fast metabolism diet working out

fast metabolism diet working out

- losing weight and keepingit off can be a struggle, especially if you havean underactive thyroid. your metabolism has slowed down and you're almost always feeling tired. in this video i'm lookingat four steps required to successfully loseweight with hypothyroidism. (bells ringing) optimise your thyroid medication. if your medication is not helping

to correct thyroid hormone levels as well as relieve symptoms,then weight loss goes from difficult to near impossible. work with your healthcare provider to determine what type of medication is better for you. and also to find theoptimal dose required. while levothyroxine is onaverage more effective, desiccated thyroid is a useful alternative that is reportedly much better tolerated.

there is no difference between taking thyroid hormone meds in themorning versus the evening. choose whatever is easier for you to have on a fasting stomach. cut back on added sugarsand refined starches. i need to begin with this clarification. carbohydrates on their own arenot inherently bad for you. they do not make you fator sick on their own. that said, carbs in theform of added sugars

and unrefined starches areunhealthy and unnecessary. they offer virtuallyzero nutritional benefit and are the main contributor to the excess calories that we consume. therefore, cutting back onadded sugar is the most simple and direct way to cut outexcess empty calories. this is done by limitingintake of junk foods, flavored drinks includingjuice, alcohol, white bread, most cereals and mueslibars, and a good portion

of packaged food in yoursupermarket's "health food" aisle. that includes gluten-free junkfood, it's still junk food. now it's unrealistic andunfair to expect yourself to avoid added sugar every single moment of every single day of the year but you do need to slowlybegin taking actionable steps that help you to cut back andform healthier eating habits. start by not having junk foods at home or keep them in a cupboardthat you never use yourself.

base meals around vegetables and protein. if you want to loseweight with hypothyroidism veggies and a protein sourceshould be the foundation of every meal you make and they should be plated first when you serve meals. the main benefit ofprotein is that it's much more satiating than both fat and carbs. that means it has a uniqueability to reduce appetite and therefore your overallcaloric intake too.

studies show high proteindiets may also reduce obsessive thoughtsabout food by 60 percent and cut desire forlate night snacks by half. good types of protein include meats, seafood, eggs, nuts, legumes, and dairy. protein is also the mainmuscle building nutrient so a high protein dietcompliments regular exercise. it goes without saying that increasing your vegetable consumption is beneficial.

nutrient-dense meals areeven more important for those with hypothyroidism andother autoimmune diseases, where nutrient absorption anddeficiency are more common. emphasis goes to green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, and cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. as a general guide, theprotein portion of your meal should be about the size of your palm and the salad or vegetable part

should be about the size of your hand. now this would leave abouta quarter of your plate for a starchy vegetable likepotatoes if you so choose. increase your intake of selenium and zinc. selenium and zinc aretwo critical nutrients directly involved in thyroidfunction and metabolism. selenium is an essential mineral that helps the body to recycle iodine. that's the reason thethyroid has the highest

selenium content per gramof tissue of all our organs. therefore it's thoughthat low selenium levels contribute to hypothyroidism through alternate mechanisms related to iodine. for this reason, it'sfundamental to eat a diet that contains a lot ofselenium rich foods. so things like brazil nuts,tuna and sardines, beef and chicken, eggs, and legumes. zinc is an essential mineralrequired to regulate tsh,

which is a hormone fromthe brain that controls how much thyroid hormoneyour thyroid produces. in fact, the metabolism ofzinc and thyroid hormones are closely interlinked,which is why a deficiency can lead to alopecia, or hair loss. while zinc deficiency is very uncommon in the developed worldit's still a good idea to eat a diet that's richin zinc containing foods. so that's things likeoysters and shellfish, beef

and chicken, legumes,nuts, and seeds, and dairy. okay, so i hope you foundthose four tips useful. to be honest i have only justscratched the surface here. there are several more stepsthat follow on from these ones. if you are interested in learning more you can click the link in the description or on the youtube card, which goes through to a page where i'vewritten in much more detail about hypothyroidism and weight loss.

thanks for watching, ifyou enjoyed this video i'd appreciate a thumbs upand you can leave a comment and be sure to click thered button below the video to subscribe to the dietvs disease youtube channel so you don't miss othergreat videos like this one. (rock music)

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