diet pills that work fast gnc

diet pills that work fast gnc

what's up guys? jeff cavaliere, today we're going to cover one of those topicsthat seems to never go away, it comes up each and every day here, and it's one that i know very well havinglived through it, painfully lived through it myself back in my teenage years and that is the subject of mass gainers andweight gainers. is there any value to these things in helpingguys, painfully skinny guys, to build muscle, put on mass and so on and so forth. i can tell you this, first and foremost weshould not even begin this discussion if there's

a reluctance on your part to commit to a solidnutrition program. i've said this before in all my videos regardingsupplementation. and i'll say it again for those that thismight be the first time that you've seen me. if you have a reluctance to commit to a solidnutrition plan, then don't talk to me about supplementation. or anybody for that matter. and certainly don't buy anybody else's supplementsand don't buy ours. and i'm telling you this guys as straightout as i possibly can. yet realizing that that will cost sales.

there's no need to talk about supplementationif you have a reluctance to have a solid nutrition program and commit to eating the right foods. highquality nutrient dense foods. does that mean that it has to be boring foods?no. there's plenty of ways to have a meal plan that actually tastes good. and there's a lot of guys obviously watchingthis channel who are already at that point. their nutrition is better than most. and they're committed to making it betterand better as they can. those guys can start to investigate supplementationto supplement their nutrition regimen.

however if you're a guy, and again, i wasthere, i was totally there. i ate the worst diet as i possibly could asa teenage kid and guess what i looked for? i looked for the solution in a bottle. the first gym i ever stepped into the guytold me, 'god, you're skinny and you need to take a weight gainer'. so the first thing i did was, i grabbed mygrandmother and we went to the store and i went out and i bought a weight gainer. and my problem was i didn't stop at the the1800, whatever it was, weider 1800, thinking that that was going to do something for mebecause it didn't so what did i do?

i went back and i bought the weider 2700,i'm taking 2700 calories. now why didn't it work? here's the short answer to the question. because there's an old age old adage thatsays, horse shit in equals horse shit out. and what i was putting in my body was 100%pure horse shit. and anybody out there that sells a weightgainer and advocates a weight gainer, and i'm talking mega calorie weight gainers, that that's the thing that a skinny guy needsto put on weight and size, is flat out delivering nothing but horse shit to you.

so what do we do about it? i think the firstthing we have to do is we have to realize that it's not about the calories. it's not about the calories. ultimately thecalories will matter. but it's not about the calories and stuffingin as many calories as you can. because if you stuff in as many calories asyou can but you're not getting high quality calories then you'll get what i just said. that whole equation of horse shit in equalshorse shit out. you need to give your body high quality caloriesif you expect it to help you to build high quality muscle, high quality metabolicallydemanding lean muscle tissue.

it's going to cost your body to help you addlean muscle. that muscle has to be sustained. there's a place to pay for that muscle. it's not going to let you just add it wheneveryou want by taking in subpar nutrition and slamming down thousands and thousands of caloriesof subpar crap. what you're getting in these weight gainersguys, is you're getting loads of two things, sub quality protein and tons of sugar. and in both of those guys you don't have themakings of the essential nutrition that you need to help build new lean muscle.

here's one of the tip offs that you shouldknow. if you can go through the aisles of walmartand find your weight gainer that you're going to take, and think that that is going to give you themuscles that you need to take, and be able to get it at an affordable price, and find it on the label, not only are theygiving you all these carbohydrates, "sugar", but they're giving you the protein in massamounts as well, 40 grams, 50 grams, but it costs 20, 30 bucks, 40 bucks. i can tell you right now, you are gettingnothing but crap.

you can't find protein that's cheap. cheap protein doesn't exist. it does, if it's cheap protein, low qualityprotein. the high quality protein doesn't come at cheapprices. you can even think about your solid food options. steaks are not cheap. fish is not cheap. evencheese and milk on a per weight basis is not cheap. so high quality proteins are not inexpensive. however, these weight gainers, these massgainers are filled with low quality proteins

that come at a cheap price. i think that's doing a bigger disservice thananything else. because what happens is the guy, the painfullyskinny guy who's looking for the fast answer, goes to the weight gainer, takes in 2500 calories, is told he shouldhave 3500, 4500 calories in a day. he thinks, he'll take it twice, he'll thinkhe's met all of his caloric requirements, meanwhile he's provided no real solid nutritionto back it up. meanwhile he thinks he's there, because he'sat a number, he's hit the number, 2500, 2700, 3500, 4000, whatever that number may be,

he's gotten it in a shake, he's good to go.wrong! that's the last thing that you want to do. that's the last way you want to think. it has to start with your solid nutritionand then again supplement. and if you're looking to supplement guys,again high quality is the only way to go. i have my athlean-rx line of guys know, i talk about the quality of our supplementation. does it come cheap? no it does not. it neverwill. it never will. i can't bring you the quality nutrition thatwe do at a cheap price because it doesn't

exist. this type of protein doesn't exist at a cheapprice. now is it for everybody? no. we cater to professional athletes guys, oursupplements are used by professional athletes. it's not a budget that every single guy canhave but does it mean that you're screwed and you're out of luck? no. start with a solid nutrition plan. i ate peanut butter and banana sandwichesfor the longest time, again after i already realized that the weightgainers were doing nothing for me, and i started

to actually see some benefits. is that the perfect sandwich? no, but at least it's peanut butter, i getsome high quality protein, some high quality fats, unsaturated fats, i get some carbohydrates, at least not frompure sugar but from a banana, right. and i was on my way. and i made some adjustmentsalong the way and i kind of continued to fine tune my nutrition and my diet plan. i got more and more committed. and then ofcourse when i got to that point where i really was locked in on my nutrition,

then i looked for supplementation and i gotthat extra edge. like i said, a lot of guys watching this channelare already at that point. they know, they're already locked in on anutrition, looking for that extra edge, that's where supplementation can come. but do not make the mistake by thinking that,your answers are in a bottle, number 1, especially if you can't commit to a good nutritionplan and 2, don't think that it always revolves aroundcalories. calories alone, low quality calories won'tcut it. they won't help you to jump that important gap to building new muscle.

all they're going to do is just provide youwith a bunch of useless calories that your body can't do anything with. and if you're lucky to have that fast metabolismto burn through it, you may not get fat. if you're unlucky, your mass gainer is goingto become a fat gainer. so guys, hopefully this will shed a littlebit of light on an important topic again, i'm passionate about it because i lived itand i made the mistake myself. i took all of them and every single one ofthem did nothing for me. but when i made my commitment to stop eatinga bunch of shit and take that one step at a time.

improve my breakfast, start to improve mylunch, start to improve my dinner. i couldn't even eat that many calories atevery meal, i just wasn't that hungry, i started to eat more frequently. not only does that help you with stabilizingyour blood sugar but allows you to get in some additional calories as you go. but only if you're worried about getting thehigh quality calories. if it's not high quality, forget it all entirely. so guys, if you found this video helpful,make sure you leave your comments and thumbs up below.

in the meantime, if you're looking for thathigh quality protein, if it's in your budget, then i would strongly recommend it to youto, head to and check out our athlean-rx supplement line, again used by top professional athletes worldwide. in the meantime guys, i will be back herein just a couple days to bring you back some other videos. we've got another washboard wednesday comingup this week. and then whatever else it is that you wantto see, make sure you leave it down below and i'll make sure i cover it.

alright guys, i'll see you back here againsoon.

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