before can help make it easier to work with. spray down a large pan overmedium heat and place on a quarter of your mixture shaping it into a nice patty. cook for about 5 minutesbefore flipping and cooking up the other side. you can also bake these inthe oven if preferred and i will include all of these recipes and cooking timesin the recipe pdf in the description. serve as you'd like.

i chose my favorite toppings with a bunbut you could of course do a lettuce wrap or bread or even tortilla if youprefer. the total cost for this meal only $0.61 per serving. that does not include the toppings butit does include the bun. thumbs up for affordable weeknight meals. next up are my asian chicken kabobs orskewers. this dish is great because the protein and veggies are all in one'll want to start by soaking your wooden skewers for 1-2 hours so theydon't burn in the oven. i just add mine to a shallow dish or pan with some waterand weigh them down to keep them

submerged. for this recipe you will needchicken thighs, budget tip, thighs will almost always be cheaper than breasts.they aren't as lean but dark meat is still high in protein and it's actuallyhigher in iron too, plus a little bit of extra fat is going to add a lot offlavor and make it much more moist. you will also need bell pepper. i wentwith green because it is usually more affordable than other varieties, onion,zucchini which are so cheap especially in season and that is another budgettip shop seasonal, soy sauce, olive oil, sesame oil, cilantro fresh herbs aregoing to add so much flavor to our budget meals, and salt and pepper. let'sstart by making our sauce. in a small

mixing bowl add your soy sauce, olive oil,sesame oil, cilantro, and salt and pepper. whisk to combine. now let's load up ourskewers. place the skewers onto a large baking sheet lined with foil and sprayedand i like to use a baking rack so i don't have to flip them halfway it's time to brush on your sauce mixture. once nice and coated bake inoven preheated to 450 degrees fahrenheit for about 20 to 25 minutes until thechicken is completely cooked through. remember you could always use tofu as avegan protein option for this dish. i also served it with some rice on thesign because for me a dinner just isn't complete without some carby cost per serving $0.57 and yup

that does include the rice. rice isanother super cheap ingredient especially if you're buying it in bulk andcooking it up yourself. lastly we've got my new favorite thing ever spaghetti pie. i don't even really like spaghetti but ido like it if its pie. this dish is another option for the vegetarians oranyone looking for meat free options. #meatlessmonday say what!!! for this recipe you will need cookedspaghetti and i recommend cooking 3 to 4 minutes less than the packagerecommends for al dente because it will

cook up a little bit more in the oven,black beans or your favorite beans of choice or ground meat if you want theprotein, onion, garlic, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, salt and pepper, garlic powder,eggs, parmesan cheese, ricotta or cottage cheese which can often be cheaper butboth will work, mozzarella cheese and when it comes to cheese it's always cheaper tobuy the block and shredded yourself, and fresh parsley. spray down a pan overmedium heat and add your chopped onions. saute until translucent and then addyour garlic, black beans, and garlic powder. sautã©ing the onions and garlicfirst is going to add soo much flavor which again is so important in thosebudget meals. affordable does not have to

mean bland. in a large mixing bowl addyour tomato sauce, cottage cheese, eggs, parmesan, parsley, and salt and pepper.whisk to combine and then add your diced tomatoes and your onion bean mixture. mixagain and then fold in your cooked spaghetti gently. grab a sprayedspringform pie pan and pour in your mixture and sprinkle on your shreddedmozzarella cheese. bake in an oven preheated at 350 degrees fahrenheit for40-45 minutes. if the cheese starts to brown too much on top then abouthalfway through add a sheet of foil to cover. allow to cool for about 20minutes and then you can run an offset spatula around the outside, pop it open,and cut into wedges. now there's nothing

left to do but enjoy. it really is sodelicious and what a fun dish that can be healthy and affordable. i hope youguys liked this episode, thumbs up if you want a series of $1 meals and iwill keep them coming. also a quick announcement snapchat. i have one i haven'treally been using it but i'm going to and i'm challenging myself to 30 days ofhealthy snaps. so i'm going to share tips, recipes, tutorials, meal prep, and generalmotivation for 30 days in a row starting this coming monday, the 12th andhopefully that will turn into a habit where i do it more to. so follow me onsnapchat alyssa sheikh and all my other social media is mind over munch.

so that's it for today i hope you all have a wonderful week andremember it's all a matter of mind over munch.

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