easy to follow bodybuilding diet plan

easy to follow bodybuilding diet plan

what's up, guys? jeff cavaliere, athlean-x.com. back in the old xbox, getting up close andpersonal here, a couple new elements in this video – or maybe old elements – but it'sto underscore a certain point here. that is: life is a little bit bumpy at themoment for me. for those that don’t know, i've actually been expecting a baby now forquite a few months, we're getting toward the end of the line here, but one baby turnedinto two. so now we have two babies coming, but alongthe way – like i said – a bump in that road has thrown my whole life into a littlebit of an uproar. however, i've always said, and i've been a firm believer in the factthat you'd still better find a way to address

your own health if you're going to be wortha damn for the people that actually need you. so if that means working out a little bitlater than usual then so be it. if that means working out with less equipment than you'reused to because you can't get to the gym then so be it. if that means figuring out a way to get yourmeals prepared in a different way than you're used to, to remain consistent with your planthen so be it. so for me, i do just that and i actually havea pretty good tip for you who find yourselves in these situations sometimes because my situationisn't unique. it might be unique for me, but there's otherpeople out there that are dealing with things

that are just as cumbersome to their dailylife and leading it the way they want because you have to serve other people other thanyourself. so for me, when it comes to my meals, whati do is, i go to the catering menu. here's my big tip. are you ready? if you're to gointo somewhere like a whole foods, you go in there and they have a whole buffet laidout and you could pick out your fish, you could pick out grilled chicken, you couldpick out sweet potatoes; whatever you want, you could pick them all out. you can buy that meal and you're going topay through the nose for it. i can guarantee you. a lot of these places – i'm lucky tohave a place called stu leonard's around me

which is amazing – but a lot of these placeslike whole foods will have a catering option. so you can get a bunch of this stuff cookedin bulk. the biggest thing you have to realize is that the price will come way down whenyou're buying in bulk for 12 to 15 people. guess who the 12 to 15 people are going tobe? it's going to be you. you're going to getabout 12 to 15 meals out of that and the thing you have to realize is, you can freeze almostanything and preserve its quality. you can freeze cooked, grilled chicken very easilyand it will preserve its quality. fish, not so much. you can freeze soups. youcan freeze sweet potatoes very, very easily. you can buy all this stuff in bulk and thenfreeze them. you can partition them however

you want. throw them in some tupperware containersand then put them away. then you have enough to last you for a verylong time at a much more reasonable price than going out and trying to buy it as theywould charge you on a meal by meal basis. so that's one of the quick tips that i use. now, here's the big thing i want you to takeway from when it comes to what choice you might make. that's not the choice that mightbe available for everybody. everybody's decisions come down to three elements, okay? they come down to being good, fast, and cheap.every one of us gets to choose two of those three elements. if you want good and fast– which is what i opted for – it ain't

going to be cheap, right? even though i'msaving a lot of money by choosing from the catering menu versus the meal by meal buyingand paying full rate through the nose for that meal, it's still not going to be cheap. we're talking about $3 or $4 per meal or so.that could add up for those that are on a budget. if you want good and cheap that cancertainly happen, too. it's just going to require a lot more work and meal prep. you can buy all the vegetables that you wantand then clean them yourselves and cut them yourselves and prepare them yourselves. there'sa lot of extra steps involved in there, but you do have a much cheaper way to do this,it's just more time consuming; it's not going

to be fast. but if you want fast and cheap, you know whatthat means? it's not really going to be very good. that means you could go anywhere youwant. you can go to all the fast food places that you want, but you're probably not goingto get the quality nutrition that you need. the key is, you've got to have a game planif you're going to stay on top of your game in these times of unrest. this isn't really unrest, this is life. thingsget thrown at you all the time. you have to have the ability to say "hey, i'm not goingto allow myself to crumble under the pressure of life. i have to make sure that i have agame plan to keep myself healthy, and to keep

myself strong so those that actually do requiremy help can actually count on me for it." this is how i handle it in times of troublehere, for me, when i've got to get my meals done and i don’t want to fall off the cliffand i want you guys to figure out whatever way works best for you. the key is – i hope this video at leastopens up a little bit of what's going on in my life so i can show you and hopefully inspireyou to figure out a way to get to whatever it is that's going on in your life and makesure you stick to your plan. all right, guys. i'll meet you back here inanother couple of days with some more videos. i'm going to do my best to keep bringing youthe consistent content.

it might just be a little bit scaled backfrom what it might be from time to time to make sure i can still do that. all right.i hope to see you guys here again soon. leave your comments and thumbs up below, letme know what you want to see and i'll do my best to bring it to you here in the comingweeks. see you.

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