easy to follow dash diet

easy to follow dash diet

alright i love the crowd already. you're great. and the difference between you and the students is they're 18 to 22 year-olds. you can figure out what makes you different after that but i don't think we're a whole lot different. ok so what i want to start all of us thinking about is brain health and i want to take this hour-ish time that i

have and convince you that what you put in really does matter. and i know you want me to talk about some herbs that might help with your memory - right? just tell me what to take and i'll take it and i'll feel better. i'm not going to do that but at the vary end i'll mention a few. but what i want you to try to wrap yourself around is: it does matter what you eat.

if i asked any of you what makes the difference for heart health, i know you could name some things - right? because you're all really thinking about that. we have much of our lives. we try to get our kids to do that so brain food really is real and it does matter. i think it's important that we just also consider what goes on as far as how our

brain ages during gestation, childhood, adolescence. just to be able to wrap ourselves around, just embrace that we can't stay the same. we're going to age - it's inevitable. and through the years, that we may be you know, as our brain grows and it's close to adult weight by a young age of six and we do prune out things in the teen

years (yes their wiring is off if you were wondering and i'm sure you know all about that). and just as we go along that your peak years (and i just chatted with two ladies sarah and peach - right? did i get it right? okay, yeah. i told her to go into nutrition - don't you think with the name peach? i'm thinking it's gonna take it) that your great years of thinking - of

maximum brain capacity age 22 27. (it's done. okay, all right, let's all leave and go get some fries - not quite) so what starts to happen as we go through our adulthood and go into old age, our brain changes dramatically and the question is how fast is it going to change for all of us. can we do something

with our diet to make it change. and when we look at - and i thought i'd show it this way: number 1: i'm gonna raise my hand - i never could hula hoop when i was a kid and i think oh i have this to look forward to. what? how many of you are hula hoopers? did you get that down? ok, ok you're very proud of it.

i just ok that's it for the hips i ok so this is showing you just as far as i different fractions of the iq test that we are abilities do decline so that's that's real and i don't want to be depressing about all the things that go on and discuss in a lot of detail about dementia and alzheimer's not much at all but we know that what i want to make a

point of is the rates are increasing dramatically and i know you must know that one were an aging population but we're looking at the numbers globally currently over 35 million tripling by the year 2050 and what i think is very important is this change that's happened recently since 1980 to 2010 by one measure of statistics translated through cdc

centers for disease control there's been a 55 fold increase in age-adjusted death rate from alzheimer's 55 fold what's going on what the heck is going on and a lot of people want to think it's due to a toxin in the water contaminants and food and that's an easy that's an easy answer we could fix that really the bigger picture has to do with

our lifestyle and how starting today how we decide to be for the rest of the years no matter what age we are so what i'd like to do is get us to think about isn't really a food brain aging connection course i wouldn't be here if there wasn't so we know there is can we do something and what we need to think about to help slow that decline that's

inevitable don't believe that it's not going to happen though i saw this maybe some of you saw it truly fascinating show on super geniuses albert einstein and i've forgotten past that point who else was part of the show but they talked about albert einstein's brain and how different it was and you could probably comment much better about

it but you know given those unusual cases it is inevitable that our brain will shrink in size neurons will die and that will have some changes so we'll talk about on if we can slow aging and i'm what i'm more interested in is when we leave this room and you start to choose foods starting with this knowledge what are you going to are you

going to keep your brain in mind what do you what do you keep in mind now when you make food choices you can answer convenience cost time are we talking heart health or anything like this here no okay am i talking to the wrong crowd okay well convince you by the end so we're going to look a little bit at a meal plan alright so let's think and

this is through research done with populations over years brain research is catching up to what we know about heart health and other organs in the body but if we look at we know that keeping your brain active learning things continuously we know exercise we can debate on how many minutes most days of the week that you're doing that but

that's important for blood flow and brain health getting quality sleep at night it's very important and this is again gathered through reams of data general health and we have the plate of food just thrown in there and people talk about eating healthy and maintaining healthy blood pressure as well as cholesterol levels but we know

specifically that hypertension that there may be some connection with dementia and cognitive decline so it's important to look at that so and lastly stress can't be good it'd be great for the stress free life not in this day and age and for everybody we have different reasons about things that that stress us so that's collectively

maybe in some of the other presentations you went over some of that ok so there's what may impact brain aging let's just take a look at something you probably know a lot about personally that you're striving for as we get older what the leading cause of death in the us heart attacks heart cardiovascular disease

ok so if i asked all of you what are some factors that impact heart health what would you tell me hypertension lack of exercise obesity ok smoking diet ok so there's there's a theme here we know that exercising most days of the week week again can debate on time i may help prevent heart disease as well as sleeping quality sleep diet

maintaining healthy blood pressure blood cholesterol we know specifically that healthy glucose blood levels preventing type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance type 1 diabetes is another story represents roughly five to ten percent of the people in the us that have diabetes we're talking about the later onset not so layton our population these

days but but that aspect and then stress so there's there's some overlap right ok so what's interesting about this is i want you to think and we aren't going to go over this is is eating for a healthy brain really would it surprise you if it's that much different than eating for a healthy heart no okay so we're done no we're going to go through we're going

to go through the stuff but there are some differences but i want you to think it's not that mysterious and i know people want to fix and want to supplement and want to make it something magical but it's it is the good thing is it's simple its you're in control you can do some things to help yourself so what i wanted to do before i talk

about the diet i want to learn about type 2 diabetes to you and insulin resistance that's what we're going to do it's sort of a weird term right insulin resistance what are we really talking about we're going to go through some basic sign i think it will be helpful we know that people with alzheimer's and dementia have very similar

characteristics people with type 2 diabetes in fact with type 2 diabetes your risk for dementia is greatly increased we see some similarities and if you're wincing because well i just got diagnosed with that or i know i have elevated blood sugar levels let's get a handle on it you can take charge you can do some things that will

make a difference for yourself we know that there are millions of americans with type 2 diabetes unfortunately people not getting diagnosed forty percent of the people born right now will develop type 2 diabetes what does that say about connection with alzheimer's and what will see down the

road dramatic increase in numbers so where we're headed in the wrong direction on this so i want to talk about how our body metabolizes carbohydrates just how we process them don't worry we're not going to deep into this but i want you to have a visual so that when you choose food it will make sense for what goes on

inside of you these are how would you categorize these carbohydrates besides reading the word unrefined carbohydrates would you say these are healthy ones we have whole grains potatoes some green i don't have to everything that's a healthy carbohydrates a little bit of fruit down there and the bananas these are called

unrefined carbohydrates haven't processed there are some exceptions i would kick that part out but that was the picture i could get ok then there are these ok let's pause for a moment young okay i know we all like stuff we all like this stuff but we have you know pizzas here cinnamon rolls i can compare those are my absolute

favorite foods i will go to great lengths to get one so just so you know it was a hint i'm all these foods contain some contain added sugar but refined on grain products there's a difference there's we're going to generalize there's a difference away the body metabolizes them they both have the same basic molecular unit a basic sugar

unit called glucose and we're going to watch how that gets inside the body and um what happens when the way it gets inside doesn't work very well so i want to introduce you to influence insulin is a whole room monitor picture in elementary school ok we have a bunch of little kids running around the glucose that's the

basic unit of carbohydrate you've eaten a bite of pizza bowl of pasta some candy or some potato whatever it is and to get glucose inside a muscle cell blood cell other cells in your body it can't just walk right in it needs insulin to knock on the receptor of the cell and say hey i got i got some kids that need to get into this room so they

can do the job such as providing fuel for that that cell and if your insulin and receptor are working well the door here's the insulin knocking glucose gets in and it gets to do its job for people who have healthy blood sugar control this is what's going on and if we look at if we look at time zero you eat a meal we see your blood sugar levels

starting out in a fasted state below a hundred it rises in response to eating the insulin is ushering glucose into the cells. fair enough? does that makes sense? ok alright so now what happens to someone who the insulin is pounding on the door and the receptor doesn't hear it it doesn't work very well it's not sensitive to insulin it's not hearing

the knock variety of reasons we'll talk about diet genetics other lifestyle factors so with the receptor not responding the pancreas who's responsible organ to release insulin gets the signal hey we still have a lot of glucose a lot of these kids out in the hallway there they're going to be trouble if we don't get them in the cell

and so insulin's desperately working at it the cells actually on the inside think they're starving they're not getting the energy they're supposed to they're telling the brain hey eat more in the meantime you have all these kids running around in your hallways which is not good right

any of you former teachers or current teachers or parents or you just know this is not going to be good right they're roaming around so eventually with the pancreas straining and there are lots of steps i'm skipping but eventually the glucose gets in but we have blood sugar level that's up we have a lot of kids running in the

hallway so there is our normal blood sugar curve here's our someone who is insulin resistant and it developed to technically being type two diabetic and they have a higher fasting blood sugar level more kids are running in the hallways and then when they eat it goes up and it doesn't come back down to

where it should so you think oh so what so i have a lot of kids running around in my hallway really let's think about it what happens if you had a bunch of children pleasant little well-behaved children in the hallways your blood vessels what do you think would happen but with that they're in large vessels and small what would

kids do an unsupervised they get unruly so that excess glucose is problematic they're going to have a good time they're gonna rip the wallpaper spray-paint they're going to damage your blood vessels the excess glucose is very serious that's why people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes want to be in good blood sugar

control because this excess glucose leads to cardiovascular disease we know it causes inflammation a word we hear about just things think of things irritated just not being in the state that they calm state that they should be in glucose as well as many other factors relate to that just threw in one thing people start to lose blood vessel

function may lose vision they lose circulation and limbs and we know what bad things can happen but we also know things go on and blood vessels up in your brain so that's important type 2 diabetes insulin resistant precursor type 2 diabetes is very common it's happening in teenagers and 20-year olds thirty-year-olds 40-50 it's not

inevitable you can do something about it and there's lots thats related so i just want to show you a venn diagram here is type 2 diabetes a lot of the symptoms don't worry too much about the names but i just want to point out that oftentimes people are obese they have excess body fat as we mentioned high blood sugar levels that

if we measured there's a way that you can get different fluid levels or blood levels or markers of inflammation showing there's a lot of irritation in your blood vessels inflammatory markers we could also look for signs of oxidative stress i know that sounds fancy we're going to talk about antioxidants

and get a better understanding of those so just hold the thought like what the heck is that think of little fires that somebody's setting in the carpet or in your books are just ruining things we we don't want that to happen we know that with the impaired insulin signaling there's just issues low levels of an antioxidant

vitamin c well let's see what we see in alzheimer's disease we have some characteristic proteins that change and build up and neuron loss on those other ends but when we put the two together we see a lot of similarity and if we want to approach doing something about cognitive decline and development of dimensionality dimers we need to do

something about type 2 diabetes because if a person in their forties is showing marginally elevated levels of blood sugar fasted roof in ten years maybe higher and twenty you know we go on and we'll see that person may be in their seventies would develop dementia and potentially you know that's the the experts that would define whether it was

early or not but insulin resistance that influence not being heard as its knocking so many factors i'm just spewing out son of course genes play a role but it depends what diet ue yes excess carbon consumption but there are many other factors good things that you might be missing in your diet having chronic illness in inflammation is that

funny word just again think of things being irritated in your body that we can do things with our diet to con that different types of fats different vegetables items in your diet i know we want to look to supplements but i want to urge your first let's talk about diet exercise we don't give exercise enough attention

when it comes to this metabolic disorder right exercise actually your body needs less insulin if you exercise routinely if you go on walks most days of the week that last 30 to 45 minutes your body's basically the cells will uptake the glucose little kids get in the classroom with less insulin onboard sensitivity is improved you can actually

its early stages of insulin resistance type 2 diabetes do something about it ok so those are just some of the things let's now start talking about the right i gotta get there okay and we're here what comes to mind when you somebody talks about a healthy heart healthy diet there's a plant-based diet so eating a lot of vegetables great anything this

plan mediterranean diet that's gotten a lot of press i think that's great that you mentioned that mediterranean diet bingo i is one that we know over we have decades of research showing that people through observational studies who generally eat more plant-based they include seafood i'm gonna show more and

and talk more so it's kind of a nice winter but it's just showing you that you know on the top of the pyramid we have meats and suites and we're not going to eat a lot of those very infrequently sorry and then as we move down you have more frequent consumption you get olive oil and nuts and fruits and veggies and we

know that observational studies were not putting people on these diets but saying hey you've lived 10 20 years this group of people has not been eating this this way and we see differences in type 2 diabetes risk lower with this diet lower risk of heart disease and guess what lower risk of dementia and alzheimer's so there's there's quite a bit to it

so pretty food right does it look delicious to other than the raw fish ok so these are just a few of the foods from the mediterranean diet and another health boosting diet called the dash diet dietary approaches to stop hypertension and this diet is also plant-based it does include some meat but many servings

of fruits and vegetables both of these diet plans include a decent amount of fruit and vegetables and a variety of researchers over the past handful of years not as many years as we've known about mediterranean diet and and the dash diet have come up with the mind diet and i just so fortunate where the mind

institute with this diet you know it just works out well it's a mediterranean dash intervention for neurodegenerative delay so this is pulling from the research studies what particular foods showed the best correlation with decrease in dementia risk and other markers for onset of alzheimer's rather than oh it's mediterranean diet that's

way to go actually some of the research showed really no fruit shows much in the way of positive effects except berries just so far this is where where the research is so that's that's interesting so what i want to do is talk about the mine diet we're going to learn about it we're going to start seeing how we can eat

those foods i'll show you a menu plan and you ready for it so this is a diet that what are we after we're going to lower our likelihood of developing or curbing insulin resistance type 2 diabetes going to be good for your heart and good for your brain ok so let's go what's on the mind diet having whole grains now i don't mean

eating wheat bread what i mean is eating wheat berries eating these whole grains that you go to most grocery stores will sell bags faro brown rice black rice wild rice that's what i'd like you to do the final email grains even though their wheat bread and it says a hundred percent we they get into your bloodstream rather quickly and

we know that there's evidence that a diet that has many foods that lead to quick release of those little students in your blood vessels may lead to insulin resistance and susceptible people down the road now this is not difficult and maybe some of you are doing this eat at least one dark leafy green salad or steamed veggie a day i

know something i already do this good good maybe when you're already helping yourself and at least one other colorful vegetable that day hey that's when we'll talk about why those things berries at least twice a week and frozen is as good as fresh ok don't worry about there're no blueberries in season it's not a big deal you just

get frozen they're just as good we'll talk about why they're beneficial at least 1 1-ounce serving of nuts per day so we're looking at things like walnuts and almonds and pistachios not chocolate-covered macadamia nut i'll get i'll get to chocolate in a little while but not quite for peanut brittle beans how many of you are doing this at least

every other day this is the biggie i find a lot of people are doing anybody doing that are we just silent taking notes and black means good only in the wintertime okay well that's a good use of them will talk about how to do it but can you put beans out of a can on a salad that's easy enough and it counts good

ok alright poultry at least twice a week okay i know you're all gonna clap on this one but it's one, one 5-ounce glass and you cannot save them for friday and have seven doesn't work i always have two other college students that when we talk about what's moderate drinking it still hasn't sunk in case but if you don't enjoy wine you can drink

pomegranate juice or dark grape juice not sweetened so those still count they have the compounds fish at least once a week preferably twice will talk about the benefits of that ok hear come the limits are you ready i'll go through them in detail you have to limit to on saturated fats choose olive oil instead of margarine or butter so that means

other saturated fats so for meats that have better high like beef that are high in saturated fat we're going to eat not very much of that cheese yes you're seeing the word cheese sorry let's all morning ok we have to go that fried food will discuss about how my theory on how we can work with the cheese limit but we're trying to watch

the type of fact that you're eating ok the type of fat and then finally for some people they have something and less than five times the week okay some people do it twice a day what is this too little no it's a lot well for a lot of people it is i look at food logs all all day long and agree they're younger people but they

something sweet at every meal and it might be their entire meal and they drinks this includes sweetened beverages and everything so it's basically limiting you to less than the 50 grams of added sugar that's a daily value that nobody comes close to that i see so that would be no sweetened yogurt things like that

okay so some of the research there are different people who have investigated diet and cognitive decline but uh dr. morris at the time from rush university looked at observationally at age 58 to 98 year olds from anywhere from two to ten years average close to five years and they followed one of these three diets and

what they were interested is not forcing them to eat some but just they constantly questioned them about how they were following their eating style to keep track of the different types of foods so they were categorized as following the mediterranean which has much more fruit which is different it's somewhat

different than the mind diet same with dash diet a lot more vegetables than what this is prescribing and they also did a variety of different cognitive assessments over the time period that they followed them and what's important to notice all three diets worked if they followed them really well all three diets over the time span they were studying

a fifty percent or so risk reduction in developing alzheimer's in that age group so it's positive but what only the mind diet resulted in which it emphasize certain foods like you're going to eat fruit you're going to eat berries i'm not saying don't eat a banana but that was what they emphasize so that even if they modestly followed it they weren't the

greatest at following it so they they were on it but they slipped up like a lot of us probably would they still had a risk-reduction people who follow the mediterranean diet and the dash diet that were kind of following it no risk reduction so it's kinda nice that they weren't they were observing the outcome on this rather than making them follow a

certain plan so let's go through the groups and talk about what's so great about them and green leafy vegetables kind of ways that you can can eat them and maybe you can share your ways this is really where we gotta start on green leafy vegetables we live in a spectacular state that we have farmers markets galore you can get green leafy

vegetables here year-round you can eat it raw or steam steaming actually when you have them cook for maybe better bioavailability uptake of your intestinal tract by some of the special compound so what's so special about green leafy vegetables and i have pictured here bok choy broccoli collard greens broccoli

rab and what are some of your favorite green leafy vegetables kale spinach what was yours spinach that's good one chard does turnip greens very good arugula just anybody kinda go is it disgusting to anybody over you guys are just great i'm so thrilled students to go green leafy vegetables does a skittle count

why does fine roasting there may be some lost high-heat cooking some loss of some of these protective con i'd mix it up i do different things different different days these green leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants what the heck does that mean anybody mystified by that word you're not you just say ok i'm just going to believe whatever it means right

well ok it's it means something very specifically inside of you and what what goes on so vitamin c is an antioxidant it's a protector vitamin e as an elephant is an antioxidant all address again but compounds in green leafy vegetables help improve blood flow athletes actually grind up spinach and turnip greens and drink it or take a

dehydrated form to help their performance a lot of athletes yeah zucchini's good too that's a great one ok let's look at what antioxidants are and i'm only going to pick three right here vitamin c beta carotene on the right and vitamin e if there was a fire that broke out here just somebody was playing

around with matches in the back one of those glucose kids that got in you'd probably run for a fire extinguisher right because if a fire happened and we let oh no big deal it could what it could burn that's good good we're on a good start it could spread and we don't want that damage to go

elsewhere just put it out well think of your your body every single cell is a busy kitchen got a lot of stuff so it's a busy commercial kitchen we have a pizza oven and if we were able with this data projector it says mitochondria that's the little pizza oven inside yourself that oxidizes breaks apart carbohydrates

and fats for energy we gotta shove them in that pizza oven and outcomes calories that were able to use the cytoplasm the real watery part of our cell is another cooking station and other reactions happen there as well as this cook station and stir-fry sort of quasi we like fat soluble things near we have a fat-soluble antioxidant called beta

carotene so if any fire broke out if it broke out in the pizza oven we wouldn't want to damage the rest of the cell so we need to have specific dietary antioxidants to help put out the fire so i mentioned three very traditional ones that you hear about right we hear about vitamin e you hear about vitamin c and beta-carotene so there's

our fire we don't want it to spread that antioxidant stationed in the cytoplasm water-soluble vitamin c there it is it's going to put out the molecular oxidative damage that could cause other problems in your cell and ultimately blood vessels in your brain and elsewhere this is just three there are hundreds in your diet if you eat green leafy

vegetables berries other items in your diet so don't just think of a vitamin c pill oh i'm covered, i take this vitamin c pills absolutely not you have hundreds that's why a bar a pill nutrition supplement is is so inadequate relative to what real food provides so i'm just going back just because i want you to see these green

leafy vegetables they're beautiful we can't even begin to count all the different compounds that are in these green leafy vegetables they're all green you might think that's boring but if i took the chlorophyll out you would see in a race of yellows and oranges and reds because the chlorophyll is what we see green

take that pigment out we see red and yellow and orange of the different 400 different carotenoids which beta-carotene is just one of them that color fruits and vegetables so there's lots to have just in that one so i wanted to spend some time on that now you need to have another serving of colored vegetables at least one per day

what's so great about these we have the word colored in colors what do you think why would you want to eat colored vegetables let's just stick with broccoli that goes that covers in both groups absolutely good answer so i see the purple onion the red pepper all those color compounds of which there are scads of them serve as

antioxidants think of where the tomato is growing we just finished tomato season here in in yolo area yeah they're just delicious that tomato is baking out in the sun do you think it has some some environmental issues its facing absolutely and so it has protectors in its skin and in its flesh we eat that tomato we get some of those same

compounds in us that's what it's all about that's why you want that variety nuts look at the collar you probably don't think not so boring they're not boring they have lots and especially when you get the skin on i'm not suggesting you eat a hazelnut shell that would be rather dangerous but the variety is

wonderful so there isn't one best nut don't don't think that you have to pursue walnuts or whatever the news is saying today okay sorry about that the nutrition world always likes to jump on things but they contain essential fats which we'll talk about some in a moment and phytonutrients that's another word that

we can put as an umbrella term for the antioxidants they may have anti-cancer action they may help blood vessels vessels in your brain and etc so lots of wonderful things there and this is the fruit that's recommended berries what do you see color-wise blue red purple deep rich anthocyanidins these i just put a berry in your mouth and

don't talk about what's in them other than they're great for you and we know that we call blueberry a superfruit right or a superfood all fruits and vegetables are great there's not one that ranks higher than another it's just enjoy them and remember fresh as good as frozen you're striving for a cup

ok so most most days you want to be getting it if this is the minimum twice a week so if you enjoy them put them on your oatmeal put them in your smoothie have as a snack yes dried blueberries have some of these compounds but some are lost in the drying process question yes pomegranates and grapes do they go more

in the category with wine in that there's a different set of flavonols that have that benefit but they still count and it's pomegranate time right you can put those seeds in your salad so this is just a wealth of different antioxidants beans what are we doing with beans people this needs to be consumed every other day not seasonally

you can eat them cold you can eat in room temperature you can eat them in soup you can put them in a burrito just not a lotta cheese sorry lentils very good at super good we have some some pictures of them up there so you make lentil soup good deal that's great um antioxidants in the colorful beans and we're looking a cup

serving so we have fiber now i'm not able timewise and probably gonna go over i there's a lot to be said that we're still learning lots to learn about how foods that we eat impact are bacterial profile the microbiome and what compounds those bacteria make how they affect other cells in the body and ultimately might affect brain health

don't have enough information to say that yet but you can't go wrong with getting real food in your diet that's good source of different types of of fiber whole grains now i this is a bad picture and i want to ask you why is it a bad picture of whole grains we have some white bread we have pasta that's that's plain but there are some good

items there so i want you to always look for and see if you can go to the store and buy something on that's in the whole grain form like brown rice or black rice which those two they're both great for you they have different color compounds their multigrain packages you can get what your goal is the less process the better and then you say oh gosh but it

takes an hour to cook up faro or some other whole grain cook it up once for the week and then use it have steel cut oats in the morning all different types of whole grains and so we're looking again at fiber vitamin e antioxidants i could be giving a discussion on heart disease and we really bring up these same items ok seafood this was a twice-a-week based

on research the mind diet ultimately said at least once a week or serving being three to four ounces there are some seafood that are higher in what we're looking for and that is omega-3 fats which i'm going to spend a little bit of time talking about i'm just going to guess you've heard about omega-3 fats probably more so in relationship to

heart health question not my best friend i think he makes people panic is this my thing i'd what i take into the question has to do with on contaminants and seafood is i stay away from not what i recommend people to stay away from certain fish swordfish the bigger the fish the more medium fish ate the

medium fish eat little fish and so there is a concentration of heavy metals in that giant fish so yellowfin tuna swordfish shark hopefully you're not eating shark ok so eating wild caught salmon there's some ethical issues some people don't want to consume something that isn't sustainable but generally smaller fish

are great and not to worry ok people go not serve bigger things okay vitamin b12 don't want us to forget about that their reasons why this is not a vegan diet has anybody noticed that we do include animal products in this so let's look at what omega threes on their very liquidy at room temperature where

do fish live in cold water ultimately very cold water so they need to have liquid fats so that their body is supple in the water if their bodies were made of saturated fat solid they would be stiff as a board in the water and that just wouldn't work even if their bodies were made of monounsaturated fats olive oil you ever put olive oil in the

refrigerator and what does it do it harden so they can have monounsaturated fat heart-healthy yeah but they need really liquidy fat so and so if you look at whale blubber seal blubber same thing it is a major component in the cell membrane and other portions of brain cells in fact specific will you could look specifically at higher levels of

certain omega threes in various portions of the brain we know that they make cellular mediators that help improve brain function and that they can help calm some of the inflammation that's going down going on especially as neurons age and cell death occurs fact there was just a study out today looking at omega-3 fed to a

animal model for alzheimer's and looking at cleanup of waste products that occur in an aging mouse model to mimic alzheimer's disease and the benefits of this fat in the diet now early humans used to get a lot of omega threes in their diet we have such change our food supply consuming less fish less wild animals some of the free-range items

that you pick that are raised humanely may have slightly more organic meats and milk may have slightly more of a different form of omega threes but still have them something to think about they are a lot more expensive but we know that seafood works i thought i'd show roasted turkey because we're close to the time on poultry this is twice a

week lean protein source it's a source of vitamin b12 so b12 again so that was in seafood that was in on poultry so those are our main protein sources using all of these and olive oil that's your fat to cook in why because it's got heart healthy and now we'll just say brain healthy fats in terms of

we know what causes less inflammation and see the greenish color we have some olive particles those plant compounds are in the olive oil helping out there red wine i know you're waiting for this on but i wanted to remind you of the serving size of that and if you don't enjoy alcoholic wine red wine that you could go with the red juices that are

not sweetened like very tart pomegranate juice cranberry juice or just non-sweet and grape red grape juice would work and again we have these color compounds resveratrol there are many others that are in these so let's look at what we have to limit that's the picture of large if you've ever gone to the store and buy that we could melt that down and

fry something it butter so we have to limit that to less than 1 tablespoon per day but think about all the places it is and other foods bio i never eat that stuff right i don't eat lard well look at the label you might be you might be consuming vegetable shortening and this includes trans fats which should be out of our

food supply in the next year or two or three on and so this also includes animal fats that we would get in beef so it is rather restrictive so this does mean shifting those types of solid fats promote inflammation irritation and they stress the blood vessels and the cells in the body for oxidative stress damaging them this is a toughy one

serving is one ounce oh yeah you don't give up your butter you can have more i like that thought i don't know i don't know if you could do that it's rich in saturated fat i i don't want to believe this meaning i don't think all the researches into really put this out but let's go buy it okay i think it is important to honor

the type of fat that's in it but i think it's also important to talk about how we're going to cope with this well harder cheese's are better and what you can do is make it look bigger than it is we could just deceive ourselves so you can use grated hard cheese twice a week a half an ounce or maybe you can get it down to a third of an ounce just

sprinkled on your pasta the cheese and there it is ok we might have to improvise there but that's the goal and it is because of the type of fat alright fried foods for a lot of people you don't eat this anymore but it is very common fast food is super common in terms of the general population so if you have an opportunity to positively

influence someone to get them to not consume as much our goal is to limit to less than one serving per week you know you go out for dinner you oh yes y'all have some of your fries but you wouldn't have ordered them but now you're eating them so it's it it creeps in it really does and that's again the type of fat that promotes oxidative

stress and inflammation inside blood vessels in your brain alright refined sugars and that can be in foods that are obvious we can have refined carbohydrates back in the cinnamon roll in the muffin and the pizza we want to lower that intake to less than five times per week but all i can do that oh

no it's hard it's hard if you write down what you eat nice actually have people do now students i see student-athletes all the time i have them take pictures of what they eat and email it to me it's fascinating because when they send me their log like wait a minute you said you drank milk it really was chocolate milk and yeah you didn't put this item

you know they just you forget or you know the picture doesn't lie hopefully there that's what they're consuming so that's something we we know these refined carbohydrates may lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes in excessive amounts so this is a big shift for a lot of people now this is i'm throwing this in because what about

this doesn't mean to me we haven't mentioned it i think it's important to bring up and right now the research is saying that well maybe a couple of cups may help brain health maybe not so i can't really say definitively the research keeps coming up that eating let slightly under an ounce of chocolate it depends on the

type of chocolate and it isn't just dark it has to be chocolate that's that the way they process the cocoa powder the that it isn't exposed to alkaline conditions to save those wonderful antioxidant flavonols that have beneficial effects so we're holding on that so i'm saying to myself i'm going to continue with those parts my diet

question well you look at the label on cocoa powder you can do that and certainly there are some companies that have been good at promoting that that's what they do they've modified their processing i will say i'm gonna mars has done that and has sponsored a lot of the research so that is a brand that you know milk or

dark chocolate can have a lot more flavonols than what you would find in another brand alright let's put this to work easy meal plan we don't have a lot of foods here doesn't mean other things can't be there we want to try to stick to that start simple just make make a change pick one of the things so let's take a

look at i just did this for one day here's our breakfast and i didn't put amount because it depends on your activity level you can have some other foods with this berries and steel cut oats i'm throwing in the kieffer low-fat kieffer low in saturated fat has live bacteria that's going to add some

protein 11 grams per cup that's my bias coming in not one of the food items but it's not anything in saturated fat ok can people eat that for breakfast did i hear a no okay okay all right how about lunch bean soup with with veggies if it's summertime you don't want soup we could put beans on ourselves so spinach salad which lots of people eat

olive oil on top pick a nut it could be hazelnuts but we got through walnuts on it can be anything iced green tea we know the green tea has a variety of different catechins are another group of antioxidants i'm just throwing in a little flair so it's not that boring grilled salmon there's our fish serving steamed

asparagus wild rice with always have a little bit more nuts because they do have a lot of great compounds and i did put an amount for wine because i wanted you to put a cap on it it's five ounces okay with your meal would be preferred for absorption of those compounds so i hope that seems doable and as i'm looking at the time up there i'm going

to go through supplements i want you to think about this is not like i have to follow a plant this is a lifestyle we're gonna make adjustments get there when we can one step at a time don't beat yourself up what would be a sidestep you would start with if you're not even close to eating this way add more vegetables and what kind of

vegetables green leafy vegetables go down that produce aisle uh-huh yeah absolutely yeah add these items and then of course flared up depends yeah you could do that so obviously you can use your creativity so if you say i eat like this and i'm 75 years old and i can't find my keys

all i can say is well gosh i'm glad you eat that way i don't mean that badly is we don't know what would have happened if you didn't eat this way so it's all i want to put forward is that you know it's never any age start with this any age didn't make your changes we want to improve our heart health vascular health and so on

let's just finish up with some supplements should you supplement with omega-3 that's something certainly to talk to her a health provider with but there are two major omega-3 dha and epa epa they actually have slightly different impact on brain cells are learning more about dhas more aggressive role in perhaps slowing decline of

loss of cognitive abilities epa having more of a role with mood disorders i and the question is for a lot of people are you going to eat routinely seafood and as sources or omega-3 enriched eggs are some of the few other ways that you can get it this was just out this month a year-long

study randomized with placebo control they either got 2,000 milligrams of dha two grams that's a lot that isn't something that's in most pills and it's just that some just that omega-3 usually its a mix thrown in with some other fats or they were given two grams 2,000 milligrams of an omega-6 fats corn oil predominantly omega-6 they measure

different i don't know why that disappeared but they measure different cognitive using an iq test different parameters there and they looked at the volume of the hippocampus and they found in a year's time this is a very compelling story got a lot of press that the dha supplementation significantly improved

cognitive function now before you all go rush out and get some it's very expensive i want you to discuss with your healthcare provider they're blood thinning facts of omega-3 fats and there's more to the story we've talked about a big array of foods of a lifestyle

please don't look at one pill as being the make-or-break for you i know you want to do things that will improve your help i know that we all do or for a loved one so we know that is important but this is just part of the picture vitamin d you'll notice some of these foods were part of the plan cheese out dairy products not given a lot of

prominence in the mind plan but we know that as a person ages vitamin d status is an issue for a variety of reasons its more common as we get older because we lose our ability to manufacture it from exposure to sunlight or liver kidney functions which are two organs involved in the conversion of simple cholesterol to active form of vitamin d3

we're just not as good on and what are we doing mostly as we age probably spending more time indoors probably protecting our skin with some blocking and clothes so we generally see this decline we know that with smaller calorie intake are basal metabolic rate how many calories we need to exist declines every literally every day but

it's two to three percent per decade so if you look at what you ate at 20 we all know we can't eat that way anymore so it's going to decline about 3% by the time you're 30 do the math 30 to 40 45 50 50 so we have to get by on fewer calories or else game on a lot of extra weight that we don't want so it's hard to cram everything in this low calorie

intake vitamin d deficiency is a big risk we know it is connected with cognitive decline it's common and elderly people with dementia what i would do is review that with your healthcare professional to see if it's appropriate people argue on what is the low-level latest is below 50 nanomoles per liter as being insufficient there

are a lot of physicians who look at being below 20 is insufficient so please review that with someone who maybe is more up-to-date alright vitamin b12 and folate folate was in the what the quiz yeah you need when you're pregnant but you need all the time the green leafy vegetables and b12 was in fish poultry

so what this is a diet that supplies b12 and folate if you're eating a vegan diet you have to go to a supplemental source for b 12 it's not found in plant products so that's why this mind diet is animal-based what's the story behind b12 and folate for brain health there's quite a bit we know that's important in a number of different ways

including a compound that forms as a result of protein metabolism called homocysteine it's not uncommon that people have a poor intake as we get older their problems with b12 status and its associated lack of intake as well as declining levels due to aging is associated with cognitive decline the supplement studies don't pan out that

well some of them show a positive effect some of them show negative your takeaway from this is not that were mixed up all the time but that instead there's maybe some synergy with what's in food and other foods that we don't understand yet that when you eat unprocessed green leafy vegetables and the wonderful seafood and you have some whole-grain

that there are things going on so that's why i believe in food question supplements that's my approach believe in food question supplement alright last thing memory supplements i know i couldn't get out the door with bringing these upright you want to hear about him i don't really have a lot of positive things to say about them others head

other than you really should review this with your healthcare provider there are many side effects chinese club moss interferes with an alzheimer's drug that's that's taken the latest i read about it i'm not an expert on these i don't want to be it's too crazy you start messing with things like this my feeling is you're taking it out of the

the food the we know simply vitamin e you start taking a lot of this you actually run into oxidative damage they've stopped clinical trials it's not helpful not helpful for heart health where we getting the vitamin e some fish but the nuts and the whole grains stick to food now is there anything wrong with the multivitamin not that fills in the

gaps because you have a lower calorie intake maybe but please don't rely on this as a fix ginkgo biloba side effect anybody know pretty serious blood thinning and you might be on the medications that are for that you don't mention it to somebody run into some problems very serious problems so hopefully you got yourself

around this mine diet and feel like i can do this i can do some of the stuff i can grow with this never too old to start you i'd say grab a young person and get them going on it and let them know about influence resistance and type 2 diabetes where our population is heading in a not-very-good direction we don't curve that so i will take

questions but ok the question is do nightshade family vegetables like eggplant and tomatoes cause inflammation if you ate a bushel of them i would be concerned if you sliced tomatoes and put them in your salad you enjoy some eggplant is part of a vegetable sautã© absolutely not ok

i'll repeat it ok are any nuts okay to eat and should you leave the skin on the shells should come off we establish that leave the skin on and any nuts are ok walnuts are higher in a type of omega-3 that's different and fish oil it's not converted to the same as readily to the same but it is still a beneficial

healthy fat essential fat to have in the ok ok i know this can of worms but can you comment on gmos and organic vs not the question is about gmos versus organic and non-organic gmo huge can of worms coming from a research institute where we do gmo research i believe they're safe i say stop fussing about that stop

putting our energy into that and try to get kids to eat healthfully and exercise teenagers to eat healthfully and exercise and organic and sustainable growth i believe in that if we can improve and me and all of us if we can afford and bring down the prices of these things and look two ways to grow them sustainably there are some slight

differences in nutritional value of organic vs conventionally grown it's not enough to say okay i won't need any vegetables unless i get organic absolutely not eat any kind you can get or fruit or grains question dairy i'm going to add to that question dairy and can you eat dairy is part of the mind i or what do i think about it it's

not a it's not a standout that the recommendation is to eat low-fat preferably nonfat dairy and my emphasis is getting cultured dairy products fermented dairy products that are very low in lactose by the way if if lactose the milk sugar bothers you it's not a focus in the mind diet it is part of the mediterranean diet and dash

diet not excessive amounts but having that is the source of calcium good quality protein bite then b12 makes sense but not going overboard if you're saying oh great i'll have ice cream that's my dairy we know that's not for full fat cheese the creek where you going to go have some ice cream glass of milk skim milk fat

free milk yes i i noticed that avocados were missing in your slides and can you just touch on how you feel avocados to be used new diet ok avocados how many like avocados love them they're great and they belong it's just they were emphasizing olives at the monounsaturated fat one avocado

320 calories most of them coming from fat most of it monounsaturated perfectly great the green actually is wonderful stuff it's also some other antioxidants now we have to think about though that's 320 calories you would use it to top your salad maybe i to put it over a fish you know that you've grilled something like that it's not sitting down to as

many as you want kind of obvious things but guacamole i'll stop there that's good stuff oh wait we got something over so if an individual's already been diagnosed with dementia is this diet helpful with reducing or reversing diagnosis ok the question is is eating the mind diet helpful for people who haven't been

diagnosed with dementia absolutely it's a diet that promotes vascular health lowers read the issues with insulin sensitivity resistance and type 2 diabetes and we know that those things proceed dementia so what one of the studies was showing is even fifty eight year olds who when you going to get into your sixties and some of those

people were followed for 10 years that they started showing signs in that age group people show signs of cognitive decline they were fine in their fifties or didn't notice any differences so i would encourage people to include those foods in their diet all people that are able to eat them

ok there she's going with the mic so i'm not in charge my questions are the raw fish like sashimi the omega-3 is rich in salmon you look you anything have any comment regarding the rockfish i the omega-3 is which one is the easy to absorb for the body ok the question is if you eat raw fish do you absorb the omega threes from the

raw fish as well as you would from cook fish and the answer is yes they're both both the same the concern with raw fish is that they're potentially can be food safety issues and for some people with compromised immune systems or who are pregnant should avoid processed food so that's really the caution tape a great question she's a microphone

i'm it does brown rice pasta does it raise your glue close the same as like a regular pasta you know how they can last out of it does ok what i'm just acknowledging your whole afternoon while looking out ok so what what she's asking is when you eat food how quickly do those students run out in

the hallway how quickly does your blood sugar rise that's called glycemic index and more correctly glycemic load it's a way to measure how much carbohydrate is in the food and you might think that anything that's whole wheat has a low glycemic index not true wheat bread is the same as white bread

why because the particles them finely milled grain is as easily digested as white bread and it gets out into your bloodstream so what we try to do is it would be best to eat the brown rice in that whole form it is finely milled i don't know the particular glycemic index for rice pasta versus chickpea pasta versus on plain pasta

however as soon as you start putting fiber in more fiber in the meal you cooked some of your brown rice pasta and then you put some steam collard greens with it and some nuts on top and then you have a piece of grilled fish lowers the glycemic index if you sat down and just ate that carbohydrate in isolation that's all you had then you've got to be

concerned about it but not in a mixed meal sorry if less glucose is good for brain health what about cutting out carbs almost completely like a ketogenic diet ok the question is about and maybe some of you have heard about it is the ketogenic diet it's cut out carbs get

him below 50 to 75 grams per day you're probably saying what does that mean we normally taken around 300 grams if you've ever gone on a high protein low carb diet and you've gotten angry is like you can't even imagine you're just miserable to be around because you just feel like i just need i need some sweets i need some something it takes about two

or three weeks to adapt to it it is a very interesting program to follow it is very difficult for many people it's not reasonable for kids and people some athletes can follow it it may be very beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes there are some pros with it but it is challenging for a lot of people what i would recommend is based on and

this is getting a little bit more specific is based on some of your medical history and genetic profile it might be an ideal diet for you for other people it may not be may be unnecessary and they could just eat healthfully and still include some carbohydrate this is not an overly high carbohydrate meal plan

i don't know what about the fungus family i mean a lot of mushrooms have a lot of really good nutrients including some that are really good for the brain like maybe lion's mane i'm what about those ok the question had to do with eating items from the fungus family and there's some evidence about lion's mane mushrooms in general have

some interest interesting classical nutrients like potassium depending on how they grow the mushrooms it can be one of those sources of vitamin d that people didn't realize that they can get because fungi can can make a precursor to active form of vitamin d the research with lions mane has been back and forth i wouldn't put your emphasis on ok i eat

that adding it to your diet and enjoying it as part of your meal that's fine but focusing on a supplement extract i would question whether that i don't know the side effects of that particular supplement that's always my concern is when you take things out of the context of the food item that it's in have you lost some of this energy

that may have been there and that you're overloading your system with that particularly bio active compound i i have two questions one question is if you take like b12 can you end up taking too much and causing you know issues with your body if you're taking it as a supplement and my second question is if you if i was told that if i have thyroid

i have thyroid disease that i shouldn't eat a lot of spinach and broccoli and all of that what you'd eat instead or are they talking about tons of it ok i the question first one is about vitamin b12 are there risks with taking too much it's a water-soluble vitamin it's unusual though you can store it in your liver we

all generally if we include meat and other animal products in our diet we have about a two-year supply on vegetarian strict vegans don't have much they have to get a supplemental form and unless you're taking a crazy amount my answer is no it's it's minimal risk though if there's a medication that might interfere with a high intake of

b12 you always have to check with that and that gets down to going to a skilled healthcare professional pharmacist somebody's knowledgeable in drug nutrient interaction as far as the thyroid thank you fucked i far as the green leafy vegetables you would just have to look at it's generally large amounts and this is one

proved serving per day so it's not at every meal so you would probably have to titrate that hi hi i'm one thing i didn't hear about and spices and herbs like cinnamon maybe in your oatmeal and maybe i'm rosemary and with your poultry could you just talk a little bit about that place absolutely the questions about herbs

cinnamon for example maybe help for helpful in moderating blood sugar rise in within that meal you actually have to take a lot of cinnamon for it to do that and you probably wouldn't like your oatmeal anymore so that's why people get capsules my feeling again on this is let's look at other things you can do to

to improve your glucose balance in your body and insulin action exercise types of foods that you're eating how much stress for you under how you to sleep those factors are very important as well saying that you take cinnamon okay that's that's like a drop in a bigger bucket of many other things so i'm rows of fresh herbs oh and dried

herbs they contain antioxidants and they're great to have in the mix and that might help you enjoy beans more if you made up a great dish that had some fresh herbs in it that you otherwise wouldn't be so thrilled to eat i've heard that there's a growing body of evidence that brain dehydration is a contributing factor to alzheimer's and

dementia could you address that please well i'm not being a medical professional in that world i do know though that the loss of a water content of the brain cannot be corrected by better hydration certainly l older people as they go through their later years may not sense thirst as well and be as on top of hydration that is

another that's a concern but the shrinking of the brain even though the moisture or water content of the brain is decreased it cannot be corrected by better hydration it isn't a matter of the hugest drink 10 glasses instead of four you'd be your brain would be pretty you know the volume you had when you were 27 not that way

ok as a person who does not like vegetables you can you recommend possibly a cookbook or something because i'm go to farmers market and i just like what the heck and i have not a clue on how to prepare these things so can you possibly recommend a cookbook something because i do not go to farmers markets i don't go to produce style so

okay will you eat act that's a really very common thing that people either hate vegetables or they hate fruit how can you help me will you i always start with if i gave you a carrot would you eat it ok but we start with you at least we'll take a bite of it and you'll eat the carrot ok could you slice up that carrot

and put it in a bowl of mixed greens have we cross the line okay well so you put so you put nuts on it you take some olive oil dressing this is where you experimenting there are wonderful cook books out there but i have a feeling that given any complexity you probably do you like to cook no okay so how about ok how about we go

to trader joe's you me we go to trader joe's and we pick out one of the salads and we talk about why that salad is a great pic and this one that has all these fried noodles in it it's not a good pic and then there you go that's already made for you and then you go to the other i'll words butternut squash already in a bag and then you look

online butternut squash recipes you okay i can i can see this in the microwave and add some seasoning to it that you go and get and you make up mashed butternut squash or roasted butternut squash with now brussels sprouts we just advanced a little bit online information by going to on there are several different sites that have really simple easy recipes for

vegetables okay in fact if you just say easy recipe with and you put in the vegetable so i challenge you to buy one vegetable in the produce aisle go on quick look it up see what you might need an onion to go with it and just five ingredients or less there there are a lot of recipes out there that are doable and that tastes

ok can i don't know where the microphone is ok can plant food assistance the restoration of the loss of dopamine can run that by again can plan to assist in the loss of dopamine ok you go on set of parkinson's ok the question has to do with dietary modification and the levels of dopamine neurotransmitter that

integral in that disease and can it offset it i've seen mixed results so i can't i can't make a recommendation and even though my mother had parkinson's and that was something we worked on that didn't seem to be consistent impact yeah i heard you say that that our son also to either a steam or raw vegetables

yeah and i thought i heard you turning down frying them what if you sautã© them quote unquote low heat with fake no loyal which is high in omega threes or something like that all right that is absolutely fine the question is sautã©ing in a small amount of canola or olive oil which are both mohit is that low heat that's finding

what i it's the charring the real high heat that isn't desirable and someone had asked about something like kale chips you know let's make kale taste yeah not all that i have yet i'm not against kale chips it's just i seriously you guys should sit my office and listen people do eat green leafy vegetables oh yeah i i have a bag of kale chips look

and that is their green leafy vegetable intake so we gotta work on that yeah so it's a nice snack but it's not a staple uh-huh it can you comment on apple cider vinegar apple cider cider vinegar goes in and out of the media news as being a helpful way to lose weight to adjust the ph in your body and i hate to break it

to you it's really good and salad dressing but it doesn't have those effects on the body but if you enjoy making it and enjoy the taste great ok ok uh-huh i'm just curious if you could talk a little bit about eggs eggs and egg coconut oil ok let's start

coconut oil coconut oil is the most saturated fat out there it has more saturated fat in its composition the butterfat does it has no essentiality to it meaning there are no essential fats and coconut oil as an extract from a plant meaning it has some plant particles are small amounts of antioxidants but as it's sad to choose

to cook with not a good idea not a good idea and a lot of people have switched off olive oil onto coconut oil is a misnomer it's a paste it's a solid fat so i would unless you really like the taste and you want to make some cake frosting out of it which is your you know i just wouldn't eggs are in our great foods they're not identified in

the mine plan they are part of the mediterranean diet we've gotten away from just one a day because of the cholesterol because dietary cholesterol is for most people is not an impact on their blood cholesterol it's a wonderful on food it's one of our few sources the yoke of choline which is

important for brain health so i wouldn't say included but like anything else you don't want to go overboard on it it's an excellent source of b12 and many other vitamins what about all those other fruits out there especially living in this valley do they fall into the sugar and sweets category or where we did that's a good

question do these do other fruits and i get this a lot oh i better not have an apple it's got sugar in it what we're concerned about is added sugar added sugar that would go in an obvious thing like a candy bar but added sugar that would go and catch up that would go in your yogurt several

teaspoons in your flavored yogurt that's what we're looking at not the naturally occurring sugar and fruit so where do other fruits fit in the mine plan they're there but they're not identified you can eat them but they're not identified as having a specific effect on delaying cognitive decline i ultimately in the long run think that

certain other fruits will be brought into the mix as far as being identified as having potentially beneficial antioxidants fruit very good food i do see people though to the exclusion of vegetables have many pieces of fruit and if ultimately that should switch because there are other nutrients and vegetables that you're not

getting in fruits absolutely yes yes yeah and then you could put some berries in it too if you haven't had many berries that week so about the heck you said not overboard on a hot like how many per day would be a normal or reason how many eggs yesterday one egg has about six to seven grams of protein 2 eggs and 12 or so and you're

looking at between 15 and 20 grams of protein per meal for most people in their adult years so having two eggs at a meal and that'd be it for the day to get other types of protein sources and variety in your diet that's really important i would not and i have athletes to come in and they literally eat a dozen eggs and is that a problem

it really isn't because that's an inexpensive high-quality protein source for them but i'm not pointing a finger at you if you came in and had a dozen eggs for breakfast i would say what else you eating let's switch out some of those eggs that would be more of a concern i have a question because my cognition is declining

okay um can you go over what you said about juicing lowering nutrient content ok you that question is if you juice you have a juicer so you're going to juice an orange perfect example and you make create some orange juice and you grab some of the pulp and put it in there you've left behind a lot of flavonoids and a lot of really great compounds that

if you had peeled the orange and ate it you would have gotten and if you think about it if you ate one orange a whole orange at 60 calories if you drink the juice from one orange it doesn't seem like a lot you'll end up drinking more you'll want the juice from two oranges to be satisfying we register vol.4 fullness rather than so to orange

oranges made into juice doesn't fill you up as much as one orange and if i handed you another orange whole orange to eat go really eat another one you'd be stuffed or maybe three it just we have a more difficult time if we eat we feel fuller with whole fruits rather than juice so that's another benefit because remember we need

fewer calories as we get older ok how about alcohol aside from direct line is that good or bad or indifferent that's a very good question because i haven't met a margarita that i don't like so on the concern is is that alcohol in moderation of any alcoholic beverage for some people is ok for other people it's not it may lead to on people

who are prone and may lead to certain cancers but you go bug moderation so what's moderation to alcoholic beverages or fewer per day for men one or fewer for women and never going over that number per day so it's not for on one night three on another it's so i know i'm making a lot of you people during its not exceeding that when you

exceed that amount we do see increased risk of cardiovascular disease cognitive it's damaging and higher amounts and not much above what you thought was good see that got another glass of red wine big deal well it ends up being a big deal especially and we don't know your genetics if you're genetically prone my

family doesn't eat much of like an animal protein mostly egg and tofu you haven't mentioned a tonight and in the supermarket they usually have like a different like a soft medium firm and and the difference in the nutrition contents ok couple questions there so if they're not eating so they only eat seafood your

parents don't eat seafood well ask them if they can switch support to salmon that would be one step that would be okay no all right well then ask them to get omega-3 enriched eggs what they do is they feed the hands of egg-laying hens a special feed that they then put the omega threes in there yo it doesn't taste like fish it just gives

a couple hundred milligrams of omega-3 xin yolk and that's great so do that can we do that okay now move on to the next one was about tofu it's in the beans it's a lego ok so you would just so firm soft extra-firm whatever no nutritional difference except extra firm is higher in protein per ounce than the soft oh

it's our last one that was a hint feel like i'm in my oral exams here and read go ahead had a question about bone broth it's reload them into the oh yeah and i've really assimilated into my diet great i wanted to get your feelings okay bone broth which is a broth made with bones in it typically chicken or turkey you can make your own you can buy it it

actually has a pretty decent source of protein of high-quality protein in it touch a calcium if you are so inclined you could put it in when you make soups you can use it as a beverage heated up on and that's fine that's great yeah

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