- hey, have you heard ofthe latest diet craze? it's called sleep-cercize. all you have to do is go to sleep and get a huge workout in in your dreams and then thrown in a fewvegetables in real life and presto, a slimmer you! oh you, you thought that was ridiculous? and you'd be right, but it's just as crazy as some of the real insanemethods that people are using
right now, or think they're using, you get my point. if you've ever heard ofthose crazy diet trends and you wonder if they actually work, well more than a few arelikely to be on this list, so let's jump right into it. here are the 10 craziest diettrends that ever existed. number one is the chewing diet slash fletcher diet.
(gnaws tongue) i can feel myself losingthe calories already. the first strange diet on this list was introduced horacefletcher in the early 1990s. his diet plan recommendedchewing each mouthful of food at least 32 times or until itbecame completely liquefied and anything that couldn't be ingested by tilting your head back and letting it run down your throat,
would be spat out. surprisingly, there are actually some proven scientific benefitsbehind using this diet as taking your time to eatwill actually help satisfy your hunger and allow you to eat less, so the diet actually didhelp some people lose weight but i'm sure that the incessantchewing helped some people lose more annoying dinnerpartners than pounds. i'm down, lost five pounds.
number two is the cabbage soup diet. (groans) cabbage... the cabbage soup diet involveseating lots of cabbage soup over the course of a week. cabbage soup is very low in calories and can be high in salt,depending on the recipe. the diet allows for afew fruits here and there but mostly you'd only be eating cabbage.
though this crash diet has helped some lose up to 10 pounds overthe course of a week, most of it was lost fromwater weight and not fat, meaning that it's avery temporary solution. the cabbage soup diet comes with a list of side effects thatinclude loss of energy, light headedness, and gas,as well as having to deal with eating soggy bland cabbage. i think i'll pass.
number three is the caveman diet. hooga booga. the caveman diet takes its name from our paleolithic human ancestors, who ate very simple mealsmore than 10,000 years ago. the diet consists ofitems that may be cooked like meats, fish, fruits, and nuts, but removes any foods thatare produced or refined in any way like grains, oil, salt, sugars,
or dairy products. the diet was created to align us with the health of prehistoric humans and reduce the possibility of infection with sickness and disease by cutting out commonly eaten process foods,so if you love wheat products, this might not be the dieting evolution that you want to be a part of. breads, i want more breads.
number four is the shangri-la diet. the shangri-la diet was introduced by psychologist seth roberts in 2006 as a way to help people control their urge to eat large portions of food. (grumbles) the method involves ingestingup to three tablespoons of extra lite olive oiland up to two tablespoons of sugar water.
this is to give your bodycalories that aren't associated with any tasty and flavorful foods. supposedly, the more you practice this, the more that your mindwill disassociate calories with tasty food, thereforemaking you crave them less and less. essentially, drinkingthe oil and sugar water will just suppress yourappetite and make you want to eat less at meal timeswhich makes you lose weight.
ah this diet came out in 2006, and men in black came out in 1997, which makes me think that this guy got the idea from edgar the bug. edgar, you're skin ishanging off your bones. sugar and water (chuckles),more, more, yeah. number five is luigi cornaro's diet. luigi cornaro was anitalian nobleman and writer in the late 1400s.
he was in pretty badhealth at the age of 40 until he met with doctors who advised him to end his life of drinkingand binging on food. they recommended he limit his diet down to 350 grams of food a dayand 414 milliliters of wine, that's very specific. after following the doctor's advice, carnaro began to actually feel better and within a year, he was back to a state
of perfect health. apparently his diet onlyconsisted of a small portion of meat, a small tomato soup, bread, and an egg yolk. but even with such little food, his body thrived until he lived until a very old age of 105. his small calorie diet has beentaken up by many since then, but no one has quietbeen able to replicate
cornaro's astounding results. realistically though, whowants to live 'til 105. i can't hear or see anybody, but i'm assuming i'm still alive. number six is the vision diet, not be confused with the see food diet which is when you see food, you eat it. the vision diet was introducedin japan in the late 2000s in the form of wearinga pair of sunglasses
with blue tinted lenses as a way to curb people'sappetites through changing the color of the food that they see. the reason behind the change of color was that the foods that are in theyellow or red spectrum color are allegedly more appetizing, but if you change thosecolors to a cooler blue color, it would remove the desirebecause the blue food doesn't look as good.
yeah, there's no real proofbehind the weight loss benefits of this diet other than you may just think that you're gorging yourself with food made by smurfs, whichkind of sounds amazing. number seven is the cotton ball diet. the cotton ball diet literallyinvolves eating cotton balls. that's it, next one? no? you want more detail? okay! apparently, cotton ballscause you to feel full
but without the calories of actual food. cotton balls are actuallyvery high in fiber and low in calories, buteating them regularly while on this diet will cause big issues with your digestive system as well as deprive you of the nutrients that you need from, you know, real food. dieters would either swallowthe cotton balls dry, (gags) or they would placethem in gelatin and eat them.
one benefit that isn't mentioned is that you'll always get a laugh after you eat a meal if yousay that you're stuffed. (chuckles) but doonze, i'm sorry, that was awful. number eight is the sleeping beauty diet. the sleeping beauty dietis so easy to follow you can do it with youreyes closed, seriously. sleeping pills and other sedatives
are the main ingredient to this diet, which recommends that you prettymuch drug yourself to sleep and try not to wake upas often as possible so as to not eat, aka coma diet. believe it or not, this diet was taken up by the rock and roll legendhimself, elvis presley, during his later years in an effort to take off some of thepounds before his tour. there's a hunk a hunk of burning sleep.
while the diet does allow you to catch up on all that missed sleep,it also forces your body to burn off some of your stored calories since you aren't eating anything at all, 'cause you're sleeping. sleeping the pounds awaymay sound like a dream but depriving your body of nutrients can cause some serious health nightmares. number nine is the sun diet.
this strange diet comes fromchina where a number of women stand outdoor with sunglasses,veils, and umbrellas while they stare at the sunfor 44 minutes straight. oh well that sounds like fun, let me just stand, i'm blind. this may seem like anodd practice and it is, but according to the sun diet, staring at the sun for a prolonged period will help to restorenutrients to your body
through the sun's energy. the diet also claims to improveeye sight and sleep quality. improve eye sight? using the sun as anentire meal replacement has helped some people shed pounds but at the cost ofhaving massive sun spots in their vision and increasing their risk of developing skin cancer through exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays.
let's also consider the,you know, blindness. and number 10 is the tapeworm diet. (gags) we end our list of bizarre diets with the one that could literallymake your stomach crawl. (gasps) the tapeworm diet is afairly easy diet to start and then maintains sincethe only real work involved is to eat meat infested with tapeworms.
allow me to explain. the tapeworm is ingestedwhile it's in its infancy and then it's allowed togrow and attach itself to the inside of your intestines where it steals its nutrients from the food that you're digesting. the dangers of thisdiet include everything, but also the risk ofthe tapeworm producing its own waste insideof you causing nausea,
diarrhea, and bloating. and if the tapeworm reproduces, it can lead to more serious effects like, i dunno, seizures. the tapeworm diet hasallegedly helped some people dropped one to two pounds a week, and it has actually created businesses in parts of mexico and africa where tapeworm farms are run for tourists
looking to get some parasitic assistance for their caloric intake. no thanks, i don't want wormspooping inside of me, k, bye. oh god those are weird, thankyou guys so much for watching. as always, if you wanna learn any more, check out my sources in thedescription of this video. also if you enjoyed thisvideo, slap a like on it and be sure to clickthat red subscribe button so that you can catch my next video.
if you wanna check out my vlog channel, there's a link that youcan click right there. and if you wanna checkout my gaming channel, and as always, all of these links, along with all of my socialsare in the description of this video. thanks again for watching you guys, you're the best, i'll see you next time. don't eat no tapeworms.
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