creatine monohydrate is the most popular andeffective kind of creatine it has been proven to put on muscle size andstrength tons of research went into this video and we're going to tell you everything aboutit, the good and the bad. we're also gonna show you the results from the last timethat i took creatine monohydrate, my last cycle and you're gonna like it. because it's good! how much should i take? when to take? water weight? preload or no preload? too young? do i cycle it?cost? where to buy? side affects? creating enables your muscles to workout harder and longer by increasing the volume of your muscle cells and letsthem store more water this makes your muscles grow faster and recover quicker
creatine is cheap you can get a 250 grambottle the last year over a month for about 10 bucks at wal-mart target isright chain pharmacies health stores or online.every article that we found says that creatine is safe or that there justhasn't been enough research done on but i don't see how that could be the casebecause i think they've been researching this since the eighties or ninetiesbefore that nothing we read says it's unsafe gazillion people out there thatclaim that says that creatine does work for them creatine monohydrate works fast and youshould notice a difference within the
first week there's a bit of controversywhether you should do a loading phase or not we found that there's more articlesthat support doing the loading phase then don't, so the loading phase istake five grams of creatine four times a day that's twenty grams of creatine aday for five days this will saturate your muscles and from here on its a lowerdosage just about three to five grams a day i just did a cycle of creatine and wegot some crazy results and it was good are they crazy? i think so. the gains were like the best that you couldever gain in such a short amount of time unless you did steroids. i started on july 1st2015
weight 172 pounds, right on 15 and aquarter inches, chest forty three and a half inches. we measured again threeweeks later on july 22nd - weight 173 pounds. i didn't work out on that day orthe day before right on 15 and three quarters, chest 44 inches if you want to see the whole video check it out here. some peoplecomplain about cramping when they take creatine. if you do it's a good idea totake it a little bit more water than usual it's recommended to take creating with ahigh-carb drinks like juice or a carbohydrate slack protein supplement inorder to increase insulin levels and
promote create uptake. should you mixcreated with alcohol i don't freakin know. it's recommended to take creatineafter your workout to accelerate glycogen resynthesis as well as promoteprotein synthesis a lot of people out there think that creatine only puts onwater weight but every research article we read said that it absolutely puts onmuscle size and strength we have proof by the last cycle i did the last time ito create and i did lose some size after i stopped taking it i think most peopleare gonna get some nice gains in the beginning of that creates and cycle butprobably after a month its kinda slow down like anything else it's going totaper off and eventually in not gonna
keep gaining friggin huge gains icontinue to use creatine and i know a lot of people that love it and swear bythe stuff is a bunch of important creatine information that's probablygonna answer any questions you have on it creatine works on men and women and goatsyou can stay on creatine. you don't have to cycle it. creatine it is not thenational collegiate athletic association or the international olympic committee have. pure creatine doesn't have a strong or about takes just a slight sandy texture so no whining about that creatine is good for strength and size but research has foundit useful for endurance. caffeine may make it
hard for your body to use creatinealthough many teens take it is not recommended that you take creatine unlessyou are 18 or older only because they haven't been enoughstudies of people under 18 taking people with kidney disease high blood pressureliver disease or if you're missing ahead should not take readings using preteenalong with any medication that affect the kidneys may raise the risk of kidneydamage some people don't respond to supplemental creative. people naturallyproduce about one gram of creating four day in their liver and to a lesserextent the kidneys and pancreas and very high doses is possibly unsafe but notyet proven time kidney liver or heart
function through early research suggeststhe potential benefit of creatine supplements in depression. creatine ismostly found in red meat and chicken and fish to a lesser extent cramping stomach pain nausea anddiarrhea are the most commonly reported side effects created appears to slow theprogression of als lou gehrig's disease and improve the lives of some peoplewith parkinson's disease may help fight muscle weakness associated with takingcreating with diuretics may increase the risk of dehydration and kidney them andfinally research suggests that long-term greeting used when starting earlydiagnosis may help improve your
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