easy to follow summer diets

easy to follow summer diets

caller: hello? hey, jeff! jeff: what's going on? caller: it's summer and i'm just trying toget myself ready. i know you've got a bunch of videos and stuff, but i just haven't reallybeen watching them and i'm wondering – but i love your channel though – what am i supposedto do here to get ready for summer in two weeks? jeff? bro? broba fett? bro? broseph?jeff? what's up, guys? jeff cavaliere, athleanx.com. you didn't do it again, did you? did you forgetto get ready for summer? have you been hibernating all winter long and now you just rememberedbecause it's starting to get warm outside

that you have to do something actually toget yourself ready? well, i'll tell you this: i will give you a game plan, but you've gotto promise me one thing. you've got to promise me that you don’t put yourself in the sameposition again next year, okay? all right, so here's what we have to do. iknow this might scare some of you, but it starts and ends, always, with nutrition. especiallyif you're talking about trying to make fast changes. now i don’t care whether your goalis to try to add muscle here in this short period of time to get ready, or if you'retrying to lose body fat. both of them are going to need to be supported by proper nutrition. when i talk about proper nutrition you'vegot to promise me that doesn't mean that you're

going to run out and do some sort of starvationdiet, or forget to eat at all, or you're going to do some kind of a cleanse; something radical.guys, you don’t need to do that. as a matter of fact, leading into my next point here,you'd better be fueling your body with the right types of food. and i mean, actuallyfueling your body. you'd better not be avoiding carbohydrates,you'd better not be avoiding healthy fats, you'd better not be avoiding protein. you'vegot to get this in if you're going to build lean muscle. the fact of the matter is, you'regoing to be training your ass off over the next four weeks because nothing worth havingever comes easy. if you want to get something worth having then you're going to have toput the work and the sweat in to do it.

i promise you, if you do that over the nextfew weeks you are going to see some changes. now here's what you have to do. you've gotto start increasing the volume of your training. let's face it, you only have four weeks toget something done. if you only have four weeks, if you're doing targeted muscle grouptraining you're only to get one muscle group in per week if you stick to that plan. you've got to increase the frequency so youcan hit each area at least twice a week. but you don’t just run and do everything haphazardly.you want to have a plan that allows you to train each muscle group heavy. overload. ashard as you can one time, and then go for the real dedicated, isolated tension on thatmuscles group. we can do it here in one example

with our side lateral raise. i'm showing youthe difference here. the first thing i'm doing is a cheat lateral.yeah, there's a lot of cheat involved in a cheat lateral. it got its name for a reason,but what i'm trying to do is take a weight that i don’t normally lift in a concentrated,really selective way, but i add some momentum to it so that can overload the eccentric andi could allow my muscles to sustain a load that they're not used to. that's going tospark the stimulus for new growth. we need it. we need it especially if we'retrying to make fast changes. on the other end of the spectrum, we're going to have tocome back and hit that muscle with real dedicated, concentrated tension. so i can do that witha 1.5 rep style on the same side lateral raise.

we're actually allowing the muscle to feelevery single inch of the contraction as we did – a little of the opposite of what wedid here with the heavy cheat lateral. but both ways, we're sustaining differenttypes of load. enough to cause the stimulus for growth. you're going to want to take thatsame approach for every single muscle that you have and put it together here to makesure that we're hitting every area twice a week. then comes in the weak point trainingand when it comes to summer, like it or not, some of these areas are going to have to beseen. if calves are one of your weak areas you'regoing to have to add some extra weak point training. what i like to do is recommend – especiallyfor calves – to add three dedicated sessions

of calf work in per week. now, that doesn'tmean all out 30 and 45 minute sessions. you should know me better by now. we don’t needto do that even for an entire workout. with our calves, go for 5 sets and do the exercisei'm showing you here. i shared this with you on this channel weeksago. guys who already started implementing it, guys who were the calf-nots have alreadytold me "jeff, you won't believe how good the results i'm getting from just this singleexercise." so do it! do it 5 times, 5 sets, 3 times a week. i promise you, between nowand just a few weeks from now you will see some changes that will help you to step outon the beach with a little bit more confidence. if it extends beyond that, maybe it needsto be your abs because you are going to probably

have to take your shirt off at some pointwith the hot weather on the way. with your ab training you've got to increase your frequencyto 6-7 times a week. why? because there's something that happens when we increase – especiallythe abs being postural muscles – if we increase the frequency that we trained in, you willincrease the resting tone of the muscle. that's a really important point. the restingtone is something that can change the look of a muscle just by the amount of restingtone that's there. it's great for your abs because it provides additional stability andsupport for your back, but at the same time it provides that extra visibility providedyou were listening to me back in the beginning of this video and you worked on that nutritionto make sure that you got your body fat down

so you could see your abs. at the end of the day, the most importantthing you could possibly do is listen to what i'm going to tell you right now. don't putyourself in the same freaking position next year! you want to make sure that you're providingyourself with a consistent plan. one that's doable. one that you could follow. when italked about the eating and meal plans, if it's not something that you like and you enjoyyou're never going to stick with it long term. what's going to happen is, even if you trickyourself into doing it for a few weeks since you look good in the beginning of the summer,you're going to look like shit for the rest of the summer and whoever's attention youattract or tricked into wanting you in the

beginning of this summer, they're going tobe on to somebody else at the end of the summer. you have to make sure you have a 365 day approachto whatever it is you do. that's why i do all these videos. that's why i bring you the best informationi can bring you on this channel, to try to arm you with the ability to stay the way youwant to be 365 days a year. i have a training program. we have our meal plans included inthe training program. i walk you through step by step every day. all you've got to do iscome and listen to me and let me take you through that journey. i promise you, therewill be no more ups and downs. you're going to look great all year round,you're going to be able to do whatever you

want to do all year round with confidence.head to athleanx.com, guys, to get any of those training programs. in the meantime,if you've found this video helpful, if you liked the little wakeup call, let me know.i'll make more of these videos. of course, you guys like the "jeff rant" videos. sometimesi've got to give it to you the way you deserve it. all right, i'll be back here again in justa few days. in the meantime, are we going to get ready for summer, or what?

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