easy to follow gaps diet

easy to follow gaps diet

in this video i'm going to talk aboutthe incredible health benefits of bone broth soup not only is it great to help get over acold and flu and viruses things like that but it's also a greatanti-inflammatory promotes healthy joints reduces joint pain and it's greatfor bones ligaments tendons as well as hair and skin it's great for your digestive system andits mineral rich and nutrient dense especially with potassium calcium andmagnesium to promote healthy bone formation

it's full of collagen arginine, glucosaminewhich is sold as an expensive supplement for arthritis and joint pain, bone marrowfour cells and gut, amino acid and sulfur the gelatin in this supports digestionand provides allergy relief and because of the collagen it'sactually anti-aging now another great thing about this is youprobably been hearing a lot about leaky gut syndrome lately this is something that a lot of peoplehave that they say they don't even know it. the author of the gaps diet dr. natashacambel mcbride recommends using this bone broth

as one of the best things to healand seal your gut as well as provide many nutrients now i'm going to show you how to do thiswith chicken bones but know that you can do the same thing beef bones which you can very easily getany health food store or butcher just ask for the bones now what i usually do is save...i make thechicken in the way that i have in my video... "how to make the healthiest chicken," i'll save the carcass as well as thebones of about three or four chickens in

a plastic bag in my freezer before i goahead and make this and just one caveat though is you always have to use thepasture raised and organic or free-range chicken bones as well as with beef you have to use organic and grass-fedchicken because any of the toxins from conventional feed or hormones orantibiotics are stored in the fat as well as the bones so you want to use the healthiest grade possible now there are a few different ways tomake the bone broth soup and they're all good the point is to boil it for longenough to

extract the minerals and nutrients fromthe bone and use vegetables and herbs to get the taste that you like to startwith you're going to put enough water toabout an inch or two from the top of the pot but just make sure it's enough tocover the carcass of bones there you're always going to want to usefiltered water and you can do this in a crock pot for safety which is good ifyou have to leave because it's going to be a long time cooking or large pot these boneswere saved and frozen after eating the meat that was cooked in the way that ishow in my "how to make the healthiest chicken" video

now you can start with a whole chickenand cook it like that just by boiling the chicken for two hours and after thetwo hours you take all the meat off and put the carcass back in the water we're also going to add vinegar and allyour vegetables except for cilantro and parsley i like to use kale, dandelion, carrots,celery, bay leaves, rosemary, thyme, sea salt,pepper, onion, and garlic. cilantro, and parsley can be added towards the endwhen you have about an hour to go now the vinegar is very important because ithelps to extract the nutrients from the

carcass and put it into the soup i like use braggs, because it's organicunfiltered and unpasturized you can also use lemon juice for thesame purpose but don't worry there is a complete list of the ingredients thati use in the blog at www.theartofunity.com now you want to bring this to a simmerand just stop before it boils and put it on low heat because boiling it actually harms the gelatin now on top of this, you can actually start to see bubbling or its kind of scum that comes on top of the pot this should be removed since it's saidto be the toxins in the body of the

chicken now let this cook on low for anywherebetween 8 and 24 hours i always do the 24 hours because it getsthe maximum amount of minerals nutrients in collagen from the bones into the soupand know that beef can go for at least 24 hours and up the three days. lastly strain the bonesand everything in it, separating the broth after cooling, you can let this sit inglass jars in the refrigerator for about two weeks or you can freeze it for longer now thisis great for stews and soups by itself

and also the bones are going to be verysoft and crushable so you can actually eat the marrow right out of bones afteryou cook them for that long. now what i usually do with the broth isdrink it as a tea in the morning because traditional chinese medicine (tcm) says that it's very healthy to drink something warm like tea in the morning because it helps to wake up your organs, so i'll have that with turmeric or moringa power orsomething like that in there and it's one of the absolute healthiest thingsyou get so i highly recommend it and hope this works well for you! best ofhealth! good luck

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