hi! we're in my kitchen! get comfortable. we're in my kitchenbecause this is where i make food, one of my favourite things in life. but in the past, i've had sort ofa complicated relationship with food.
weight loss fad diets list, when i was 17,i went on a diet, it said no cheese, no bread,no ice cream! basically all my favourite unhealthy thingswere off limits. i did it because i wanted to loose weightin time for summer
though i worked out a lotand my body does great working out. it was reallymy relationship with food and everything going onup here that was not good. i weighed myself every day, obsessed over love handlesand thigh gaps, and arm flaps... i remember this one timewhen i went to my friends' house and they wanted to order pizza and i was like:"yes!... nooo!!"
and i ate itand i felt terrible the next couple of days. dieting in the us isa big part of how we learn to develop a relationshipwith food and with weight. if you're talking about makinghealthier choices in your life replacing butterwith olive oil or avocado, grilling instead of frying, i'm not gonna call that a diet. this is a lifestyle change.
when i say dieting, i'm referring toa temporary restriction in what you eat,it can be very minimal restriction or it can be very extreme, driven by a toxic mentality. the mentality i had where,if i loose weight, i could finallylove and accept myself and wear a bikini. but it's a lie! loving yourselfas long as you look a certain way
isn't self-love,it's self-destruction. dieting for me was really a solution to the problem offeeling terrible about myself. and i didn't know thatthere were any alternatives to deal with it. but there are! for instance,if you're dieting to be skinnier, maybe just... stop. these types of restrictions on foodcan lower your metabolism, they make you feel weak
because you're not gettingall the nutrients that you need, make you more susceptibleto getting sick... 95% of diets just straight don't work,people gain all the weight back. the perfect body thatso many people are chasing after is like 20% belowthe ideal healthy weight. we're driven, we're driving. and the gas in our tank isfeeling that we are not good enough. 1 in 3 female studentsin this big survey in the uk said that they would be willingto shave months or years off of their life
to have the perfect body. willing to die earlier... like: "houston...we have a problem." but the problem isn't you. it's 1, the media,which is a huge source of our learning about what's valuable,what's beautiful... 2, sexism:women are socialized to constantly monitortheir own bodies and to make sure thatthey don't take up too much space.
3, our social environment, our friends' and our parents'diet and body image issues seep into our brain. and 4, the ginormous scamthat is the diet industry. they actively work to make surethat, in people's minds, weight loss is pairedwith things like: "and now i can keep upwith my kids, my job, the house..." "more feminine, more sexy,more energetic, and happier!" becoming more beautiful,becoming more desirable,
a better girlfriend,a better person... the diet industrycollectively helps to create a false need and insecurity and then offers you a false cure and makes 60 billion dollars a yeardoing it. but here's the big fucking secret that jeopardizestheir entire existence: you are good enough. you...
are... good enough. the people's goodness,their value does not come downto their weight. you are a whole-asshuman being that is so much morethan just a number. and that this drive, this cultural obessionwith loosing weight even though we sayit's for health, is indicative ofa much broader sickness.
and what do you dowhen you're sick? you take some medicine. i'm talking about giving yourselfthe love that you deserve, i'm talking aboutnot shit-talking to yourself and comparing yourselfto other people. i'm talking about choicesthat are actually healthy. not letting the world stopwith some pizza. or bikinis. i'm talking about the endof meticulous self-monitoring,
defining ourselves by our weight. i'm talking about the end of dieting. i'll see you guys next time. special thanks for transcript :despairia
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