easy diets to follow for free

easy diets to follow for free

greetings. it's new zealand naturopath, ericbakker, author of candida crusher and formulator of the canxida range of dietary supplements.thank you, again, so much for checking out my video today. i really appreciate all myloyal fans, patients, people that i know, practitioners, doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors,there are a lot of people now who look at my videos, and i really appreciate you checkingout my channel. i've got a question here from a young guyin canada and his name is josh. his name on youtube is prochessplayer. josh has been lookingat a lot of my videos for some time. thank you for your email, josh. i really appreciateyour email and also thank you so much for giving me the awesome feedback on my canxidarange of products that you've been using on

yourself and also on your mom there for awhile. thank you. josh's question relates basically to candida,of course, and it is, can you explain the top 10 reasons why people don't recover orfail on the candida diet. the 10 reasons why people don't fully recover on it. i've donea video here and i've come up with 10 reasons and i'm sure there are 100 reasons, but theseare 10 common ones i see in my clinic that relate to patients. let's just start off.number one. thinking one little drink won't do too much harm. this is something i hearfrom a lot of people. if you've got a problem drinking, but if you drink quite regularlyand you want to cut out, you need to bear in mind that alcohol has a very powerful effecton the digestive system. in fact, i believe

that if people are serious about recoveringfrom any kind of candida, regardless whether it's a vaginal yeast infection or jock itchor a skin problem, tinea, they may have toenail fungus, whatever kind of a yeast infectionyou've got. even more so if you've got sibo, like small intestinal bowel overgrowth. ifyou've got bloating, gas, ibs, ibd, constipation, no matter what kind of gut problem you'vegot. if you're not prepared to cut out drinking entirely for at least six months, it's justisn't going to happen. you're not going to recover.i couldn't give a hoot what any doctor says, any professor says, what any book says, orwhat any google says. i couldn't give a hoot. and why wouldn't i give a hoot? because isee patients in my clinic every day now for

nearly 30 years with these kind of problems.and i also see that they just don't recover fully unless they're committed to cuttingout alcohol entirely for a long period of time. so the longer you've been sick, themore you've got to understand this concept that you need to make a permanent, long-termchange in your diet and your lifestyle, particularly. think about why you want that drink. how youhave the drink. under what circumstances. how often? the quantity. all those sort ofthings you need to think about. if you're really committed to good health, as they say,if you don't make time for health now, make sure you have plenty of time for sicknessdown the track. so now is the time to decide that one little drink is not a good idea ifyou want to recover.

and the danger is when you partially recoverand you're starting to think, "oh, i'm not feeling too bad. i might just go down theroad and have a beer." or your friends will call you up. they've got a barbecue on orthere's a party coming on and you turn up at the party and there's wine all around theplace, bourbon and coca cola and all this sort of junk. and all of a sudden, someonegives you a glass. so if you're in my room now and i gave you a glass of alcohol rightnow, you're going to look at it and think, "mmmm, i might have a sip of this." and that'show easy it is. it's very easy to drink alcohol. it's very easy to drink alcohol when you'restarting to feel good. and of course, on the road to recovery, that's when it often occurs.so be very careful and be fully committed

to a full recovery, which means strict adherence,no alcohol, and not until you feel well. but until you feel well to the point where youknow inside there's a big chance you're not going to aggravate.and the last thing i'll leave you with with the alcohol thing is you're the one who decideswhen he or she wants to have a drink. not people around you. not friends or family.you're in the driver's seat. this is not a religious sort of bashing alcohol, anti-alcoholbashing kind of a thing at all. it's got nothing to do with faith, belief or spirituality.this is purely to do with your gut microbiota. you must not drink for a long time unlessyou want partial recovery and then relapse. number two. throwing caution to the wind whenyou're dining out. big mistake a lot of people

make is when they go out eating. now goingout eating, this could be, again, in a family's house or at friend's. it could be at a diner.it could be at a take-away bar. it could be anywhere. it could be a picnic. so when yougo out of your house eating somewhere, it's easy to make mistakes. it's easy to, again,throw caution to the wind and then next thing, your auntie or your sister-in-law says, "comeon. have this nice piece of apple pie. forget that candida crap. you've haven't got thisstupid infection. you're a hypochondriac. it's all in your head. come on. just eat thispie and enjoy it with us. stop being such a baby."you know what i mean. so a situation like that could come up and, of course, you mayfeel bad or harbor thoughts where you think,

"well, auntie thelma, i don't really wantto offend auntie thelma. i better have that damn pie," or something like that. so then,you have the pie and then you feel bad later. again, don't let people decide what's rightfor you. you decide what's right for you on your road to recovery. you basically say,"look. i don't really want the pie." you don't have to argue about it. if auntie thelma'sgot a problem, well, then it's her problem, not your problem. be careful when you eatout. and again, as you recover, it's easy to throw caution to the wind.number three. assuring you have to go 100 percent gluten free and dairy free. not true.you don't have to go 100 percent gluten free. just because every blog site out there, everything,the huffington post and american scientific

and all these sites are saying that you shouldeat gluten free. you don't have to eat gluten free. it's not true. i really believe thatgluten free is like a religion today. it's almost like a belief system. everyone's jumpingon the bandwagon. i've always been a fan of eating healthy, but i've never had extremistviews about my diet ever. and i never have or will with my patients either. so i believethat gluten is perfectly okay for some people and it may not be okay for others, and it'stoxic for a minority. about one to two percent of the population has celiac. now, for them,gluten is actually poison. are you a celiac? probably not. are you gluten intolerant? probablynot. do you have a disturbed gut? probably. so remember when you've got disturbed gutmicrobiota or you've got bacteria that aren't

very good, you've got candida or parasites.you've got low beneficial bacteria. all those things may scream to you that you need togo off gluten. you may not need to go off gluten. i can tell you now after seeing thousandsof patients; people get sick and tired of being gluten free. they hate it. every labelhas got to be scrutinized. every time they go out. every single package they purchase,they look for gluten this and gluten that. what at pain in the butt! there's a big chanceyou may not need to avoid gluten 100 percent. big chance. how are you going to find out?if you want to go gluten free, my view is cut right back on gluten to start with. liketake all the bread out of your diet. but if you occasionally eat oats with gluten, oh,goodness, you're not going to die of toxicity,

are you?if you're going to have a piece of sourdough bread with no yeast in it and it's a goodquality stone ground whole meal flour, i don't think you're going to drop dead the followingday. and it's going to give a little bit of variety to your diet. you're going to enjoyyour diet a lot more. you're going to maintain weight, energy and feel good about what you'reeating. remember, food is more than just stuff that you shove down here. there is also ahuge psychological component to eating. you've got to feel good about your diet. it's gotto smell good, taste good, and look good. a huge part of food is enjoying food. howthe hell can you enjoy gluten free, dairy free, this free, that free, kosher, and halaland all this sort of stuff? goodness, you'd

be down to five foods.you'd actually develop anxiety disorder about what you're eating, which a degree of my patientsactually has. they actually developed serious anxiety about what they eat. not a good wayto live, is it? and remember that also the sickest patients i've got have got the bestdiets. the best and they're still sick. they've been gluten free for 10 years and they looklike crap. they look gray in the face. they look sick. "oh, but i'm eating all this andi'm eating all that." if everything is so good that they're eating, then why are theyso sick all the time. and i'll talk about another point later, but there is a lot moreto the candida diet than just food. dairy free as well. now, dairy is a differentkind of fish because you've got much more

chance of having an allergy toward beta caseinor one of the primary proteins in dairy. gluten allergy is not that common. after lookingat many thousands of different food allergy reports, i'm not convinced that gluten isanywhere near as allergenic as cow's milk. cow's milk is the most allergy forming ofall foods or drinks on the planet. period. you can have lactose intolerance or you canhave a casein allergy to different animals. lactose intolerance means more diarrhea andbloating. the casein allergy will be a more dairy-related allergy. i'm not a fan of drinkingcow's milk myself. i do love a little bit of cheese here or there, especially mozzarellacheese or parmesan, a very high quality cheese. but apart from that, i'm not really into dairy.but again, your call. but don't be extremist

with gluten. please don't do it.number four. assuming you have to eat 100 percent organic, biodynamic, certified this,and certified that. it's not going to happen, guys. come on. when you go out, you can'talways be anal about every tiny little piece of food, where it's grown, how it's grown.we're starting to go back to the anxiety disorder again. most people will tell you they eatcertified organic and they may eat certified organic, but is it really helping them withtheir diet. i don't really believe it is. i grow a lot of my own food because i reallyenjoy the outdoor experience. i feel i'm doing something for me and my family, and i'm agardener anyways. but i also buy a lot of vegetables and fruits from the farmer's market,good quality. now, are they sprayed? i don't

know. do they have chemicals on them? i don'tknow. they look bloody good. they look healthy. they look clean. i'm not really that concernedabout those sort of things. i look at life a bit differently, perhaps,then you do. non-smoking, non-drinking, exercising, not using any sprays or toxins around thehouse. i do my part in remaining free from as many poisons as i can, but i'm not goingto go to the extent of avoiding every bit of produce that may come from a place that'sused a chemical. and the other stupid thing i want you to remember is a lot of these organicplaces can't stop people from spraying up the road or using some type of a poison thatmay have landed on their crop. what are you going to do? grow it in a dome or something?i think you've got to wake up to the fact

that it's very difficult, if not impossible,to eat 100 percent certified organic and biodynamic. it's possible, but i think, again, you'rebordering a little bit toward the anxiety part. and remember what i said, the sickestpeople i've seen are the ones that tend to eat the healthiest. and it's interesting howa lot of them stay sick for so long. so if occasionally produce creeps in that's non-organic,don't have a heart attack. number five. including high sugar fruits atthe beginning or not cutting out enough fruits. and the other component to part five, fiveb, is eating high sugar, starchy vegetables, if you have severe candida. so let's explainboth of these. i've always been a believer that the best fruits to eat with candida aregreen apples. i was recommending green apples

for candida 20 years ago before anyone talkedabout green apples with candida. and now, every website says green apples. but a long,long time ago when i recommended green apples, the candida experts of the day said i wasnuts. all apples had to be avoided. but i knew from clinical experience that green appleswere perfectly fine with patients. i knew that because it was the only fruiti could tolerate personally when i had bad candida over 20 years ago. and i started recommendingto other people and i started noticing that they could tolerate green apple. pomegranate,usually fine. avocado, perfectly fine with people with candida. blueberries are the bestberry to eat, but generally, strawberries and boysenberries are okay. so these fruitsare usually fine. i find kiwi fruit is often

tolerated quite well by a lot of people, sothat's another one that you could try out as well is the kiwi. be careful again aboutreintroducing fruits into the diet as you recover. it's a little bit like alcohol. becareful. wait until you recover, increasingly, increasingly. because fruit can be one ofthose problematic foods where people won't eat one orange or mandarin in a day, they'llhave five or six, and then they'll create problems. slow introduction when you feelbetter. high sugar or starchy vegetables. be careful.if you've got seriously bad gut problems, you need to avoid pumpkin, squash. sweet potato,yes or no? i find sweet potato is often tolerated by a lot of people even with bad candida.sweet corn can be a problem for some people.

squash, pumpkin, potatoes, those sort of things.now, here's another interesting point you won't find on the internet. how the food iscooked or how the starch is modified can have a big effect on your tolerance. baking pumpkinmay be entirely different from pumpkin soup. frying or stir-frying starchy vegetables mayreact different in your gut from steaming or boiling it. you need to try different waysof cooking starchy vegetables to see if you can tolerate one way or another.now we're coming back to the fruits. different stages of ripeness will dictate how well youtolerate the fruit. a fruit that's ripe may have a higher sugar content than a fruit that'spartially ripe. fruit can also be cooked. don't forget. you can actually cook fruit.a lot of countries around the world actually

cook fruits as part of their meal. i've gota really nice book called the "fruit cookbook." it's got some fantastic recipes in it. a lotof people will tell you that fruit needs to be eaten raw. why? who has the rulebook? imean who are these kind of food police to tell you this sort of crap. you don't needto always believe other people. you need to believe what you want to believe, but be carefulabout believing what other people want you to believe. keep an open mind always.number six. being extremist in your diet views and not flexible enough. please don't needto be one of these extremely full on sort of focused person who really believes theirdiet is the highway. i've seen way too many people over the years with very powerful extremistviews. it's almost like they've got this religious

conviction that everything they eat that'snot on the "yes" list is toxic to them. so as you will see in a minute, diet alone willnot cure candida. if fact, diet is a small part of recovery and yet people tend to thinkthat everything's about diet. well, it's not. it's quite a stupid belief to think that everythingyou eat is going to seriously improve your health or make it sick.i've seen many, many patients over the years with very mediocre and bland diets in fantastichealth and people who don't eat organic. people who don't eat a wide variety of foods. likewise,i've seen many people on the most amazing diets that are so sick, so toxic, and so anxiousthat they can't even leave their house and they eat the most incredible diet. extremeviews create extreme problems. so when you

start to have this extremist point of view,you're digging a hole for yourself. and you're also alienating yourself from a lot of otherpeople. number seven. thinking that your diet alonewill cure your candida. this is absolutely not true. diet, as i've written in my book,i believe personally accounts for about 25 percent of recovery; 75 percent is the otherstuff. this is the unseen stuff. this is the iceberg under the water that you can't see.the tip on the top is the diet, and the rest underneath is the lifestyle. i've made manyvideos, if you look at my channel on lifestyle and candida. i've talked about stress andcandida. i've talked about exercise and candida. unless you lead a balanced lifestyle and understandthe importance of sleep, exercise, really

good relationships with people around you,understanding stress, having some understanding of adrenal and thyroid function and theirrole in immunity, all these concepts need to be learned to a degree if you want a fullrecovery. i've seen some patients who've been sick for10, 20, 30 years recover in six months when they had the lightbulb moment. when they foundout what their problem was, they made changes. and all of a sudden, the obstacle to cureis removed and the body recovered. regardless of the diet. so don't be a person who is extremistthinking that the diet is the make all break all because it isn't that way. i don't carewhat blog sites or so-called experts tell you. this is my personal experience basedon nearly 30 years of practice. diet plays

an important, but a less important, role inrecovery than your environment and your lifestyle does.number eight. failing to understand the relationship with stress, adrenal function, digestion,and recovery. i don't think i'll talk too long on this point because it's a quite abig point to go into. there's a lot to talk about. i could do a whole one-hour video juston one aspect of stress alone. but i want you to really understand there's a big connectionbetween the gut and the brain. there's a big connection between stress, particularly theautonomic nervous function that controls stress. there's a big relationship between that beingbalanced and recovery from candida. the body has got its own in-built mechanism that canperfectly deal with pathogens, different kinds

of yeasts, different parasite, bacterial imbalances,inflammation, and all these things can be controlled by the gut quite adequately. butremember that the brain controls the gut to a huge degree.check out my videos i've done on vagus nerve. i'm sure i've done some videos on the vagusnerve. that will explain about the gut/brain connection. when you understand this, you'regoing to know more than your medical doctor knows about recovery. you don't need a magicwand to understand why you're not recovering. if you've got the best diet on the planetand you're not recovering, this is what you need to understand is point eight. failingto understand the relationship with stress, how your adrenals function to a degree anddigestion. try to look at some videos i've

completed around this topic. because thiscould be the big one for you. number nine. being the food police. what doi mean by being the food police? if you're in a relationship with somebody and by lookingat them and thinking that your diet's perfect, "why are you eating that for? stop drinkingthat coco-cola. put that chocolate bar away. it's going to kill you." so being the foodpolice is trying to control other peoples' diets, friends, or family around you, as wellas controlling your own. don't be a bully. nobody likes bullies around the house. don'tbully other people. keep your thoughts to yourself. don't be one of these � i wouldn'tsay bible bashing � i'd say candida bashing people. do you like it if someone comes aroundknocking on your door trying to convert the

way you eat? you get sick and tired of them.you tell them to get lost. so don't become the food police. don't think you can changeother people. you have to change yourself first. and when you change yourself, otherpeople will change. i learned that one a long time ago.number ten. taking lots of dietary supplements along with your candida diet in the hope ofa quick 24-hour cure. well, it isn't going to happen. remember, check out my video onhow to cure candida in 24 hours. it's had a lot of views. a lot of peeved off peoplelooking at it who felt it was switch and bait. they felt they got ripped off with the title.you can't cure candida in 24 hours! i've said this 100 times. maybe i need to take off allmy clothes, jump up and down on a table, and

do a video on this because i really want toget the message out there. it's impossible to cure candida quickly. it doesn't happen.you can't cure any disease. the body has to cure itself. the body has to correct the disorderthat it's created. and it will do so by you giving it the right conditions. plenty offresh water, breathing properly, lots of rest, all these sorts of things need to occur.supplements do help, but remember, supplements are a very small part of candida recovery.i don't want people taking tons and tons of supplements. it's a waste of money and time.you only need to take a very small, few select supplements, along with a carefully planneddiet and remember the lifestyle. as i said, 75 percent lifestyle, 25 percent diet. supplementsyou take are a minority of treatment. you

don't need to take any more generally thantwo or three supplements at the most. some patients i see take boxes of stuff. they'lltake 50/60 supplements. a waste of money. are they feeling anybody? have a look at thevideo i did. i think i did a video a while ago now on a lady who took about 65 dietarysupplements in a day. and i can remember asking her how she felt and she said, "i feel likecrap." well, it was costing her about $3,000 to $4,000 a month for all these dietary supplements.basically, what i said to her was, "have you got a garbage can?" i said, "bring it hereand let's throw them all in the garbage can and start again."supplements are important for candida, but i think i'd like you to look at quality andnot quantity. check out my canxida.com. i

created a small range of really high qualityproducts perfectly designed for complementing this kind of an approach, which i believeis one of the best around for getting people well with any kind of digestive problem.when you take products to really cleanse the gut, you want something that's broad spectrum.i often get videos of people saying, "i'm taking 30 parts per million colloidal silver.how many teaspoons per day?" or "i'm taking a garlic supplement. how many milligrams ofstandardized allicin should i take in this supplement?" or "i'm taking undecenoic acid.should i take 500 milligrams twice a day?" my reply to all of those people is "hang ona minute. why don't you take a broad-spectrum product that's got all of this stuff in itbecause it's going to not just target the

19 different candida species we commonly seein people, but it's going to target about 50/60 different kind of parasites we commonlysee. it's going to target a whole lot of different species of yeast we commonly see because wesee up to 400 species of yeast in people. it's going to target a lot of bad bacteria.bacteria that are going in transition from good to bad. it's going to help to push themback to good. it's going to create the balance again. this is what you need is a broad-spectrumproduct. when you go out hunting, i don't go out hunting,but let's say you go out hunting and you want to shoot a duck down or a bird out of thesky. i think you're better off using a shotgun than you are a handgun. would you agree? ahandgun is probably going to work, but you'd

have to be damn good at aiming and know exactlywhat you're doing. but the shotgun is just point and shoot and you've got it. and that'swhat we call broad spectrum. it's going to work much easier than something does witha very narrow focus. the shotgun is my product called canxida remove.it's got a very good broad-spectrum action. i produced it after looking at thousands ofstool tests and looking at the sensitivity panels to see what kind of natural medicineswould best target all the pathogens i found in peoples' digestive system, and that's whyi made that product. i think it's the only product of its kind on the market. it's broadspectrum. it takes a good couple of hours to breakdown in the body to release its contents.it's a tablet because i couldn't get everything

i wanted into a capsule. i had to make a tablet.and it works very, very well. so you take generally two or three per day.the second product i made is called canxida restore. now, i made that as an enzyme probioticand it perfectly complements the remove. so the remove and the restore work well together.the restore improves stomach function, pancreatic function, and duodenum function, so it improvesthe way that the digestive system works. it helps to breakdown food to a higher degree.plus, it contains the best probiotics in it that i could possibly find, and also the strainsthat i really wanted people to have with candida. the combination of these two products hasa very good restorative effect on candida. and when taken together for a period of anywherebetween two to six months, incredible improvements

will occur when you apply the right kind ofdiet and lifestyle. a long-winded reply, josh. i hope i've givenyou good enough information on this video to really help you understand some of themistakes that people make and the mistakes that you shouldn't be making. thanks for tuninginto my video today.

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