yo, what's going on guys? troy here, weightgainnetwork.com.we're going to talk about post workout nutrition in this video. i'm going to give you guyssome radical, outside-the-box tips on how you can really speed up your muscle growthat the most important time of the day, that is post workout. you go in the gym and you'rebreaking down, creating all these healthy micro-tears, hitting those compound exercises,doing that advanced training, doing all that good stuff i know you guys are doing rightnow. if you don't have the proper post workout nutrition, if you don't really maximize thatinsulin spike for a 60 to 90 minute period following your workout, you guys are not goingto grow as fast as you could. this actually all came from the book, nutrient timing. iknow some of the stuff i'm going to dive into
in this video, you guys are going to be like,oh, that's bro-science, that shit doesn't work, blah, blah, blah. this is actually scientificallyproven. everything that i cover in this video has got all hard science from nutrient timing.some of this i actually got from the encyclopedia of bodybuilding and a little bit, a few ofthese tricks are just from different fitness models and bodybuilders that i brush shoulderswith. this is my routine. if you guys are naturally skinny, this is really going tomaximize your results because insulin, even states it in here, is the most anabolic hormonefollowing a resistance training workout, so you guys got to spike that insulin. it's goingto help you shuttle all those amino acids into your cells. it's going to shut down yourcortisol production and it's going to be really
effective for speedy muscle growth. i've gotsome crazy stuff here on the counter. i'm going to dive into exactly why i have allof these here. what i do here immediately after i work out is most of the time i'llhave a protein shake. i finish my protein shake. then after that as i'm cooking up mypost-workout meal what i'll actually do here is i'll have some branch chain amino acids.i'll add in a little bit of creatine powder. i will add in some emergen-c, now this oneis really important because cortisol is really high, especially after a really intense resistancetraining workout, so you want to blunt that cortisol production. you want to have vitaminc. vitamin c blocks cortisol and then we have d-aspartic acid. i'll put about 4 grams ofthis in. this is by far and away the best
all-natural testosterone booster. then whati will do here is i'll mix it in some gatorade. now, gatorade is really high in potassiumand electrolytes. it's got the simple sugar. you want to have the simple sugars, so yourbody absorbs all these ingredients. the simple sugar is what's going to give you that insulinspike, which is what we want post workout. now, when i'm really trying to bulk up andgain muscle mass quickly, i will consume about 60% of my daily calories post workout. anotherlittle trick that i do is, this is my go-to right here. actually i put these in a littlebaggy and i actually bring them to the gym. why gummy bears. you want a combination oftwo things post workout. you want those speedy carbs and you want high-quality protein andyou want hardly any fiber and any dietary
fat. gummy bears are literally pure dextroseand glucose. if you look on the back, we've got corn syrup, sugar, gelatin, dextrose.they have absolutely no fat and they are all simple carbohydrates. i will eat actuallytwo servings of these. that's about 60 grams of carbs, so between the gatorade and thenbetween my gummy bears, i have about 120 grams of carbohydrates and literally zero gramsof fat so far. then i have my natural tea booster. one more thing also, i put 5 gramsof micronized creatine. creatine is awesome post workout. a lot of guys thinking you'reonly supposed to take creatine before you work out, but it actually takes a day or twoto load creatine into your cells in your body. on top of that, you need some sugar to reallyload that creatine in so that's why when you
have an insulin spike, that is the most effectivetime of the day to take creatine. i'll put all these ingredients into this little gatoradebottle. i'll sip that as i'm cooking my post-workout meal. then i'll also munch on these fat freegummy bears. then getting into the actual post workout meal. don't have a lot of foodin my kitchen right now, so i just want to show you what i have and what my go-to's areand what i don't want to eat post workout. quick question guys, what do you think isa better post workout meal? frying up 5 eggs and slicing an avocado on top or just havingsome plain fish and rice like this. well, it's actually a million times better to havethis plain fish and rice. like i said, you want to keep your fat content really low followinga workout because fat is going to slow down
that absorption. you guys want that speed.you want those speedy carbs. you want that insulin spike. you want that protein synthesisinitiation. what going to happen is the rice, with say like fish or chicken is going togive you that release. the rice is higher glycemic. jasmine rice, although this is brownjasmine rice, it only has 2 grams of fiber, so this is relatively low fiber. it's stillgoing to be pretty rapidly digesting. you could also do white rice. white jasmine riceis my personal favorite or some type of like basmati or just plain old white rice. i reallylike rice following a workout because of the speed of the carbohydrates. i believe thewhite jasmine rice, the glycemic index on it is close to 100, which is the rate at whicha carbohydrate is digested. this would be
a perfect go to meal right here. we have cod.this is baked cod, almost fat free with the jasmine rice. then if i had a really intenseworkout what i would do here is for dessert, i would eat a banana. banana is fat free.really good source of simple carbs. then something else i could do here is actually i just madethis the other day, get it out of here, so we have some lime jell-o. this is just gelatinand sugar. fat-free as well. you want to stick with all fat-free sources post workout. thingslike eggs, things like almond butter, things like avocado, even things like coconut oiland olive oil. i usually cook with this, but not post workout because i don't want thatfat content guys, i want to have all high quality protein and i want to have all speedycarbohydrates. another option you could do
is pasta. now, it has a little bit of broccoli,which has some fiber. for a post-workout meal i would probably eliminate that broccoli.this is just all normal pasta with grilled chicken. the quantities that you guys wantto have really depends on how much you weigh and what your main goals are. i'm about 198pounds right now. i'm trying to stay fairly lean, but still maximize my insulin spike.for me being about 200 pounds, i will make sure i consume about 150 to 200 grams of carbohydrateswithin the 90 minute frame following my workout. obviously i'm getting a really good majorityof my carbs through the gummy bears and the gatorade and i'm combining with all theseamino acids. then i'm getting another 60 to 70 grams of carbs from the rice. then maybeanother 30 with the banana or watermelon is
also another good post workout fruit. pineappleis an awesome post-workout fruit. i would stick with watermelon, pineapple and bananabecause the pineapple is really good for protein digestion, really healthy carbohydrate. thenthe watermelon is really high glycemic. it's also high in citrulline. those are my threego-to's for post workout fruit. what you want to do with your protein source is make sureyou just stick with the basics. you want to stick with, you could do egg whites. thoseare fat free. i like doing cod and chicken. they're really easy. stay away from beef.that has a lot more fat. stay away from really fatty things like bacon and pork and ham andthings like that. for me personally, what i would recommend for you guys, if you'rereally a natural hard gainer, i would have
at least 1 gram of carbohydrates for every1 pound of body weight in the 90 minute timeframe after your resistance training workout. don'tbe super crazy and obsessed with the timing of it. just get it in, slowly drip throughyour body with all these proteins and all these carbohydrates in the 90 minute timeframeafter you work out and you guys are going to see some amazing results. that is my post-workoutregimen in a nutshell. hopefully, shed some awesome information on you guys. i'm suremost of you guys aren't eating gummy bears and chugging gatorade and emergen-c and allthat good stuff post workout, but i promise you it's going to help you. it's all in thisbook right here called nutrient timing. by the way, i was teaching my son leonardo, somy son leonardo, he's actually an actor. he's
back in town from la right now, so he's tryingto bulk up and get big, get swole, so he's working on his guns right here. that's myson leonardo, back home from la. we thought we would shoot this little video for you guyson post workout nutrition.
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