easy diets to follow for college students

easy diets to follow for college students

when it comes to eating healthy the real secret is being prepared and for me that meanssunday night meal prep. now, this is a process that i go through every single sunday night. it takes a couple ofhours but when i'm done i have a ton of healthy foods already prepped and ready to go. they can be thrown into different recipes

or eaten on their own throughout the week. it's super simple. it takes just a couple of hours but it will absolutely be your savior come wednesday night whenyou get home from your work and you're absolutely famished. now, the first step inmy sunday night meal prep is to prepare a wholechicken for roasting. now, if you're a vegetarian,

of course you can skip this step but if you do eat meat roasting a whole chicken is the best way to ensure you have highquality protein ready all week long. now, i like to start witha whole chicken like this and keep it really, really simple. just a drizzle of olive oil and some salt and pepper will do.

you could also amp thisup by adding some herbs like thyme or rosemary or some onions, carrots, and celery, but todayi'm keeping it super simple. olive oil, salt and pepper, that's it. this bird's ready to go intothe oven at three seventy five. once your chicken is inthe oven and cooking away it's time to prepare your potatoes. now, you can do this with regular potatoes or sweet potatoes.

basically, i just cut theminto bite sized pieces, toss them in some oliveoil, salt, and pepper, and a little rosemary, then i put them on a baking sheet and put them with the chicken and they totally take care of themselves. after about thirty minutes i check on them, flip them around and then give them anothertwenty minutes to cook.

they'll be beautifully done and ready to eat all week long. my next step is to prepare my quinoa. quinoa is one of my favoritethings to have on hand 'cause you can throw itin all sorts of recipes throughout the week. basically, i start with one cup of quinoa and two cups of vegetable stock and then i bring it toa boil on the stove.

once it's boiling, ireduce the heat to minimum, put the heat on, and then leave it for fifteen minutes. after fifteen minutes is up i turn off my heat and let itsit for another five minutes. it's as easy as that. your quinoa is ready for the week. (upbeat music) while my quinoa is cookingi start to boil my eggs.

a half dozen for me isplenty for the week. i boil my eggs for eight to ten minutes then run them under cold water and peel them right away. i store them in an airtight container and they're good to gofor up to five days. next, i like to turn my attention to my steamed green vegetables. now, i start by chopping my broccoli

and my asparagus and then justtrimming up my green beans. then i start my steamer. i steam each type of vegetable one at a time until they're cooked through. quick word of warning, when you're doing three rounds of vegetables you want to make sureyou have plenty of water in the bottom of your steamer. trust me, i learned thislesson the hard way.

you'll know they're cooked through because they turn bright green but still retain some good crispness. once they're done, i store themin jars in the refrigerator and i can either snack on them or add them to all sorts of recipesand they're already cooked. what could be simpler? next, i chop up all my raw veggies to snack on throughout the week.

i like to do some bell pepper, some celery, and some cucumber. i find these are perfect formunching on between meals. now, i'm using a digital thermometer to give me a good read on this chicken because it's really important to make sure your chicken is cooked through. what we're looking for isan internal temperature of a hundred and sixtyfive degrees in the breast

and a hundred and eightyfive degrees in the legs. the last step in this process is to rinse and prep my fruit. now, i love mixed berries all week long. so, basically, i rinse them in a colendar and then i give them a quick chop. mix them all up and storethem in the refrigerator. i can honestly eat them by the handful. or i'll bring them to work for lunch.

i'll hope you give thissunday meal prep a try and that it makes your life easier thanks so much for watching and be sure to subscribeto the domestic geek for lots more deliciousnessjust like this.

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