easy to follow mediterranean diet plan

easy to follow mediterranean diet plan

here in my kitchen, ready to show you guysthe perfect clean bulk diet for maximum muscle and minimum body fat. i have actually wrotedown every component of what i would do for a perfect clean bulk when i'm really tryingto pack on muscle mass and minimize my body fat. i'm going through really intense trainingsessions. this is going to be what i would do on a training day. now, i'm not currentlybulking right now, i'm currently cutting. i'm actually looking to just get super leanand ripped for the summer time, but i'm going to follow a pretty close example of exactlythis style on my training days come probably october and november. let's get into my perfectclean-bulk diet. starting off here for breakfast, i'm just going to kind of walk you throughwhat i have here. i have steel cut oats. my

perfect clean bulk i'd start off with a halfcup of steel cut oats, i'd throw a banana, half a cup of blueberries, two tablespoonsof all natural peanut butter. let me show you what kind of peanut butter i use. i justuse this all natural peanut butter with no sugar and fat added. i'd throw in two tablespoonsof this. i'd throw in some honey, a couple tablespoons of hemp seeds and i would havetwo scoops of some combat protein powder. right there that has 1,000 calories and itsreally quick. the whole thing about breakfast is i wake up and i don't want to have to spenda bunch of time cooking. the steel cut oats, these are the quick oats, so these only take3 minutes. i cook it in the microwave i put my protein powder in a shaker cup. obviouslyegg whites and whole eggs are a really good

source of protein too, but i just want tospend all that time cooking in the morning and i typically work out really early in themorning or first thing after breakfast, so this allows me to get in 1,000 really highquality calories and then just get out the door, hit the gym for my workout and don'tmind me guys, i'm also just cooking a little fish here. just actually doing some low-carbcooking right now. i'm going to have a bunch of wild-caught cod and i have a little avocadoaction right here. i'm just going to have some chopped avocado and some cod. threw someindian curry seasoning on there. trying to multitask and take care of my lunch whilei share the clean bulk diet with you guys. just going to turn that down. so, we havebreakfast. now after breakfast i would typically

hit the gym. what i would do is during myworkout, actually i love doing this when i'm building up. i'll mix my pre-workout, i'lldo something like nitraflex or i'll make my own and i'll mix it with gatorade and i'llalso throw some branch-chain amino acids in there. i started taking this pre-workout aswell, mr hyde, super strong. it's got a ton of caffeine, so i don't necessarily recommendit for when you're bulking, but i'll always mix my pre-workout in with some carbs becausewhen you're bulking you don't want to take pre-workout on an empty stomach or withoutsome carbs in your system because you don't want to stimulate your metabolism too much,so i will do that little combination. we're already at 1,200 calories. now it's that happytime for the post-workout mass builder. this

is my recipe for my post workout mass builder.we have two cups chocolate almond milk, two tablespoons coconut oil, two tablespoons chiaseeds, and i have those right here. awesome source of healthy fats, omega 3s. i'll throwin one frozen banana, one scoop of protein powder, 5 grams of creatine and a quartercup of maltodextrin powder. let me just show you what i do for that. this maltodextrinpowder is really cheap to pick up off amazon. i'll just throw in 1/4th cup of maltodextrinpowder and that post-workout mass builder right there is about 1,100 calories. we'realready at 2,300 calories and we're not even close to done. next up we have our afternoonsnack. this is one of my favorite snacks. it's really clean. it's delicious and it'sgoing to pack in a bunch of antioxidants.

what i do is i pack these in little bags.i'll have some raw almonds and some gogi berries. i'll mix these two together. if you guys wantto spice it up a little bit, you can get the chocolate almonds or the different flavoredalmonds. you want to have one big serving of gogi berries which is going to give yousome protein, antioxidants, vitamin a, vitamin c. this stuff right here is a body buildingsuper food along with the raw almonds that are really rich in protein and magnesium andhealthy fat. this is a little 400 calorie high quality snack right here. next up wehave our lunch. this is going to typically be a couple hours after our workout. you noticeeverything too is speed. we had a really quick breakfast. we got done working out and wemade a mass builder in the blender and then

we had an afternoon snack that requires nocooking. for lunch we want to hit some heavy, high-quality carbs. this is when we have ourwhole grain pasta, we have our brown rices, things like this. we have whole-wheat pasta.we have our brown rices. sweet potatoes, another perfect carb source. then also, i'll pairthis with either a half pound of grass-fed beef or a half pound of really lean turkeymeat. another thing to add in more calories is i'll make a really high-calorie bodybuildingpasta. i'll add in some organic tomato sauce, i'll add in one or two tablespoons of oliveoil and that alone right there packs in 1,000 quality calories for lunch. once in a whilei like to kind of apply like an 80/20 rule, where 80% of my diet will be really cleanand then 10 - 20% it will basically be like

a somewhat healthy cheat food. once in a whilei'll have one of these for dessert. i'll have like a lenny & larry's birthday cake or snickerdoodlecomplete cookie, two of my favorite flavors right here. i'll have these occasionally.once in a while i'll have them after i workout. sometime i'll have them for breakfast wheni'm really on the go. keep it fun. you guys are bulking, so you can have a somewhat funcalorie surplus, but we want to minimize our body fat, so this is exactly what this littleplan is going to do. we are on to, let's see here, so we had our late lunch and now we'reon to dinner. for dinner i typically like to have fish. i absolutely love salmon. ilove tilapia. i love cod right here that is burning on my frying pan. i love all sourcesof fish. it's a really high-quality source

of protein. something like salmon or cod withsome veges and olive oil is a really nutrient dense, protein packed meal. it's going tobe about 6 - 700 calories. late at night, keep in mind, i'm trying to minimize our bodyfat, so that's why i went really heavy on the carbohydrates for breakfast, and post-workoutand lunch, and now i'm really starting to lower my carbohydrate totals later in theday. that's why dinner we have salmon, some olive oil, some veges, kind of like a bodybuilding,mediterranean diet meal. then late night, about an hour before i would go to bed i wouldhave a 3 - 4 egg omelet or i'd throw in some chicken, some turkey, some beef. i'd crack3 or 4 eggs over it and i basically would have a high protein, healthy-fat omelet. onceagain, i would keep my carbohydrate totals

fairly low. just looking at this total mealplan for the day, so we have 1,000 calories for breakfast, we had 200 calories for ourinter workout with our gatorade, so 1,200. our post-workout shake was 1,100, so we'reat 2,300. then we had a snack for the almonds and gogi berries, we're at 2,700. then wehad our lunch with 1,000 calories with our pasta and our beef and all that good stuff.that's 3,700 calories. for dinner we had the salmon, the veges, the olive oil. that's 4,300calories. then late night we had our egg omelet, which is another 400 calories. that is 4,700calories right there. that is what i would constitute a clean bulk for maximum muscleand minimal body fat for a really serious hard-getter between maybe 160 and 190 pounds.you might want to taper the calories down

a little bit if you guys are like 135 - 140because that was a lot of calories. i also hope i shed some light on how easy it is toget in a ton of calories and reach that healthy calorie surplus being a naturally skinny guy.that is my perfect bulk for maximum muscle and minimal body fat. my fish is done. lunchis ready. i hope you guys really enjoyed this video. hopefully gave you guys some ideason how you can set up your bulk, pack on those slabs of lean muscle mass this bulking season.

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