hello friends welcome to the world's firstyoutube cooking show from a village. i am nikunj vasoya and today i am going to showyou very simple, easy and delicious recipe of cheese tawa sandwich, it is very easy andit needs very regular ingredients which are available in anywhere in the world. so let'shave a look at ingredients one by one. 3 sliced bread, some shredded cheese, 4-5sliced onions, 2-3 tbsp butter, 4-5 sliced tomatoes, tomato ketchup for serving, 2 tbspmayonnaise sauce, some capsicum and chat masala. today i am going to show you how to crispysandwich as we get in any fast food shops, it is very easy but you have to follow methodproperly, first let's make the sandwich, i am making first layer of bread ready of oursandwich, apply the butter, i have melted
my butter in microwave then some mayonnaise,keep it at a side, now i am going to make bottom layer, apply some butter on it, somechat masala, cheese, sliced tomatoes, again some chat masala on it, put the previous layerof bread on top of this, turn the side, i am turning side because again i am going toapply butter and mayonnaise on it, on top of this put some sliced onion, little bitchat masala and capsicum. now on other bread apply the butter and mayonnaise, press thisvery gently, and also apply some cheese i just forgot, put this on it, so this is itpress it gently with the hand. make the tawa ready for roasting, apply some butter on it.so our pan is ready and i am going to grill our sandwich, put this side on to the tawaand apply some butter on it, press it with this spatula so it get's golden brown
and crispy, now turn the side, see it's gettingcrispy and golden from outside, you have to roast your sandwich at lower heat so it willroast crispy and perfectly, again press it little bit, again turn the side, see its lookingabsolutely very delicious and becoming crispy, turn the sides after every 20-30 seconds soit grills perfectly, see the color it's absolutely beautiful, again turn the side, press theevery corner gently so it cooked perfectly, again turn the side, so this is it our sandwichis ready now, turn the heat off, see the color it's absolutely perfect.now i am going to divide it into two parts, do it very slowly otherwise you'll destroyyour sandwich, see the melted cheese inside wow it is looking absolutely delicious, sonow i am going to serve it in plate with tomato
ketchup.so this is it my very simple, easy and very delicious cheese masala sandwich is readyto serve. now i can't wait any more for this delicious sandwich, so let me have a biteof it, see the cheese and mayonnaise perfectly melted, it is very crispy from outside youcan smell the butter in it, you can add the mayonnaise and cheese according to your tastebut remember one thing that you have to add lot's of butter to make it crispier as youget in as we get in any fast food joint, this is their biggest secret that they add lot'sof butter on it so it get crispier and golden brown from every side.so this is it from today's episode. i hope you have enjoyed this recipe. so don't forgetto like, share and subscribe on foodontv.
thanks for watching. see you in next episode.
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