easy diet to follow with good results

easy diet to follow with good results

- [voiceover] gluten-freediets that cut out all food with wheat, barley, and rye have become extremely popular inthe last couple years, so we challenged fourpeople to change their diet for a month to see what happens when you go gluten-free. - i've heard that going gluten-free helps you get more energetic which is definitelysomething i'm interested in

because i'm always tired. - i wanna kinda get back onto a healthy eating schedule and really pay more attention to what i'm putting in my body. - i'm excited to just findgood gluten-free cake. - the reason i wanna go gluten-free is because my girlfriend was diagnosed with celiac disease

and i'm hoping that by myself going gluten-free, i can make it a little bit easier for her. - what are some changesthat i should expect when going gluten-free? - it depends on how sensitive your body is to gluten, but someof the great benefits of being gluten-free are increased energy. a lot of people who goon a gluten-free diet

end up having more energy just because the energy in their body isn'tbeing used for digestion. - i'm nervous that i'm notgonna have a lot to eat. - think about it this way: our favorite foodsbecome our favorite foods because we eat them often. the good news for you is you're not giving up your five favorite. you're just setting it aside and saying,

"oh, do i have 20 other favorites "that i didn't even know about?" - that's exciting (laughs).- so you come out of the diet and you've got 25 favorites. - i was just looking atmy favorite fake bacon that i eat all the time. modern corn starch, wheat, gluten! i had no idea there was gluten in this. i might've eaten somesince i started the diet.

i definitely have. - at work, we had free cupcake day, so i after i pouted aboutthat quietly to myself, i suddenly found out therewas a gluten-free option. there's gluten-freeoptions of a lot of stuff, but there's just one gluten-free option. - i've found it's made my life about 60% more annoying. it's friday at buzzfeed.

a ton of free doughnuts right here, and i can't eat them becausei'm gluten-free this month. basically, i feel exactly the same. - i do not feel more energetic. - i wouldn't say i feellike i have more energy. - i actually get up feeling energized and ready to get my day going. in one week, i've lost aboutsix and a half pounds already. - i'm here to turn things around

and gonna try somegluten-free pizza tonight. (gasps) it's like pizza made ona too-thick tortilla, and they're sweet for some reason. it's not a substitute for normal pizza. - better than i thought. - i have a feeling that is going to be the standard review for gluten-free food. - it kinda tastes like pizza minus bread.

i can't taste the crust at all. so, i can tell that my body's no longer used to eating gluten, but i don't know if i'm losing a lot of weight or feeling amazingly better. - i haven't seen my energy level change. i've seen my anger andfrustration level change. - wow! what an amazing snack.

- it's been pretty fantastic. i've just found myself walking a lot more, not feeling like i need to take a nap in the middle of the day. so, i'm at my friend's engagement, still doing gluten-free, so you can see my entire plate is pretty much empty besides lentils and rice. it's one of those things that i feel like

i could continue doingeven after this is over. - my goal was to just help my girlfriend get used to celiac disease, and she hasn't had gluten inmaybe three or four months, which is huge for her, sothat worked out really well. - nutritionists are really good at making gluten-free diets sound fun when they're actually awful. it was too big of an inconvenience.

- i don't think i reallyfeel any different at all. there's gluten in weird things that you wouldn't expect. i realized sort of halfway through that my face lotion had gluten in it. - now i've found that idon't really feel bogged down by the stuff i've eatenfrom the previous day. even just the breakfast i'm having, it's a lot lighter.

i just feel like i've actually got energy to get through the day. - [voiceover] you lost five pounds. - i lost five pounds, all right. - i lost five pounds? i don't have a lot of body fat. i'm not sure if i canafford to lose five pounds. - [voiceover] three pounds of body fat. - three pounds of body fat?

oh (bleeped). that's cool. - i cannot wait to eat gluten again. internet, do you know this? do you know how good pizza is? it's so good. it is so good. - it was worth it just for this plate of a cupcake and a pizza.

this is everything i could've asked for, and it just made it that much better after not having it for a month.

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