dr humble finsand consulted with internationallyrenowned european scientists and experts in homeopathic medicine to develop the liquidamino diet. he has been using the program in his clinic for two years to help his patientslose weight and get healthy. the liquid amino diet will mobilize abnormalfat, increase thyroid function, boost metabolism, balance your hormones, suppress your appetite,detox your liver, and more. the 2 key components to the liquid amino dietare a balanced, low glycemic eating plan and our homeopathic diet drops. the low glycemic eating plan allows us toeat carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index or load. these carbohydrates tend tobe healthier for us, are rich in nutrients,
and high in dietary fiber. they enable usto feel full faster and longer, causing us to eat less while also giving us a more steadysupply of energy throughout the day. when we are not subject to the energy burstsand crashes associated with eating large amounts of carbohydrates and sugars, we can accomplishmore and burn more calories. the foods allowed on the liquid amino dietare fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, beans, protein shakes, some healthy fats likeeggs olive oil and avocados, and a moderate serving of carbohydrates. to avoid insulin spikes, the liquid aminodiet uses a 5 meal a day plan. this keeps your metabolism burning consistently throughoutthe day.
our exclusive homeopathic diet drops havenine powerful ingredients, all registered in the homeopathic pharmacopeia and each chosenfor a specific function to make the liquid amino diet the safest healthiest and mosteffective rapid weight loss program available. with the liquid amino diet you can lose betweena half pound and a pound each day. these are testimonials from real liquid amino dieters. we are so confident that you will have successon our program that we back our product with a 100% money back guarantee. ready to get started? to order online visitliquidaminodiet.com. if you have questions call our certified health coaces at 800-980-7208.when ordering, use the promo code video6off
to save $6 off your liquid amino diet purchase. thank you for watching. we look forward tosharing your weight loss success!
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