easy simple diets to follow

easy simple diets to follow

hey guys! this is heather from healthyeatingstartshere.com.so one of the questions i get ask most often is how to transition? how to get started?how to put your plans in place? a lot of you know what it is you need to be doing in orderto eat healthier but actually getting started, laying out the path for you to follow, that’sthe hard part. so what i’ve done is out together some ofmy best resources and articles from the site into a strategy for you to help you with whateverit is your goal is. so whether its weight loss which i know it is for a lot of you orwhether it’s just getting more energy, these steps will help you achieve that. so i’m really excited for you guys to checkthat out but before you get into it i wanted

to talk first about your attitude towardswhatever it is your goal is. so if you think of weight loss, i think of that as a shortterm goal and the long term goal would be the end result that you want to see. the benefit that you get from being lighter,having more energy, able to do activities that you can’t do right now, being healthier,feeling better, feeling more self confidence, those kinds of things are the benefits thatyou get from losing weight and there are also the benefits that you get from eating healthiereven if you don’t need to lose weight. so if you reframe your attitude from tryingto cut things out and reframe it from that deprivation to really being excited aboutcreating health for yourself then that totally

changes the game and it makes it so much morefun. so i really hope that you guys can take aminute and think about what is it you want out of life and how healthy eating is goingto get you there and that can really help motivate you to go through all of these thingsbecause to be honest it’s not always the most fun especially when you see other peoplenot eating healthy you can start to think well why i am bothering. just remember whatever it is that’s drivingyou to be healthier and it can really really helps to make a list if you keep it somewherewhere you look very so often. make a lot of all of those things you want for yourselfand then you can check in with them every

so often and make sure you are on track. alright, so i’ve got 6 things on my list,they’re easy, don’t be scared, just 6 things will get you started and if you lookat all 6 of them, you can come up with a plan for yourself, a strategy, and that’s it’sall about. if you want to reach a goal you have to have a plan, right? so number 1 is to look at my food diary templateand start keeping track of what you eat and how it makes you feel. so a lot of peoplefood diary and they keep track of what they eat and it keeps you accountable and that’sgreat but i want you to take it one step further and i’ve put in on my food diary placeswhere you can track, how your sleep quality

is? how much energy you have through the day?what your mood is like? how your digestion went? and that can help you start to see connectionsbetween what you’re eating and how you feel and i find that is the biggest motivator forkeeping on with healthy eating is seeing how awesome you can really feel and seeing theeffects of bad food when you eat them, seeing how that effects your energy levels can reallykeep you from indulging too often. number 2 is to check out the calorie calculatoron my site. it will help you figure out how much you should be eating base on your age,height, weight, gender, and activity level. you need to take all those things into accountand it is only an estimate so take it with

a grain of salt but it should help you ifyour trying to lose weight especially this can be important just to give you a generalguideline of how much you should be eating. i don’t want you to take it seriously, peopleusually got caught up in tracking calories too intensely so that’s not what i am encouragingbut it is helpful if you’ve gotten out of touch on how much you should be eating allthrough the day so check that out. figuring out healthy portion sizes is somethingthat had gotten really really difficult these days with huge restaurant portions so i havean article about how to judge healthy portion sizes and how to figure out what proportionof your diet you should beating from all of the different food group so that is the nextstep.

that should put you pretty much in touch withhow much you should be taking in through the calories and the portion sizes and then whatyou need to do is go and get some healthy food so you can check out my healthy grocerylist. it has all the foods that i keep in my kitchen, what you want to do is just clearall of the junk out of your kitchen and fill it up with really healthy foods. reduces thetemptation! step number 5 is to figure out what you wantto make during the day which i know is sometimes an issue for you guys as to what you thinkyou should be eating in certain times of the day and you are always asking me what i eatso the average day that i put together shows you what i eat on a regular basis and thatcan hep you figure out what kinds of meal

you should be planning for yourself. alright, last step number 6 is to figure outhow to cook all those healthy foods so i made a list of the 5 best healthy foods that youshould be eating and ways to make them in a way that taste good. i put some recipesfor you guys in as well so try it out so check that out. so, all of these i put together for you guyson my site, healthyeatingstartshere.com i’ll put a link under this video, if your alreadyon the page just scroll down and you will see all of the links to the things that imention and you can get started, get excited, figure out why you want to do this though.

that’s one of the most important things,get yourself focus on the positive benefits that you’re gonna see in your life and itwill make it so so much easier. so i hope you guys have fun with it, let me know whatyou think and i will see you guys next time.

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