easy to follow vegan diets

easy to follow vegan diets

[candice] mmm [candice] you should make this [candice] today on the edgyveg, i'm going to show you how to make a loaded breakfast burrito. [candice] using the vegg's scramble as our egg. [candice] woo! [candice] fancy. [candice] the first thing we are going to do is make our vegan egg, [candice] and today we are going to use the vegg scramble. [candice] it's from the same company that makes the egg yolks that i like to use.

[candice] so we are going to use some soy milk so make sure if you're using [candice] the vegg scramble that you are using soy milk or almond milk. [candice] rice milk won't work for this. [candice] and then we're going to add the vegg scramble powder, [candice] and we're just going to whisk it up. [candice] whisky, whisky, whisky. [candice] you want it to froth up with this and that's how you know that you've mixed it enough. [candice] so the reason you want to use soy milk is that you need the soy protein in order to make the mixture work. [candice] and now we're going to put this onto a frying pan.

[candice] so on our hot pan, [candice] we're just going to pour our vegg scramble mixture, [candice] and this is a dry pan. we're not adding any oil or anything to it. it's a non stick dry pan. [candice] and then we're just going to let this sit on the pan and cook for about 10 minutes with a low heat. [candice] for the beans in our burrito, we just have some black beans here that i mixed with some taco seasoning. [candice] so i'm just going to mash them up. i don't want them to be totally mashed but [candice] even half and half of mashed beans and whole beans. [candice] now we're going to add the vegan egg yolk from the vegg as well that you've seen me used in other videos. [candice] we're just going to start scrambling.

[candice] and then we're going to let it sit. [candice] for a little bit longer. [candice] so just add salt and pepper or whatever spices you want. [candice] and let it sit there for another 5 minutes or so. [candice] and you can add- if you have a favourite vegan meat that you'd like to use. [candice] so just add those in there. it's kind of like [candice] making homemade vegan bacon. [candice] except you can eat it raw. [candice] now we are going to make our burrito!

[candice] you can add some vegan cheese, [candice] whatever vegan cheese is your favourite. [candice] then we are going to add our beans. [candice] can't have a burrito without beans! [candice] gonna add some avocado. [candice] look how colourful and beautiful our burrito is! [candice] gonna do some salsa, [candice] we like hot sauce around here so i'm going to add some hot sauce, [candice] this is totally optional, obviously.

[candice] at this point, our like egg and meat and cheese mixture [candice] is ready so add some of that. [candice] this is like a really healthy vegan breakfast if you think about it. [candice] it's really high in protein, you have fats, you have- [candice] hot sauce! [candice] it's all part of a complete balanced breakfast diet? [candice] anywho, we're going to wrap this! [candice] oh so carefully, and i always put too much. let's see if i [candice] manage to practise some self-restraint.

[candice] and we're just going to roll it over, folding in the sides. [candice] then we're going to pop this on a hot pan. [candice] until it starts to brown on the bottom so check up on it. [candice] so make sure you flip to get the other side too cos we have cheese on both sides. [candice] and then you have delicious breakfast burritos! [candice] to serve to all your friends or yourself because you're vegan and you can't go out to eat for brunch so you make these. [candice] and they're better. [candice] and there you have it! a delicious vegan breakfast burrito using the vegg scramble. [candice] i'll leave a link below if you're interested in purchasing the vegg.

[candice] make sure that you subscribe if you like this video, give it a big huge thumbs up! [candice] and uhh, we'll see you next time! [candice] mm! so good! [candice] a+ for me. [candice] bye! [candice] bye.bye. byeeee! [candice] you know, i stand up here week after week making awesome videos. [candice] but if you weren't watching them, i wouldn't have a reason to make videos! [candice] so thanks so much for watching!

[candice] and thank you for coming back every week! [candice] and if you haven't subscribed, you should subscribe.

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