easy to follow cutting diet

easy to follow cutting diet

hey, what's up, guys?welcome back to fitfoods, with me, rob riches, filmed for prozistv. on today's episode, we'll be taking a look at meals and types of foods that are ideal for endomorphs. now, what do i mean by endomorphs? well, if we think about a body type, there's three different body types, and that is an ectomorph,

a mesomorph and an endomorph. and these pretty much determinehow a person's body is built in terms of the thickness of their limbs, how much body fat they can typically carry, and even down to the diameter of their wrists and joints. so, think about someone kind of skinny, somebody a little bit more muscular and well built, and someone who typically carries a lot more of body fat on their body.

and then, often with blendsof those three different somatotypes. but, when it comes to nutrition, we can often scale back on the amount of body fat if we're predetermined to hold that much, and, right down to the ectomorphs, allows to put a little bit more size on. but today, we are going to look at those endomorphs, and it really comes to calorie control, and limiting the amount of carbohydrates and fatty,

or saturated fatty foods that we're having. so, i have an example of a meal here. and with this, we can see that we do have some brown rice, it's about a quarter of a cup, and it looks a lot therebecause i cooked it in a lot of water, allowed it to really soak up,so it maximizes the amount of food, but the nutrition is still the same. so, about a quarter of cup of cooked brown rice.

so, as you can see, protein, and i've got this from two different sources, eggs and chicken. so, eggs are a great source, they're saturated fat-free. chicken, we have some fat in there,but we need a lot of protein, and i'm looking at about 35-40 g per meal. also, a lot of fibre. fibrous starchy vegetables, such as celery, we have some carrot sticks in there,

and also some green beans, and broccoli underneath. so, definitely, you want to be including a lot of fibre in pretty much every meal. and these are some great examples here, kale, spinach, celery, anything green leafy, put a lot of that in with your meal, don't worry about the calorie content. over here, we have some other examples of foodsthat i'd tend to stay away from, if you're an endomorphlooking to keep those fat levels down.

and this includes foods like salmon, even though it's a good food, high in omega-3, because of the fat content,it's higher calories. so other fish to think aboutwould be more of white fish, cod, have it in the place of salmon. and fruit, as well. i'm not saying don't eat fruit, but keep it limited because it does contain fructose, sugars that the body can metabolise and digest much quicker than other starches,

so limit fruits to either around after exercise or fruits like berries, blueberries, raspberries, they're going to be much better, they're lower glycemic and they're not going to give you as much sugar. so, again, when it comes to portion sizes, keep your carbohydrate intaketo about 30 g of carbs per meal, a little bit more post-workout, maybe some simpler sugars, but include a lot of fibre, high protein, and keep saturated fat levels down.

ok, guys, start following these tips, and make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel, to keep up-to-datewith more nutrition and training tips, here on prozistv. and, guys, don't forget to check outyour exclusive special prozis deals below, to get all of your top brand supplements only on prozis.com i'm rob riches,we see you back here in the kitchen, next week. train hard, eat clean, and, guys, stay motivated.

take care.

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