easy detox diets to follow

easy detox diets to follow

there are so many ways to detox that don'thave anything to do with diet. try these 3 simple practices to detox body,mind, and spirit... detox from stressful negative thoughts bypracticing gratitude daily... try writing down 3 things each day that you're gratefulfor in a journal that you keep at your desk or on your nightstand. improve sleep and reduce stress by detoxingfrom technology every night. leave your phone behind when you tuck in for bed. you'll sleepeasier - i promise. body brushing is another great detox techniquethat exfoliates skin, improves circulation, and even reduces cellulite. brushing for just3 minutes, 3 times a week can give you amazing

results. try these tips and be sure to comment belowwith your favorite tips to detox daily and make your move toward a healthier, happierlife.

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