easy to follow mediterranean diet

easy to follow mediterranean diet

it's official, the mediterranean diet works. scientifically proven topositively affect our long-term health and well-being it's rich in fruits and vegetables, oliveoils, fish and beans. it's not about super foodsor quick fixes but components which together and overtime, will contribute to ahealthier life. the types of foods that you commonlyfind in mediterranean eating, include mono-unsaturated fats youget these from

foods like olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds, also amiga 3 which you get from oily fish and lots of antioxidant vitamins and minerals which you get from fruits andvegetables. they also have a very high intake pasta and whole grains. the concepts of the mediterranean diet came out in research in the sixties and seventies they found that people particularly ingreece and southern italy had much lover levels of heart disease than other people in europe, in fact someexperts in the us believe this could be

greater than 82 percent, combined with moderate exercise and not smoking the mediterranean diets delivers clearhealth benefits it can also dramatically cut yourchances of diabetes type 2, cancer, and other chronic conditions. what's important about this diet is that the total levels of fats weren't actually different, the levels of fat eaten were similar to in north america and northern europe, but they were still havinglower levels of heart disease so the one important component of the mediterranean diet is not the amount of fat,

the mediterranean diet istypically high in mono unsaturated fats found in foodssuch as avocados, olive oil, and nuts. it's muchlower in saturated fats found in foods like these as mina gavingi, who's a dietitian says,it's important to know which facts you're consuming examples of saturated fat include fatty meat and full-fat dairy products for example butter, cheeses, whole milk. so it's important to cut down on your saturated fat intake

to reduce your bad blood cholesterol toreduce your risk of getting heart disease to get the benefits of the mediterraneandiets the foods you eat don't all have to be mediterranean. youcan emulate the positive effects by eating local foods at home the more colours you have from your fruitsand vegetables, the wider the range of nutrients, so when you think of carrots or sweet potato, or butternut squash, thecolour come from a vitamin called carotene, and

this is really important. in themediterranean they less meat and fewer dairy products, so it's important to swap for example,processed meats such as sausages and bacon, which are high infatuated fat, as well as salt for fish, when you can. try to eat fish twicea week and make one of those portions and oilyfish, such salmon, herring, mackerel, pilchard even canned salmon and sardines count towards your oily fish intake

chicken too is a staple part of themediterranean diet but it's importance not to get hung up onparticular magic ingredients our body needs to work as a coordinatedsystem and so all the time there are signals being sent around our body, as we get older some of this signalling breaks down, we begin to get the wrong messages going around our body what we think these dietary components do is to maintain these signals in a healthy kind of way, to prevent the kind of age-related: things going wrong. to recapthe mediterranean diet consists of

ingredients which are high in the following... vegetables, beans fruits, nuts, oily fish, olive oils, and whole grain cereals,including homemade bread and pasta. it should also be low in redmeats eggs, dairy products, and sweet desserts. alcohol, particularly red wine, can be beneficialif drunk in moderation. that's one to two glassesa day

with meals. the mediterranean diet doesn't need to be expensive or difficult to prepare as mina gavingi says, you don't need tobe a culinary expert to enjoy the benefits of this way of living if you feel you're not very good in thekitchen, you can still eat the mediterranean way. simplethings like taking some pasta and adding a jar of pasta sauce, adding some vegetables to that, having it with a salad, maybe sprinkling some nuts on the salad, will give you a mediterranean type meal but mediterranean eating isn't just about pasta and past sauce, if you think

about it, that tomato sauce has probably got some onions maybe some peppers, or garlic which has been shown to thin the bloods, and you've got the tomatoes and if you add any grains or beans or seeds to that then you're again increasing the nutritionalvalue. while there's no miracle cure to halt the ageing process, or stop us getting ill the mediterranean diet is the next bestthing scientists and their research support it and a growing number of people who haveadopted it, agree

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