[upbeat background music starts] from eating orange juice soaked cotton ballsto consuming nothing but air, we count down the top 10 craziest diet fads. #10: the eat right for your type diet: popularin the late 1990s and early 2000s, this diet emphasizes using your blood type to determinewhat you put on your plate. for example, a person with type a blood is supposed to eatfresh, organic meals. the diet was introduced in the book eat right 4 your life by dr. peterd'adamo. it was eventually debunked by experts, though apparently some people still practiceit to this day. #9: the alcohol diet: after the battle ofhastings in 1066, william the conqueror tried
to lose weight by locking himself in a roomand consuming nothing but alcohol. the idea was, if you’re drunk, eating is the lastthing on your mind. it didn’t work – by the time he died he barely fit into his coffin.in 1964, a book called the drinking man’s diet was a best-seller. some things neverchange. #8: the tapeworm diet: in the early 1900s,“sanitized tape worms†started to make the rounds in the dieting world. to lose weight,all you had to do was swallow “beef tapeworm cysts†in the form of a pill. the worm wouldmake its way into your intestines and absorb whatever you consumed. to get rid of the wormyou would have to swallow an anti-parasitic pill. advertisers called their tapeworms “friendsfor a fair form,†but they likely caused
vomiting, diarrhea, and rectal complications. #7: the sleeping beauty diet: if you’resleeping, you can’t eat. that’s the idea behind this terrifying diet that encouragesyou to heavily sedate yourself and sleep for several days. in the novel valley of the dolls,neely o’hara uses the diet to slim down, and elvis was reportedly a fan. but does itreally work? it turns out you’ll probably wake up hungry instead of thin. #6: the 18-day hollywood diet: in the 1930s,this diet was introduced by the citrus industry. novelist fannie hurst was a “diehard devoteeâ€of the daily allowance of 600 calories, and it struck a chord with people who wanted tolook like hollywood celebrities. grapefruits
do contain naringenin, a chemical that canaid in losing weight, but the diet didn’t do much. at the end of the day, people feltmore hungry than satisfied. #5: the baby food diet: don’t want to chewyour food? the baby food diet could be for you. started by celebrity trainer tracy anderson,this fad encourages living on pureed vegetables and meat. famous followers include reese witherspoon,jennifer aniston, and gwyneth paltrow. anderson recommends eating 14 jars of baby food andone optional adult meal every day. while interesting on paper, the baby food diet has a big problem.baby food is for babies. adults have different nutritional needs. it won’t really work.this is one fad diet better left to those in diapers.
#4: the lemonade diet: known as the “mastercleanse,†this diet is supposed to wash out the toxins in your body. participantsare allowed six daily servings of water mixed with cayenne pepper, lemon, and maple syrup.if they feel like trying something different, they can have some herbal laxative tea inthe evening. yummy. at the end of the day, all this diet really does is get rid of waterweight. oh, and it makes you nauseous. #3: the air diet: yes, we’re serious. inthe 1990s, this diet was popular with the followers of an australian new-age guru. theyclaimed they got nourishment from the air and didn’t really need food. they calledit “breatharianism.†it didn’t quite catch on with the outside world for obviousreasons. it’s alleged that a few followers
actually starved to death, while others werecaught eating real food. #2: fletcherizing: horace fletcher believedthat every bite of food needed to be chewed at least 32 times in order to be properlydigested. in other words, if you chewed your food slowly, you could lose weight. whilefletcher and some of his followers did drop some pounds, the numbers weren’t significant.he was friends with many big names of the time, including mark twain and john d. rockefeller. #1: the cotton ball diet: this dangerous andunhealthy diet is widely practiced in the world of modeling. people dip cotton ballsin orange juice or eat them raw in order to feel full. taking part in this diet can leadto abdominal pain, bowel obstruction, and
more. obviously, we don’t recommend it. hey guys fresh here and thanks for watchingmy video on the top 10 craziest diet fads. for those of you on my channel that use twitterfeel free to follow me @freshjiivetv, there will be a link in the description below. asalways, don’t forget to like or subscribe if you already haven’t!
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