yo what's up guys. welcome back to mind muscle tv. where i'll show you how to make a positive influence in this world through living the aesthetic lifestyle. now today, i've got a top five list for you and i know this is something everybody out there wants to know and this is - how to get ripped my top five tips. here we go number 1: learn how to track your macros for your body type.
now for those of you who don't know, your macro nutrients a.k.a. macros are carbs fats and proteins it's not just about calories in, calories out. the ration of these three nutrients play a vital role in your body being primarily fat or primarily muscled and it's all gonna vary based on your body type okay. so this is where you have to experiment and find out what works best for you. for me, my body naturally wants to store body fat therefore to get ripped, i have to cut my carbohydrates down so,
i take a 40-20-40 split meaning, 40% of my calories comes from protein 20% of my calories comes from carbohydrates, and the other 40% of my calories comes from fats. okay so anytime, you are a fat storing person if you look in the mirror your body just naturally kinda bloat and you have a hard time getting ripped try the 40-20-40 split. 40% protein, 20% carbs, 40% fat. alright. you may think that 40% fat sound like a lot but with your carbohydrates that low, your fat has to be high
okay, we still wanna be getting enough calories so that your body does not go into that starvation mode next tip: lift heavy most guys when they start cutting down or cutting their carbohydrates down, feel that they lose strength you have to push through that and most of that is just a mental game okay. your not really losing that much strength. you have to push through, you have to lift heavy stick with your heavy squats, your heavy dead lifts, your heavy bench press focus on contraction and isolate the muscle chest like always don't think that you need into go to the gym and do these light weight circuit training things
super sets are good, drop sets are good but make sure you keep lifting heavy when you're cutting down, you wanna keep your muscles nice and full you don't wanna them getting flat and that's what's gonna happen if you drop the weight tip number 3: train your abs you hear a lot of diets out there that say don't take train that abs often well if they train amongst the weak, we all want abs, right? when you get shredded, you want that abs that pop. that means you have to train them. your abs are very resilient muscle group meaning they can be trained multiple times a week
so if you are gonna train your abs, every other day, go ahead and train them every other day the very important thing when it comes to training abs is that to train them heavy heavy weighted cable crunches, heave leg lifts heavy twists. the only thing i recommend you don't do is heavy weighted side bends where you held a dumb bell and bend to the side or hold a cable and bend to the side like that what we don't want to do is put a thick mid section so we want to build thick abs on the front but not thick width, you want to stay nice and narrow
okay so train abs on crunches, train abs heavy on leg lifts light twists here okay. try to refrain from doing any side bend. fourth tip: do cardio i know a lot of you are not gonna want to hear this, but if you want to get shredded, you have to do cardio again i see guys online all the time that say, they don't want to do cardio or you know they do it here and there or if they really wanna get shredded, then they'll do it a couple of times a week the majority of us aren't like that. when i wanna get shredded, i'm doing fast in cardio every single morning
steady state low intensity and then i'm doing a second session of the day after my weight training, 20 mins of interval training, okay. so you go outside get some sprints again on stairs and do interval set on there but just remember 20 minutes if you wanna get shredded guys 45 minutes to an hour steady state in the morning before you eat. and then 20 minute heat training or interval training later in the day tip number 5 guys, this is an easy one, but the one that you guys don't wanna hear:
and this is: work hard and be consistent if you're not getting the results that you want whether you're trying to bulk up or whether you're trying to shred up chances are you're not working hard enough you may think you are but i can almost guarantee you, you are not. very, very few people in the gym actually train with the intensity that they need to train with to be successful and have real results remember if you don't wanna look at anyone else in the gym, you have to do things that nobody else in the gym is doing
this means multiple drop sets, lifting heavy, heavy compound movements, crazy super sets don't be afraid to work hard and kill yourself in the gym people are always asking me questions. how do i, you know, do this or how do i do that? and really, i can't help but feel that the reason they're asking this is because they've thrive maybe halfheartedly until they succeed and figured they were'n't doing right when really, have they just done what they're doing before but with just greater intensity and more consistency, they would've been successful. so don't be one of those people that is going around constantly asking questions
find out for yourself what works best for your body stick to a program for 8, 12, 16 weeks where you're not fluctuating, and you're not cheating and you're doing things right if you want real results guys, you have to work hard and you have to be consistent with your hard work that is where most people fail and most people do not succeed if they give half-arse effort and its for a week and then they didn't see results so they quit. so they go to the next trainer and ask him, oh how do i get abs or how do i get bigger?
well do what the first guy told you to do, but do it harder and do it longer and i guarantee you'll get results. alright, those are my top 5 tips for getting ripped guys make sure you stay tuned next week for more tips and tricks on how to get fit. and live this aesthetic lifestyle. and don't forget guys, be good to people. smile. make other people feel good that's what being aesthetic is all about
be a good friend, show others that it's okay to stand out from a crowd, alright! i'll see later, take care.
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