list of crazy fad diets

list of crazy fad diets

many of you may or may not be aware that ona recent podcast episode of waking up with sam harris, sam discussed his ethical qualmswith eating animals and his serious desire to go vegan. he called out to the vegan communityfor assistance, and the members of the vegan atheist forum have stepped up to provide excellentadvice and direction. while this video is directed at sam harris, it very well may assistother's with their health concerns regarding a switch to veganism. sam, thank you for your intellectual honesty,and your willingness to learn and change. first, please see unnatural vegan's excellentsummary of basic vegan nutrition here: this video will extend on that, and we won'trepeat most of her excellent advice.

as to the idea that we don't understand humanhealth and nutrition particularly well, this is a common misconception. no credible nutritionist or doctor disagreesthat the standard american diet is unhealthy, or that properly planned vegan diets can benutritionally complete. it is non-controversial that well planned vegan diets can be's also non-controversial that a poorly planned diet can be dangerous. what seems like controversy from a layman'sperspective isn't really science; it's the swirling cesspool of fad diets and pseudo-sciencethat is fed to the public through television and other media.that's the real embarrassment.

from a layman's perspective of neuroscience,the same controversy regarding the existence of mind-body duality, esp, or telekinesismay seem to be embroiling our institutions. as you know, that's not the case no matterwhat ill conceived television shows and documentaries on so called science or discovery channelsmay claim. it's the same issue with nutrition; the trickis to be informed enough to sort out the hokum from the actual science. it's no easy taskfor a layman. here are three key points to look for, as a sort of litmus test of credibility: 1. anybody who advises in any way againstb-12 supplementation for vegan diets should not be regarded as credible, period.

2. anybody who appeals to our "natural diet",or ancestral diet, or evolution as an argument for a certain way of eating should be suspect;we have a better grasp on nutrition than our ancestors did, and access to higher qualityfood stuffs. 3. anybody who claims to be skeptical of theeffect of cholesterol and saturated fat on heart disease should really be laughed offthe stage today. plant positive has an excellent breakdownof just one of the unethical publications that attempts to twist data in support ofits conclusions against the established science of the lipid hypothesis: the real debate in nutrition swirls aroundwhat ideal nutrition is, and it also raises

the important question of what "ideal" nutritionreally means. if we're talking about longevity, attainedby minimizing risk of the largest killers -- cancer, heart attack, and stroke -- thenminimizing or eliminating most animal products -- particularly from tetrapods -- is important. but not all plant products are blameless either-- tobacco for example. but also plant products too high in methionine or choline, or highin saturated fats like tropical oils, mycotoxins in some fungi, peanuts, or improperly storedgrains... this could go on ad nauseam. the notion of an ideal diet is always goingto be more speculative as we learn more. dr. greger has an extensive series of videoscovering nutrition topics and exploring optimal

nutrition from a skeptical science based may enjoy his work at if you're interested in what the latest researchhas to say on the matter, which is always changing -- although not that drastically-- how we view the ideal diet. pcrm is another great resource for evidencebased approach to human health, and mitigating the leading preventable causes of heart diseaseand cancer. but obtaining a reasonably healthy diet, orat least one not less healthy than the standard american diet, is a much simpler matter whichunnatural vegan covered very well in her video. to hedge your bets for a completely idiotproof vegan diet, as she mentioned, rope grown oysters may be an option since they're probablynot sentient, and are more environmentally

sustainable. but aside from that, it's very hard to 'idiotproof' veganism since there's no one single source of all macro nutrients, vitamins, andminerals. it's important to mix and match on a vegan diet.there's always a way to mess it up if you're determined. but you aren't an idiot, and wehave every confidence in your ability to be sensible. if in doubt, visit a registered dietitian,not a general practitioner or family doctor, since most doctors are not trained in nutrition. you can also use online tools to track yourdiet, and check macro and micro nutrients

against the rdi.cron-o-meter is a popular recommendation, although requires a signup. it's mainly weightloss oriented, but has a database for tracking nutrients which is useful to anybody tryingto balance a healthy diet. and this goes for anybody out there, you arealso welcome to post about your diet on our forums for practical science based feedbackand advice at: a number of people have already, and we doour best to give anybody feedback on good or bad dietary habits, including recipe suggestionsbased on their lifestyles and preferences in terms of taste and convenience.

no doubt you've been inundated already, butthank you for watching if you have, and again, thank you for your intellectual honesty andcourage to ask for help. you're an inspiration to us all. if you enjoyed this video, click the likebutton and subscribe. if you can spare a few dollars to support the efforts of this channel,visit my patreon page here and become a patron today. looking for a great place to communicate withvegans, atheists, theists and non-vegans from across the globe, consider joining theveganatheistforum. our growing community is always looking for new members with whom we can share ourexperiences, debate issues, discuss and learn

from each other. join the conversation

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