strange diets that work fast

strange diets that work fast

- have you ever orderedfood and been disappointed 'cause it wasn't exactlywhat you expected? well, trust me, it could've been worse. if you like to eat out atrestaurants or fast food joints, you may have experienceda situation or two where you ordered wasn'texactly what was delivered. oh man, that sucks, huh? but at least you didn'talmost eat bullets, a razor blade, or a mouse.

today i've gathered the absolutecraziest cases of people who have reported findinglittle bonuses in their order. and if you forgot the valueof a home-cooked meal, you'll remember after this. so let's get right into it. here are 10 disgustingthings found in fast food. number one is a tongueeating parasite in tuna. aw, look at that cute little guy. it looks like a baby pokemon.

it's a flesh eating parasite, oh. in mid january of 2015,28-year old zoe louise butler of nottingham, england purchased a can of princes brand tuna chunksat her local grocery store. upon prying open the lid, she noticed a pair of littleblack eyes looking back at her. snapping a photo of it,she shared it on twitter, asking for opinions as to what the tiny little creature might be.

after much speculation over eric, which was the name she gave thetranslucent little creature, and using the hashtag #tunagate, the natural history museum suggested that it's probably thehead of a cymothoa exigua, also known as a tongue eating louse. in case you didn't know, the tongue eating louse is a parasite that lives and feeds onthe tongues of certain fish

by entering through their gills. after a long twitter war of speculation, ranging from a tadpole to a turtle, eric's species was identified through a series of labtests on february 6th, 2015. unbelievably, butler didnot seek any compensation from the tuna company for the incident, but i'm guessing she's probablygonna avoid tuna for awhile. number two is finger in a sandwich.

okay, class, rule number one for working at a fast food joint. if you cut off your finger, just walk out and don't tell anybody. nothing's gonna happen! in may of 2012, ryanhart, a 14 year old boy from jackson, michigan, bit into an arby's jr. roast beef sandwich when he encountered something

that was a little tough to chew on. what is this, parsley? oh, god! claiming that it tasted disgusting and seemed rubbery in texture, the teen spit it out to discover that he had bit on someoneelse's chopped off finger and it was in his mouth. an investigation into theincident led health officials

to conclude that a worker hadactually severed her finger while operating a meat slicer, and for some reason left the area without telling anybody about it. soon after, another worker, realizing that the orderstill had to be completed, went to her station andcontinued preparing the meal. the injured worker wastreated in hospital, and the arby's closedfor cleaning, you know,

before any other unmentionedbody parts just pop up. is it roast beef or an eyeball? nobody knows. number three is a condom in clam chowder. when you're eating clam chowder, it's best to use protection. during the night of february 26th, 2002 in irvine, california, 48 yearold laila sultan was dining with three of her friends

at a mccormick and schmick'sseafood restaurant. she was enjoying a nicebowl of clam chowder that she had ordered until she bit into something(smacks lips) rubbery. she complained to her friends,but they just teased her, saying, "oh, it's probably just clam." but, unable to chew it,she decided to spit it out, only to discover thatshe was actually trying to consume an unpackagedand seemingly used condom.

yeah, i'ma give you a minuteto marinate on that one. the seafood restaurantchain initially claimed that this was an obvious hoax, but soon after she sued themfor psychological damages and actually won an undisclosedamount in the settlement. sadly, the man whoobviously loved his soup a little bit too much was never found. i can see the headline now:"soup molester on the loose." number four is a mouse in a loaf of bread.

(laughs) nothing like adead mouse in bread, oh boy! in january of 2009, while making a lunch of cheese sandwiches forhis twin sons and daughter, 41 year old stephen forseof kidlington, england noticed something strange on the side of the bread that he was using. what is that, mold? kids, lunch is cancelled. the loaf of bread that forse had purchased

through an online grocerincluded an entire dead mouse that was embedded in it. disgusted over the fact thathe had already used slices from that particular loafearlier to feed his kids, forse notified thegovernment of his gross find, and environmental healthofficers collected the samples from his home. but if you thought that was disturbing, the tail of the rodent was missing

and made forse even moregrossed out because he realized that his family had alreadypreviously consumed it. after an investigation, it was determined that the lone mouse had made its way into the baking facilities and got compacted into theside of the bread crust. (gags) after admitting negligence, and following properfood safety regulations, premier foods was forcedto pay an equivalent

of $21,000 u.s. that's not even a lot of money. $21,000? the guy and his family ate a rat tail. that man is never going to again be able to go close to disneyland. a piece of me's in your belly! (laughs) number five are razor blades in burgers. in 2007, cracker barrelmysteriously pulled all hamburgers

from hundreds ofrestaurants very suddenly. patrons were confusedwhen they showed up unable to order a burger whichwas a popular menu item. well, as it turns out, a womanin south carolina reported ordering a burger as she had always done, except this time it had arazor blade embedded in it. hmm, yeah, this burger tasteslike a lot of blood, mm. after biting into the burger, she actually cut the inside of her mouth

with a piece of metal thatwas embedded in the patty. 313 restaurants out of atotal of 557 were all told to remove the burgersfrom their restaurants for fears that there may bemore situations like this. strangely, the burgers are delivered to them premade and frozen from their biggestsupplier, cargill meats, who investigated the issue. that's not even the disturbing part.

what disturbs me isthat they only shut down 313 restaurants out of 557. they're like, "okay, guys, "we're gonna roll the dice on this one. "uh, these ones probablydon't have razor blades. "these ones do. "okay, let's sell some burgers." number six is bandage in a pizza. after ordering a largepizza hut supreme pizza

on june 8th, 2011, 52 year old clifton park, newjersey resident ken wieczerza ate a portion of it and then put the rest in the fridge as leftovers. so the next day he decided,"mm, i want some tasty pizza," so he took it out, took a biteof one of the cold pizzas, only to discover something alittle too chewy in the dough. turning over that piece, hefound a blue adhesive bandage. not only that, but thebandage came complete

with someone else'sdried blood in the cotton and had actually beenbaked into the bottom of the crust of the pizza. but in possibly the strangest twist, once being a distribution manager himself, he actually feltsympathetic for the company, so he tried keeping quiet, complaining directly to pizzahut, but that didn't work. after being completelyignored by the company,

he preserved the evidence ina sealed bag in the freezer and continued to complain. but after an entiremonth of being ignored, he decided to finally gopublic with his experience. this time pizza hut took notice. but instead of reaching out to him, they publicly refuted his claims. um, our employees only use red bandages. this man is a fraud.

number seven are nails in mac and cheese. bet you didn't know that a simple bowl of mac and cheese could quicklybecome a yummy nightmare. on august 24th, 2008, whilehalfway through eating a tesco value macaroniand cheese ready meal, 21 year old bride-to-be rebecca shorten came across a troubling sight. there among the orange cheesynoodles were two nails. just a little smidgen upset,

she immediately stopped eating the meal, snapped a bunch of photos ofher find, and set it aside. however, soon after, she became very ill and had to go to the emergencyroom to be checked out. i think you can guess where this is going. doctors quickly discovered that there had been athird nail in the dinner and, yes, she had accidentally eaten it. the doctors actually recommended

that it would pass on its own, but that night she went home and experienced even worse pains. she was rushed back to the hospital, where she remained underobservation and on morphine until the nail, uh, passed. oh, but, matt, did she get a big payday? no, no. for all of her trouble,

tesco only offered shortena refund on the meal, which amounted to less than a dollar. they did, however, recallall similar frozen meals. man, i guess it takes four nails or more to get a payout these days. it's tough times. number eight is a tampon in steak. on july 10th, 2009, aman named axel sanz-claus was fine-dining at thebull and bear restaurant,

which is located inside new york's famouswaldorf-astoria hotel. a tourist from germany,sanz-claus was chewing away at the expensive steak andspinach that he ordered when he suddenly found himself unable to break down whatever was in his mouth. spitting it out, he was horrified to learn that he had been chewing on a used tampon. oh my gross!

after trying to sterilizehis mouth by gargling brandy and running to the bathroom, sanz-claus had restaurantstaff call him an ambulance, fearing that he had beenexposed to an illness. at the hospital, doctors did confirm that the item was what he thought it was, and he was tested for hepatitis. as if that wasn't enough,he was then instructed to wait two weeks andthen get an aids test.

meanwhile, the waldorf-astorialaunched an investigation into the bull and bearrestaurant, but found no evidence that the tampon came from their kitchen, and called the matter highly suspicious. highly suspicious? i call it highly disturbing! ugh, i'm gonna yak. number nine is a knife in a sub. in june of 2008, 27 year old john agnesini

was just a few bites into hisfoot-long cold cut sandwich at a subway restaurant in new york city when he spotted themelted plastic of a handle and the shine of a blade. one more bite, and histeeth would have found an 18 centimeter long serrated knife that had been carelessly left in the sub. when subway investigated, they found out that the employee hadaccidentally dropped the blade

into the dough that he soon after baked into foot-long loaves of bread. hmm, so many choices. do i want cheese, garlic, or bloody mouth? the contaminants in his first few bites from the plastic handle caused him to contract food poisoning, and he sued subway for a million dollars. but the two parties eventually settled

out of court for $20,000. but unfortunately for the fast food giant, agnesini wasn't the only person to find such a thing in their sub. in december of 2008, martinvenner of cornwall, england was about to dig into his sweetchilli chicken foot-long sub when he discoveredanother even longer knife had been baked rightinto the bread as well. sadly, he was less fortunate than agnesini

and was only offered a replacementsandwich and 50 pounds. (scoffs) 50 pounds,yeah, 50 pounds of bull! and number 10 is bullets in a hotdog. on may 6th, 2004, ahungry 34 year old woman named olivia chanes wentto a snack bar in a costco in irvine, california. relaxing from a long ordeal of shopping, she ordered a delicious-looking hotdog, but what she received wasn'tas edible as she had expected.

in fact, and pardon the pun for this, but what she got really blew her away. only a few bites in, she bitdown into something super hard. spitting it out, she found a nine millimeterhandgun bullet on her plate. but the trauma did not endthere, because soon afterward, she began feelingagonizing abdominal pains. at that point, she wasrushed to the hospital where she was given x-rays,

which revealed that she hadactually swallowed a bullet before finding thesecond one in her hotdog. eventually, she passed thelive ammunition naturally, and costco performed an investigation into their meats andpackaging departments. yo, i gotta load this gun, but i gotta finish my meatpacking shift. i'ma do both at the same time. soon after, the police were involved,

but they reported that they had no idea where the bullets even came from. you know, not many people can say that they've had a bulletpass right through them, but in olivia's case, that's a club that shedefinitely belongs to. so those were the 10 nastiestthings found in fast food. but as always, and ialmost regret saying this, i want to know from youguys in the comments,

is there anything that you haveeaten at a fast food joint, or anything that you knowsomeone else has eaten at a fast food place that has just been absolutely disgusting? i wanna hear your horrific story below. thank you guys so much for watching. remember to subscribe to my channel, and turn on notificationsby clicking the bell next to the subscribe button

so that you can be notifiedwhen i upload my next video. on the right, you'll findtwo of my most recent videos that you can press or clickon your screen right now. and don't forget to checkout my second vlog channel. the link is in the description. take care, especially when itcomes to what you eat, baby, and i will see you guys next time. nay!

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