easy to follow bodybuilding diet

easy to follow bodybuilding diet

what’s going on guys? troy here with weightgainnetwork.comand i just got back from the beach. i’m starving. i got a workout in a couple of hours,and i want a protein packed muscle-building meal, so guess where i am right now? i’mat mcdonalds. believe it or not i have figured out a way to order a delicious muscle-buildingprotein packed meal at mcdonalds and i’m super excited, so follow with me. i’m goingthrough the drive thru right now. and we are at mcdonalds in marina del rey, californiaand we’re going to get swelled today at mcdonalds. hi, welcome to mcdonalds. can ihelp you with a bacon clubhouse sandwich? no thank you. i’m looking for a high-proteinoption here. let’s see here. okay. i want the premium southwest salad with grilled chicken.okay. and, could i get the low-fat balsamic

vinaigrette with that please. okay. and, let’ssee, how much would it be just to get a quarter-pound beef fillet, like literally just the quarterpound beef. quarter pounder? yeah i want a quarter pounder with no bun, no cheese, nolettuce, no mustard and no ketchup. only the meat, the patty, right? yeah, just the patty.hold with me for one second. mcdonalds cares about your gains guys. for a circle pattyis 1.20. perfect. throw me one of those quarter pound patties. okay. and could i also getthe premium snack wrap the sweet chili one with grilled chicken. okay. and that shoulddo it. 11.10 is your total, thank you. so as you can see guys, we got a 80 gram proteinmeal at mcdonalds. it has under 1,000 calories. so mcdonalds cares about your gains guys.all right guys, i am ready for my protein,

so let’s see what they got. man, what’staking so long? i need my gains. so yeah, i wrote down the macronutrients. we got 82grams of protein, 34 grams of fat, and about 80 grams of carbohydrates in this meal, soperfect muscle building meal. thank you. so we got our gains right here. we got a proteinpacked meal. and it cost me about $7.00. so honestly not too bad, pretty economical. andlet’s see what we got in the bag here. so we got the pretty decent salad here. we gotthe southwest protein packed salad here with grilled chicken. and they forgot the restof my food, so i’m going to have to go back. give me one sec guys. all right, we are back.got the rest of my protein in here, so let’s dive in and see what we got. now here’sthe patty. this was only $1.20, so they should

actually add this on the dollar menu. we gotthe, little high in fat but it’s got like 18 grams of protein for only about a buck.so order your quarter pounder like this. and we got the premium, look at this bad boy,release the flavor premium mcwrap. so as you can see we got like a big mcwrap with tortilla,grilled chicken, perfect for those summertime gains. so that’s how you do it guys. wegot 80 grams of protein. it’s like a $7.00 meal. but i mean who doesn’t enjoy a qualitysit down meal at your local mcdonalds. it’s high in protein, so if you guys are lookingto get jacked this summer head on over to mcdonalds.

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