chemical diets that work fast

chemical diets that work fast

alright viewers it’s time to hit the gym.and if you’re trying to bulk up, you know you need protein to help build muscle. buthow does that work? how much protein do you need? how much is too much? ahhh it’s allso confusing! first things first, there’s three differenttypes of muscles; skeletal, cardiac and smooth. we’ll be talking about skeletal know, biceps, triceps, quads, and so on. they’re the most adaptable tissues in thehuman body and can be molded through working out or … by sitting on the couch. the way you can build muscles is by … well,damaging them. not real damage, like a major tear that will keep you on the sidelines.when you do intense exercise like resistance

training, little microtears occur in yourmuscles that need to be repaired. but before we talk about repair, we need totalk protein. proteins are essential because they are made of amino acids, which are responsiblefor most of the reactions and processes in living cells. your main source of amino acidsis through proteins in your diet. foods like meat, fish, eggs, and seitan are chockfulof amino acids, some more so than others. after you eat protein, your body breaks itdown into it’s amino acid parts. which brings us back to your damaged muscles. the damage causes your body to string togetheramino acids into new proteins to repair the microtears. the damage also activates satellitecells, which are kind of like stem cells.

the satellite cells flood the damaged areawhere they multiply, and fuse onto the muscle fibers to repair the strand and make it biggerand stronger. so here’s where your swole comes in. musclegrowth only occurs when you have enough amino acids to repair all the microtears, plus someextra left over. the extra amino acids can be used for further muscle growth, bulkingyou up. but if you don’t have enough amino acids,your muscles won’t heal, you won’t bulk up, and you’ll be more prone to injuriesand muscle loss. to prevent that, you need to eat enough how much protein is that, you ask? well it’s all relative. gender, body size, bodycomposition, age, and hormone levels all determine

how much protein you need. someone with amore muscular body that is pumping heavier iron will use more protein than someone whois smaller and just starting to work out. women don’t gain muscle nearly as fast asmen, because more testosterone means more muscle. but don’t start taking t just tobulk up. there can be serious consequences. it is recommended that you eat 0.8 grams ofprotein per kilogram of body weight to maintain muscle. for a 175 pound person, that wouldbe 63 grams of protein per day. not bad. however, some dietitians recommend up to 1.8 gramsper kilogram of body weight for athletes. think michael phelps or cam newton. at 1.8g/kg, that 175 pound person would needto consume 143g of protein per day. now that’s

a lot of protein. to get 143 grams of proteinyou’d need to eat 24 eggs, or 4 chicken breasts or around 6 scoops of protein powder.this is why some athletes drink protein supplements. it gives them a lot of protein without havingto eat as many calories. still, it doesn’t have nutrients like vitamins, fiber, mineralsand so on. so don’t depend on them completely. but when should you eat your protein? onestudy suggests that for young men, protein’s benefits max out at 20 grams after a workout.with that said, everyone’s different and there’s a lot of conflicting research outthere. but you can’t just eat a whole bunch of protein and expect to hulk out. in fact,excess protein is metabolized into glucose and used for energy or stored as fat. so whenyou’re trying to bulk up, make sure to consult

a specialist to get your protein consumptionright. have any science-backed workout tips thatyou swear by? let us know in the comments. and hey, thanks for watching.

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