easy to follow bulking diet

easy to follow bulking diet

yo, what's going on guys? troy here with weightgainnetwork.com.i want to share with you guys my favorite pre-workout meal for bulking today. firsti want to show you guys a little tour. we got the cabinet of gains right here. i gotsome crazy stuff. it's supposed to be all the supplements i take throughout the year.first off i'm going to talk about pre-workout. i'm going to talk about why i'm actually currentlynot taking this for bulking season and why i'm going with a little bit more of an all-naturalpre-workout mix right here. one of these days i'll show you all the crazy stuff in herei have. i've got pretty much the basics here. i've got some carbo gain. i've got some biotin.actually it's good for your hair and skin or some shit. i don't even know. we've gotsome musclepharm combat protein, spirulina.

we've got micronized creatine powder. i'vegot some crazy peruvian maca powder. what else do i have in here? we've got grape seedextract. we've got zma for night-time recovery. got to stay healthy so we've got my greensuper food right here. got some crazy stuff back here. we got some leucine. this is oneof your most vital amino acid for building muscle. one of these days i'll give you guysa little tour on why i take everything and basically the importance of each one. forright now we're going to talk about bulking season and my favorite pre-workout meals.first of all i want to talk about this. i'm actually currently not taking this anymorefor bulking season. i'm going to tell you why. being a naturally skinny guy, you haveto keep in mind how your metabolism is. this

pre-workout is super strong right here. thisis honestly, my opinion, the strongest pre-workout i have ever had. i have tried them all. i'vetried c4, all the mainstream ones. i've gone to the expos, tried little samples of prettymuch all the different pre-workouts. this one right here, nitraflex, it's super strongbecause it is all stimulant based. this one has so many different stimulants in it. thereason i don't like it for bulking season is just because stimulants are going to reallyboost your metabolism. it's going to make it really hard to get in that healthy caloriesurplus. you're going in the gym. you're killing the different compound exercises. then youthrow a stimulant into the mix, you basically are burning like 4 - 5,000 calories a daywhen you mix a hardcore workout in with a

stimulant based pre-workout like this. whati've been trying to do too is just get healthy this year. i don't want to rely on stimulantsand pre-workouts. i want to try and go with a really clean, all-natural diet. i actuallycame up with my own pre-workout drink. what i do here is i use matcha green tea powder.this is the world's most effective anti-oxidant drink. this has a super high concentrationof this antioxidant called egcg, which is incredibly healthy for you. it's got somemetabolism boosting properties as well. it's going to be a lot better for bulking seasonthen a stimulant based pre-workout. i also use coconut oil, really good for energy. it'sactually not very likely to be stored as body fat, which i think is really important duringbulking season when you're eating a lot of

calories. i notice that it gives me a nicelittle boost for pre-workout energy. then i throw a little bit of cinnamon in the mixfor flavor. throw it in my leonardo dicaprio, not leonardo dicaprio, leonardo the ninjaturtle cup and we are good to go. that should taste pretty good. one more thing, i actuallythrow in some lemon in there too, just to give it a little more flavor. i know you guyswant to hear about the pre-workout meal because that's what the video is about. what i havehere is believe it or not, i have salmon in a can. now this sounds gross, but for allyou college kids out there, anyone looking to save money, this is only $2.19 at traderjoes. the thing i really like about salmon pre-workout is for me it digests really easily.it's got really high omega-3 concentrations.

most people don't get enough omega- 3s intheir diet. when you have enough omega-3s in your diet, you're going to be a musclebuilding machine. you are actually going to notice a big difference in your energy levels.it's one of the most common things that most people are deficient in, so just making surewe get omega-3s in our pre-workout meal is really essential for going in the gym andhitting those weights hard. this is 39 g of protein. only grams of fat. we're actuallygoing to add more healthy fat. we have this frying up. what i did here, i'm going to turnthe burner on here a little hotter. i got these little chopped up green onions. i'mjust going to throw these in to give it a little more flavor in them. i do black peppercorn.now black peppercorn has this ingredient called

bioperine, i believe it's pronounced. it actuallyhelps with your natural digestion. this is actually an ingredient in the post-gym andi think pre-gym supplements. he talks a lot about the science of why bioperin helps yourbody digest and absorb the nutrients. i try to include these rainbow peppercorns withall my meals. then another thing we're going to add to it some going on over here. pre-workoutmeal, trying to get in a lot of quality calories. we're going to add these hemp seeds. hempseeds, super high in protein. it is the highest plant-based source of omega- fatty acids ibelieve in the world. this is just such an incredibly healthy mean. we're going to actuallyadd a couple tablespoons of these hemp seeds on top of the salmon. the last ingredienti'm going to get into which is brown rice.

i've been using this organic california brownrice. really good brand. i actually picked it up at wal-mart for a couple of bucks. i'mgoing to give you 2 other options for pre-workout carbohydrates. i really like doing the ancientgrains. it's kind of like a whole grain pasta or i'll sometimes do the organic quinoa. iusually mix in one of these three carbohydrates sources. i don't usually do oatmeal and idon't do sweet potatoes. they tend to kind of upset my stomach a little more. i noticethat brown rice and the whole grain pasta and the quinoa is a lot easier on my stomach.i just enjoy it more for a pre-workout meal. let me grab a thing here. my typical routine,so i'll make this drink before i start cooking, so i'll kind of sip on this. about 45 minutesbefore my workout i'll finish it before i

get out the door. then i'm frying up my salmonhere. this basically is just going to add in some better flavor. you don't want to eatit straight out of the can. it's going to have a little bit of that fishy taste. whatwe're going to do here is i'm actually going to add in a little more healthy fat too, sojust let it fry up. we're going to add a little bit of coconut oil. this actually is a prettyhigh calorie meal. that right there just added about 200 calories. just in here alone wehave about 400 calories and then what i did here is i already cooked up brown rice. i'mnot going to use a cup of brown rice, cup to cup and a half depending on what time ofthe day i'm working out. if i'm doing a leg workout, i'll do a little bit more, like acup and a half today, i'm just doing back

and thighs, so i'm going to do just a littleover a cup. just moved in here by the way, so i don't know where anything is. here wego. see what about a cup of brown rice looks like. a pretty good portion and we're addinga lot of other things to it. that's what a cup of brown rice looks like. i'm just goingto throw this in the microwave for about 1 minute. we're going to let that cook. anotheroption, if you guys, i'm not doing this for this meal, i'm actually trying to stay fairlylean during this bulking season, trying to get to like 6 - 7% body fat around march andapril. another thing you can do that will add in about 240 calories is half of an avocado.slicing half of an avocado on this meal is incredibly delicious. this meal actually isabout 1000 calories if we're talking a about

a cup of brown rice, a can of salmon, a coupletablespoons of hemp seeds, the coconut oil and half of an avocado. that is a crazy highcalorie meal. it's super healthy. it has so much protein, healthy fats, carbs. it's goteverything you need. i'll just finish up here. police coming for me. i'm just going to finishfrying the stuff here. pour it here. i'm going to turn the burner off here. just throw thatover the brown rice. if you guys have any veges lying around, i just had some extragreen onions, one thing you want to be careful of though is you don't want to throw in abunch of broccoli and cauliflower and green beans, asparagus in your pre-workout meal.it's going to upset your stomach. it's really hard to digest. just not a smart move fora pre-workout meal. not the best looking dish

in the world. i don't know if wolfgang puckwould endorse it. but wolfgang puck sure doesn't have many gains, so maybe he should be watchingthese videos. hemp hearts, what we're going to do here now, i got these on amazon. theseare so good. i literally add these on everything. they add tons of omega-3s. they're also goingto add in proteins. one serving of this has 10 grams of protein, 13 grams of healthy fats,3 grams of carbs and i believe it has like 2.5 grams of omega- fatty acids, which isway more concentrated than even taking like a fish oil supplement. i'm going to add thison, the hemp seeds. then i'm actually going to squeeze some lemon just to give it somemore flavor. and last but not least, we're going to add pepper. boom. this is, you cansearch the internet, go all over, blogs, fitness

channels, you will not find a healthier, pre-workoutmeal for bulling than this. you have like a healthiest drink in the world that's goingto boost your energy. you have a plethora of omega-3 fatty acids, slow-digesting carbohydrates,high-quality protein. you guys will not find a healthier pre-workout meal for bulking thanthis. glad i could show you guys into my new place here in west palm beach. by the way,this is my roommate, hello kitty. this is troy signing off from west palm beach. thisis the best pre-workout meal for bulking.

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