fast working ana diets

fast working ana diets

what should the role of thefederal government be arguing the sort of food thatyou are encouraged to eat? if you ask chris christie, hebelieved not very strongly at all. let's watch. what are you going to doabout the lunches because ã± okay, they are fine when mrs.bush was the first lady, but now that mrs. obama is thefirst lady, they have gone down. i used to eat all the lunches,like square pizza, and not

gluten-free stuff. this is the second time thishas been brought up to me in two days. it's true. the first lady has no businessbeing involved in this. really. if she wants to get heropinions, that is fine. she could have her opinions,that's fine, she is like any other american. but using the government tomandate her point of view on what people should be eatingevery day is none of her

business. this intervention into ourschool system is just another example of how theobama's believe that they have a better answer foreverything then you do. that government should pickthe winners and losers. i don't care what you areeating for lunch every day, i really don't. i want you to eat whatever yourmom or dad wants you to eat. they should make thatdecision for you.

then they will send you toschool sometimes with a healthy lunch. then you will throw it out. then you will go to school andbuy something you really want to eat. i understand the way it works. i want to give credit tochris christie for being able to gather all of his supportersin iowa in that little room. they seem to enjoy his one joke.they seem to be bored.

you are not swayed bythat argument? no. i don't think an 11-year-oldusually knows much about nutritional value andwhat is best for him. this whole ã± christie's line about howmichelle obama should not tell people what to eat because it'snever business is inaccurate. if your business, it is hisbusiness, it's our business. that's not to say we should bepolicing what people eat.

we should be making more of aneffort to educate people about health, and give peopleinformation when they go out to eat so they can makehealthier choices. the only thing michelle obamawants to do is make affordable, healthy food and exercise moreaccessible to young people. and also to educate everyoneelse about what the ramifications are of doing whatwe have been doing for the last three decades. this is not to fat shame, orlook down on anyone who is

overweight or obese. we have a huge issue in thiscountry and obesity is contributing to it. michelle obama and otherpoliticians want to combat this issue. they are doing it because theywant to save money on healthcare costs. they care about the health ofthis country and right now we are having a hard timefinding firefighters and

members of our military who arenot too overweight to join. we have a fundamental issue inthis country, something that chris christie should havea firm understanding of. unfortunately they keep goingback to the thing about how the government wantsto police you. no, they just want to makehealthy food and exercise and information moreaccessible to you. if you are against that, then itis fitting for you to be a republican.

exactly. i try to find evidence thatthey were enforcing the gluten-free pizza in iowa.i was not able to find it. i think people need a calmdown with the gluten-free. i did find it interesting thatthis 11-year-old laid out that he doesn't like the food now buthe did enjoy it under mrs. bush. it's interesting because mrs.bush was around eight years ago when this kid was three. i don't think he was eating alot of school lunches.

it leads me to believe that hemight have been fed his questions to ask chris christie. i like political activismespecially amongst the youth, but this is not thecorrect venue for it. to this 11-year-old's parents, you are concerned aboutthe government knowing too much, but what you need tounderstand is you are voting for a political party that is infavor of large government. they love big government inevery other regard,

including getting between youand your doctor when it comes to reproductive rights. telling you who youcan or can't marry. telling you which he bathroomyou can or can't use, they love big government,they love it. if you are worried about biggovernment, michelle obama trying to ensure that we havehealthier food is not an example of that. please look deeper.

to be fair, we often asked himto be internally consistent with their positions. they don't want peopleregulating the sort of food you put in your body. that is why they are fine withyou smoking pot if you want to. that is why it is fuckingridiculous, man. i love that youbring up that point. it is so important especiallywhen you are doing a story about chris christie who wasso adamantly against

legalizing marijuana. here is a guy who doesn't wantkids to have access to healthy foods. he believes ã± i would almost understand himsaying we can't be picking winners and losers asthe government. it's the role of the parentseducate people about food. i wish that was allthat we needed. that is a ridiculous fantasy.

it is not the parent ingovernment, it's the parents, governments andtrillions of dollars of advertising that cause them ã±they are designed to manipulate the minds of children to causethem to make bad food decisions. it is not even just saturdaymorning commercials. there is no end to the numberof schools that have deals with coca-cola and pepsi andother big corporations. that is the reason we havevending machines in the schools stacked withunhealthy foods.

we want the government to comein in the smallest way possible and fightback against that. michelle obama, bless her heart,most of what she is doing is asking kids who occasionallyget up to dig. we need to fundamentally chooseã± change how kid see food. the dancing is great. the idea that she is ã±that is fascism because she was kids to move a little bit,that is absolutely false. i just want to make onemore point about this.

i have noticed a huge change inclassrooms from when i was in elementary school to today. i remember when i was inelementary school seeing an overweight kid, and it was rare. they would be maybe one or twokids that were overweight. now seeing a kid that is ingood shape, speaking from someone in los angeles that is avery vain and image-conscious city, now it is rare to see akid who is at a healthy weight. i am not blaming these kidsor their families, food

industries in americahave run amok. they are deregulated and get todo things like add sugar to things that don't need sugar. they are encouraged to dothat by food subsidies. also sugar is a highlyaddictive substance. they have incentive to put sugarin things that don't need it because you becomeaddicted to it. i think white bread andketchup need to have sugar for some reason. it's likecoca-cola having caffeine.

why the fuck do they put it inthere? it's to make it addictive.

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