easy protein diets to follow

easy protein diets to follow

hey! welcome back to fitfoods, with me, rob riches, filming for prozistv. and on today's episode, i'll be sharing with you the top 10 protein foods. now, what i mean by protein are foods that contain the complete amino acids of protein. every kind of food contains a little bit of protein, but these particular foods are rich in protein and they make up the most caloriesfrom that particular food. so, we're going to go from 10 to number 1,

and each food i show youis based on the protein content per 100 g so imagine, if you had 100 g or 3 oz of each of these foods, we're going to look at the protein content within that, so you can see how they differ from each other. but also keep in mindthat different portion sizes are going to apply. protein powder and egg whites, for example, you're not necessarily going to have the same amount. so let's begin with number 10, and that is eggs, or egg whites in particular.

very high in complete protein, amino acids, but in terms of the actual quantity, one egg white is about 30 g, so 100 g,we're looking at just under 11 g of protein. usually, i'd have five, six of these in the morning, so i get a little bit more protein with that, but they're easily digestible and absorbable. great source of protein and especially if you get them in egg white liquid form,

very easy and quick to use. moving on, cottage cheese. this has a good amount of protein,about 12 g per 100 g, and this is higher in the casein protein, so it's a slower-digesting. i actually have this at nighttime or throughout the day when i'm not going to be ableto eat quite as often as i'd like. so, good source of protein in here. quinoa is actually a complete protein,it contains up to 14 g of protein per 100 g. however, you're going to get extra carbohydrates in that,

so bear that in mindwhen including this throughout your day's meal. moving on, cod. fish, white fish in particular. excellent source of protein, very high-quality. it's lean, barely any fat in this, this is to cook up, fry, bake, and definitely use this throughout the day. almonds. again, we have some protein in here. we're looking at about 21 g per 100 g of almonds.

but again, it's a high calorie food, you're going to get a lot of extra fat in there, so usually we'd have maybe 10, 15 g, but you do get protein in there. moving to our top 5 now. chicken breast. 100 g of chicken is going to give usabout 21, 22 g of protein. but again, it's a lean protein, not too much fats in there, and this is probablymy main source of protein throughout the day.

number 4, turkey, ground turkey. looking at 23 g, so a little bit more protein per 100 g than the chicken. i often get ground turkey, mash this up into hamburgers or patties. easy to eat. tuna, number 3,especially if it's in water and not the olive oil. with tuna, we're looking at just under 24 g of protein, so it's actually a higher protein contentthan turkey and chicken. pretty easy, cheap to buy compared to these meats,

and something that you can includethroughout your day to get your protein. ok, final two. beef, especially something like mock tender. we're looking at up to 26 g of protein. very high quality,especially if you get the grass-fed, much higher in the omega-3 fatty acids and cla. however, you do get a higher fat content than these other types of protein, tuna, turkey and chicken, so bear that in mind when looking at overall calories.

but as far as our top protein sources go, this goes to protein powder. whey, beef protein, egg protein, they're pretty much all the same and we're looking at anywherefrom 70 to 80 g of protein content per 100 g. but again, you wouldn't necessarily have 100 g of protein powder compared to 100 g of egg whites. so, everything is relative. there you have it, our top 10 sources of protein,

all of which you can use throughout the day, you can mix and match. and as far as protein content, look at anywhere from 1 to 1.2 g of protein per pound of bodyweight, that's a good number to aim for. i'm rob riches, tune next time. keep subscribing to our youtube channel, and don't forget to check out our exclusive special deals for all of our subscribers, on all of the best sports supplementationat prozis.com. i'll see you guys here next week. take care.

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