easy to follow keto diet

easy to follow keto diet

- good day, now, express is just arrivingin our show, i am not talking about a train but a special diet program express diet andkatarina peroutkova is here to present this interesting diet for us. - good day, expressdiet is a special ketogenic diet program which burns stored body fat without the loss ofmuscle tissues. it was developed in the usa where it reached huge success thanks to itssafeness and fantastic results. as you have mentioned, it is express to smaller sizes.- how this diet works? - the diet is designed to provide the body with high-quality naturalproteins together with reduced intake of carbohydrates, fats and energy under 850 kcal a day. usually,the primary energy source for the body are carbohydrates, if we decrease carbohydrateintake our metabolism changes and our body

uses stored body fat as its main energy source.this metabolic change is called ketosis - so thanks to ketosis we burn our own fat stores.- how we can reach the state of ketosis? - you do not have to be a nutrition specialist orconsult your meals with a doctor, you just eat 4 instant protein express diet meals youcan see here every day, and these meals provide the body with all the needed vitamins, minerals,trace elements and fibre. also, at the same time, express diet meals keep you in the stateof ketosis, that means you burn calories really fast and what is important, without feelingof hunger! - are 4 meals a day enough? -- for the first 2 days, you might feel hungry becausethe body uses up all the carbohydrates reserves within these 2 days and subsequently producesso called ketones thanks to fast fat-burning

-- ketosis. these substances - ketones supressthe feeling of hunger in the brain, and activate feeling of energy and pleasure. you feel great,and do not feel hunger at all! - that is perfect! to sum up all the information, it is a 5-dayketogenic diet and we can see the results after 3-5 days already; can we use this dietprogram longer than 5 days? - you can follow express diet program longer than 5 days, itdepends on your desired weight, how much weight you would like to lose. what is importantis that, you need to follow the express diet program continually to not discontinue thestate of ketosis. - what exactly the express diet is and how much does it cost? - you cansee the express diet package here, it is package for 1 person and it contains 20 express dietmeals such as tomato soup, asparagus soup,

mushroom soup, cheese soup, strawberry smoothie,chocolate-raspberry smoothie, or apple-cinnamon and strawberry-vanilla porridge. express dietpackage is for 5 days and the price is 59 รข‚¬. it is approximately the price you spendon your groceries and, moreover, you do not have to cook so you save your time which canbe used for other activities. - perfect, it does not cost as much as other similar products,but what about the so called yoyo-effect which is not unusual after we finish dieting. - youdo not have to worry about the yoyo-effect, as i have mentioned before, you do not sufferfrom hunger when dieting with express diet so the body does not tend to store fat. youjust need to follow a gradual transition to your normal diet after you finish the dietprogram express diet. - and for the conclusion,

tell us where we can find more informationand how we can buy the diet. for more information go to www.expressdiet.eu and click on thee-shop button to buy it. thank you for the information provided and good bye.

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