easy to follow diet no fish

easy to follow diet no fish

- hey guys! today i'm gonna share with you one of my favorite dinner ideas if you're on a budget,or just learning to cook. it's my simple shrimp stir fry that's quick, easy, delicious, and cheap! so this recipe is goingout to briana garza! briana, i hope i'm pronouncingyour name correctly, forgive me if i'm not,but you left me a comment on the trail mix video,telling me about how you

just moved out of your parent's apartment, you're on your own for the first time, and you need some healthydinner ideas for one! this is the perfect recipe for that. so the first step is to heat a little olive oil in a skillet. to that you're gonnaadd some sliced onions, and some salt and pepper. just cook those down untilthey're fragrant and translucent.

then you're gonna add your shrimp. now when it comes toshrimp and saving money, i am all for the frozen shrimp. at my grocery store,i can get a big bag of about a pound of shrimpfor just five dollars. so it's really the way togo, and if you want to save even more money, get the shrimp that still has the shells on. even though it's a littlework to deshell them,

you'll save even probablytwo or three more dollars. the only thing with frozenshrimp is you need to make sure it's fully defrostedbefore you work with it. otherwise, if you putfrozen shrimp in a hot pan, it's gonna start to emitall of it's water, and then you're gonna end up with asort of watery, soupy mess. (laughs) so you definitelywanna pop it in the fridge the night before youwanna make this dinner, and then your frozen shrimp will be

beautifully defrosted and ready to go. you also want to pat itdown with some paper towels, just relieving all of that moisture. you wanna get themoisture out of the shrimp so that you can put allthe flavor back into it. if it has too much moisture,it's gonna dilute your sauce. then we're gonna add our broccoli. now for those of you whoare just learning to cook, cutting a head of broccoli canbe a bit of an undertaking.

so to make it easy onyourself, just go buy the broccoli florettes thatare already in the package. even though they're abouta dollar or so more, the money that you'vesaved on the frozen shrimp you can spend a little bit extra on the broccoli already cut up. it also saves a ton of time. so add the broccoli, juston top of the shrimp, and then cover it. youwanna steam the broccoli

for just about three to five minutes. what you're looking foris the broccoli will turn bright green, and will become fork tender. at this stage, you wanna add your sauce. so the sauce is really simple. it's bascially just some soy sauce, some sesame oil, a garlic clove, and some red pepper flakes. give that a good whisk, andthen pour it all over the

stir fry, and cook for about a minute. (upbeat music) and that's it! your stir fry is done! how easy was that? so i hopeyou give this one a try, and let me know what you think. and briana, congratulationson the new apartment! i hope this dinner idea is something that ends up in your weekly rotation. i'll see you guys back here next week,

when i'm gonna show you howto make a grilled chicken caesar salad fromscratch, croutons and all. i'll see you then!

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