easy to follow gi diet plan

easy to follow gi diet plan

hi this is tony from cookingaround today weare going to have a very special type of soup. this is a soup that is made for you to lose weight, you have to eat this soup for 7 days straight have at least 3 to four bowls a day and at night havefruit and raw veggies to go with it. now i i will show you a link at the end of the videowhere get more information about this soup and here we have all kinds of good things,we cabbage, red peppers, leeks, tomatoes, now you will not see any carrots in this recipebecause they are on the med. gi. so this is a low gi soup. now as for me you did see mypictures in the beginning of this video and i lost a lot of weight on this dietsoup, so again this ia a diet for you to lose weight, so lets get going on this awesome soup.and i will show you how to prepare this. now

i have a lot of stuff here because i makea big pot for this pot has to last me at lest 2 to 2 1/2 days. now here we have somewater it's not boiling yet but its almost at a boil, so for the size of the potand the amount depends on you. so this size pot it has to last a few days. so we i taketwo veggie stock, you can use chicken stock but here i an using low sodium, and we arenot going to add any salt because there is some already in the stock. the cabbagei have is beleave it or not is half of a cabbage head shredded, now add that in and add 5 fresh tomatoescut up, i kept them large, add it on top, like that now add 4 small onions also on top like this and add 1 leek cut up like this, now let takehalf only and cover it and bring that up to come to a boil and once it's boiling then we mark20 minis. ok its been 20 mins and and i did

not stir the soup, now turn off the heat andremove the cover. look at that and now grab a large bowl and remove all the onions, allthe leeks, and all the tomatoes, lets get most of it all out out, if one or two stays in, do notworry about it. also i want at least 1/4 of the cabbage from the soup, and there you go.we let this cool and we are back, now it has cooled down now, make sure that it hasat lease half of the liquid now. i will be doing these in two stages because i have alot of soup to blend, so we just start the thing. so its been about a minute and thisis what we want. now take all the blended soup and add that back to the pot. and nowwe put in the rest of the leeks and here we have 1 small celery root, i like using thisroot instead of potatoes because it is better

for you and lower on the gi scale and 2 redpeppers diced, now if the liquid gets a little high do not worry about it, it will go down.i make a lot of soup this way, and here i have about 6 gloves of garlic minced, putthat in, and we stir that well into the soup mix, now cover it and bring it to a boil againand then set it to low and let it go for another 30 mins. so we are back now, now its boilingand it been now 20 mins but i did say 30, but i want to add some things on the last10 mins of cooking, so now add 1/2 cup of parsley, 3 bay leaves, 1 tsp. of nutmeg, 1 tablespoonof cumin, 2 tablespoons of oregano and this will give you a awesome taste to your soup, sowe add all of it here, in there, and about 4 chopped up green onions, to give it somecolor and texture, and last but not least

some fresh ground pepper, add what ever youwant at this stage, give a little stir, now here is a complete meal with almost everythingyou will need for your diet, now when this is done it will be awesome in taste and goodfor you , a complete meal package in a pot pot, now add the cover back on and we let it gofor the final 10 mins, ok, here we are now. it's important to test the soup for taste,and remember this is not for me but for you, and for me i like a little more salt.now to finish this off add 3 tablespoons of tomato past, now you do not have to add this,but i find that this gives the soup a very rich and thick taste, at this stage you can add anythingyou want to this but keep in mind that when it comes to salt, keep that as little as possible,let this simmer for about another 10

minutes with the top off and it is done. so ihope you enjoy this and i know that it will work for you. thank you form tony and cookingaround.

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