easy to follow candida diet

easy to follow candida diet

greetings! eric bakker, new zealand naturopath. author of candida crusher and formulator ofthe canxida range of supplements. it's great to be back. thanks for checking out my video. today we're going to talk about introducingfoods back into your diet after a successful candida treatment. many people contact me and say, "can i eatthis food?" and "i'm feeling better, can i eat that food?"

i've already done some videos on this topic,but i think it might be good to sort of go over a few things with you again. the thing with reintroduction of foods isyou've got to think about it very carefully and logically. how are you going to introduce the foods? what stages are you going to introduce themin? don't make the mistake of introducing lotsand lots of different foods at the same time. it's not a good idea. i've said it before, but i'll say it again.

this is how you do it. you make a list of the foods that you've avoidedor that you want to introduce back into your diet and you want to grade them. now for simplicity's sake, you can just doit in two categories, but three's probably better. you can say for example: "the foods i lovethe most," and "the foods i love." just say a and b. foods that you like themost and the foods that you like. now every food that you're going to reintroduce,you either put a or b next to it. simple.

the foods that you're going to introduce firstare not the foods that you love the most. the reason being, is if you like them themost, that probably means you're going to overeat them the most, too, and probably geta reaction again. so introduce the b-grade foods first, andintroduce one food a day for a three or four-day period. just one serving of that food per day or maybetwo small servings for a three-day period and then tick it off your list and move tothe second b food. don't put like eight b foods back in on awednesday and on thursday three a foods back in.

don't do that. have a slow gradual introduction. make haste slowly. i much prefer you to take your time. now when you've got your a column of the foodsyou like the most, if you think carefully about it, you can put the foods that you reallylike the most and the foods that you like. so you can a+ and a. the a+ foods are thefoods you introduce the last. because again, there could be a tendency foryou to want to eat those foods every day, twice a day, or after dinner every day.

remember, if you've got a very powerful relationshipwith a food, it's going to have a very powerful relationship with your gut or your immunesystem. you may find it hard to say no to that foodwhen you reintroduce that food. so take care. it could be something like ice cream for example. not a great food to eat. we've got some beautiful ice cream in newzealand. really good ice cream. i do eat ice cream, but it may be once everyweek or two.

it's not a food i would commonly eat everyday. it's very congesting, it gives me phlegm andmucus, but i tell you what, there's nothing better guys, than a nice bowl of beautifulnew zealand kapiti ice cream from a region called kapiti coast with a couple of niceslices of peaches on there, fresh peaches out of the garden, with a tiny bit of creamon top. it's beautiful. it's one of the pleasures in life. eating beautiful ice cream. but we're not talking nine scoops in a bowlcovered with a gallon of chocolate sauce on

top of that, we're talking a small helping. common sense. so remember, if you like it, it's either illegal,immoral or fattening, usually. one of those three. so just go slow on it if you like it. take it easy with this food. don't be in a hurry to introduce the foodsyou like the most. give yourself quite a few days between thespacing of these really high desirable foods. if you take your time and do a proper introduction,particularly when you start feeling good,

you'll find that you don't have to go on aroller coaster anymore of feeling good and feeling bad as your immune system may go totown on that food. when you reintroduce foods, it's like reintroducingpeople into your lives. there could be a few relationship issues untilthings settle down. try and understand that you have a relationshipwith every food you eat. now you either hate that food like brusselsprouts, or you love that food like ice cream. so don't forget: take it easy, do it slowlyin a regulated sense and you'll have no problems reintroducing foods into your diet. i'm a firm believer that when you've got reallygood health like me, you can eat all foods.

you can eat a little bit of bread. you can have a bit of meat. you can have some eggs. you can have chicken, a bit of ice cream. you can have maybe a cold beer. all these things are possible when you'rehealthy, and don't let anyone tell you that foods are poison and you need to avoid them. i hope you've got some good information outof this video. please click on the link below if you haven'tgot my candida report and please subscribe.

thanks for tuning in.

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